Manhattan Avenue Photos Du Jour: Happy 4th of July!

June 10, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


This morning when I headed out for my daily constitutional I quickly sensed something was amiss.


Namely that Manhattan Avenue north of Freeman Street is celebrating— or preparing to celebrate— the 4th of July. In June.






Those of you who are wondering what is going on (and have not noticed the multitude of notices), a forthcoming film by Columbia pictures entitled The Bounty* will be filming a parade scene (replete with stunts, oh joy!) here on Monday, June 15th through Wednesday June 17th from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.


How the hell this got approved without a public outcry is beyond me. But in any case those of you who have the misfortune of relying upon the B61 or B43 for your daily commute (and I imagine there are quite a few) might want to start planning accordingly.


In the plus column it would appear this endeavor has netted some business for the community. Like this float in the works I stumbled upon at Kings Studios on Moultrie Street.

Miss Heather

*Which will star Jennifer Aniston, among others. Including Gerard Butler. Not to be confused with this Jerry Butler or this one. Apparently this Butler is some seriously HOT SHIT. Who knew? I wouldn’t; I’m married and don’t give a damn. But rest assured I’ll charge these broads serious cash money to camp on my roof.

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