New York Shitty Day Ender: A Very Greenpoint Bedtime Story

November 24, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


It recently came to my attention that the owner of T & N Wine, a fabulously cranky man named Chris, has rolled out a real doozy of a Thanksgiving display. Among the items employed are eighteen artfully placed bottles of Wild Turkey 101 (any less proof would be an insult to the Garden Spot of the Universe) and one very real— and anatomically correct— turkey.


I have written about this already. Yet none of my readers seems to have noticed this curiously (and, it should be noted, prodigiously) endowed fowl. No worries, the local population has. This display has literally stopped passersby in mid-stride. I learned this earlier today— noon, to be exact— when I was out running errands.

A 40-something gentleman exits T & N after making his lunch-time acquisition of spirits (vodka as best as I could tell— every hour is happy hour on Manhattan Avenue). He stops, looks at the window and laughs. LOUDLY.

Me: Nice, eh?
Man: Yes, very nice.
Me: As you can see that turkey is a male.
Man: It is?
Me: Yeah, look at it.
Man (looks, a puzzled expression clouds his face): How do you know it is male?
Me: Look closer at the turkey.
Man: ???
Me (getting exasperated): LOOK AT IT’S CROTCH— or what’s left of it, anyway.
Man (looks closer): AHAHAHAHAHA! Very funny.
Me: I told you that turkey is, uh was, a male.
Man: You are a very nice lady. Would you like to go for a drink… or a cup of coffee?
Me: It’s nice of you to offer but I have to be somewhere. Soon.
Man: You are a very nice lady. STAY THAT WAY! (wanders off laughing to himself)

The End.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Home For The Holiday?

November 16, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11101, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Long Island City 

I don’t know about you, but I relish staying in the city during Thanksgiving. I have long since tired of negotiating airports and throngs of churlish people endeavoring to reach their respective destinations. I crave peace and quiet. Unfortunately, a number of my friends have followed suit and now the Mister and I face the daunting decision of selecting social engagements.

Rush Hour 1

And after strolling down Manhattan Avenue Saturday night we face yet another option.

Rush Hour 2

The word on the street is Rush Hour Gentleman’s Club in beautiful Blissville, Queens will be having a pre-Thanksgiving celebration beyond compare. Per the copious number of fliers I encountered (the use of parking meter for marketing purposes is nothing short of genius, by the way) above not only will they be serving a “complimentary traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings” but they will be having a LCD television raffle at midnight (because porn should only be savored in high definition, anything else would be barbaric)! All this (and much more) can be yours with with a mere five minute ride on B24.

Miss Heather

Best. Thanksgiving. Ever.

November 29, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Good friends. Good food. Good times.

These bad boys don’t look as pretty as they tasted. Yeah, I’m bragging. Yours truly makes some seriously fierce chile rellenos. They were accompanied with salsa, beans, lentil soup, and some meanass Spanish rice from my friend mangy_cur!

The topper: Madeira, coffee and two great pies from Py-O-My. The Dutch apple pie was absolutely AMAZING. I highly recommend it.

Miss Heather

From Mackerelville To Dangertown

November 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Lest you think you think you have little to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day my fellow Greenpointers, life could be much, much worse. The Garden Spot of the Universe did not have a very happy turkey day 125 years ago. Don’t believe me? Read this article from the November 29, 1883 edition Brooklyn Daily Eagle and see for yourself.

What constituted “Dangertown” here in 11222, you ask? I’m saving that for an extra juicy post! Otherwise lest any of you are wondering “Crow Hill” is now known as Crown Heights. It was given this moniker because it was an African-American community. And next year we will have an African-American president. How times have changed— for the better!

Be kind to your neighbors today. Love them for who they are, not what they are. We’re all in this together.

Miss Heather

Happy Thanksgiving From Greenpoint!

November 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Here are some bits of Greenpoint goodness for this Thanksgiving Day. Enjoy!

Meserole Avenue.

Newel Street.

Norman Avenue.

Monitor Street.

McGuinness Boulevard.

India Street.

Franklin Street.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Miss Heather

Happy Thanksgiving From New York Shitty!

November 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

It is the stroke of midnight and I’m still cookin’ and a cleanin’. I was chopping up jalapenos earlier this evening and listening to the Beastie Boys. That’s when it hit me: the following song would be the perfect way to usher in this Thanksgiving Day. Gratitude: Brooklyn style!

More Turkey Day goodness to come. Now if you don’t mind I’m going to tend my beans.

Miss Heather

Anything f’ Thanksgiv’n?

November 24, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I imagine a number of you are preparing for Thanksgiving. Before I commence with the task of hunting and gathering all the proper vegetables for the feast I’ll be preparing (chile rellenos with rice, beans, salsa, soup and sangria!) I thought I would take the time to share a little bit ‘o’ of old New Yorkiana with you: Ragamuffin Day.

What is Ragamuffin Day, you ask? That is an excellent question. Imagine if you will a dash of Halloween on Thanksgiving Day. Children throughout our fair city would dress up in tatty clothes, blacken their faces and go door to door asking:

Anything f’ Thanksgiv’n?

If the man or woman of the house felt charitable he or she would throw them candy, fruit or change for their efforts. And just like the “trick or treating” we know today there was ample latitude on both sides— beggars and beggees alike —for mischief. Do you know what a “red penny” is? You will after reading this article from the November 27, 1931 edition of the New York Times. Enjoy!

Those of you who want to learn more about Ragamuffin Day from a distinctly Greenpointian point of view should point and click your way over to There you will find a number of amusing firsthand accounts of this long gone tradition.

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: SuzyO of Py-O-My (who I will ordering my apple pie from!)

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