The Kent Street Cat

February 28, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

kentstcatThis cat (which graces the north-facing wall of The Garden) has been around as long as I can remember. I have noticed all other graffiti that has found its way to this edifice has been removed— but not this kitty. I have long intended to get the story behind this fetching feline. Last night I finally did.

Faced with the prospect of having to eat a jarring combination of (questionably edible) foodstuffs for dinner the Mister and I patronized The Garden. As luck would have it, I recognized one of the owners of this establishment. He was engaged in a conversation with another gentleman but having at long last the opportunity to shed light on this mystery I politely interrupted.

Miss Heather: Pardon me for butting in but aren’t you the owner of this establishment?

Owner: Yes, I am one of them.

Miss Heather: I have a very strange question for you. I took it up with Magda (an employee of The Garden, wonderful woman) as I know she has been working here for some time but she didn’t know…

Owner: (getting curious)

Miss Heather: What’s the deal with the cat on your building? The black cat.

After some thought (and some more Q & A) I got an answer. Here it is, albeit in highly simplified form:

  1. Approximately 8-9 years ago someone spray-painted this piece of graffiti onto The Garden.
  2. The owner liked it so much he didn’t see fit to remove it.
  3. However, the owner of the building didn’t agree, so…
  4. five years ago he asked someone to cover it up with primer.
  5. When the person with the primer showed up this gentleman (who the owner of The Garden described as being a “cat person”) had changed his mind. He had grown attached to it.

And so it has remained on Kent Street ever since. I have no idea what the person responsible for this was thinking when he (or she) created this cat. Was his intent vandalism or art? I don’t know and quite frankly I am comfortable with not knowing. It has since become a beloved member of the community and I suspect I speak for many when I say I hope he (or she) stays with us for a very, very long time!

Miss Heather

Looking For Mr. Right This Valentine’s Day?

February 9, 2009 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint Magic 


If so, there’s a tall, dark and handsome gent named Kip (Kubush) who would like to make your acquaintance. Per the above flier (from The Garden):

Kip is a 5 year old cat, currently single, looking for a good home with either a nice boy or girl (or both, he doesn’t discriminate). He’s very sweet and loving (who said good men are hard to find?!?), loves to be the center of attention (ok, he’s a boy after all…) and needs to be the only cat in the house (he doesn’t like competition). His owner is very sick and needs to find him a new home as soon as possible. Kip is fixed and healthy and anxiously awaiting your call!

This is one of the cutest animal adoption fliers I have ever seen. Clearly the people in Kip’s life love him very much and want to find him a great new “forever home”. How about yours?

Miss Heather

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