The Brooklyn “Renaissance”

The Brooklyn Renaissance

Ever wondered what Brooklyn real estate pundits and their minions talk about during a $125.00 a head breakfast? Well, gentle readers, the wait is over. Thanks to an anonymous tipster I have a twenty page transcript of yesterday’s “Brooklyn Renaissance” breakfast at Industry City. It is quite something. “Innovation Alley”, anyone?

UPDATE, October 1st, 12:43 PM: For those of you who may be interested in listening to an audio transcript of these proceedings, here you go!

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Boar’s Head

May 1, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11232, Sunset Park, Sunset Park Brooklyn 

Boars Head nys

Taken May 1, 2015.

Urban Artifact: (at a loss for a title)

March 12, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11220, Sunset Park, Sunset Park Brooklyn, Urban Artifact, WTF 

Now that the truly harsh wintry weather is behind us (fingers crossed), a great deal urban detritus has been unearthed from the receding snow. In my observation it has been mostly dog shit, cigarette butts (LOTS of cigarette butts), rotten food and empty liquor bottles. Vodka mostly. While certainly not pleasant to look at (much less smell), is this really surprising? No, it is not. We have simply been faced with a record of exactly how much trash is tossed and/or accumulates on our streets and sidewalks over sustained period of time. It isn’t pretty— but a head-scratcher this mostly decidedly is not.

Today— the weather being amenable and sporting a brand new pair of walking shoes— I opted to take a walk around Sunset Park. Upon exiting the subway I was promptly greeted by my first “street find”. It too, is not pretty— but a “head scratcher” it most decidedly is.

Feet nys

A dead chicken inside a cheerfully pink box of Pampers Pull-ups. Note how they coordinate with my new sneaks! There was also a quarter in there. I opted (for reasons which methinks are obvious) to leave both be.

Dead chicken in Huggies Pullups box with dead pigeon nys

The deceased chicken had a companion in the manner of a(n also) deceased pigeon.

Fourth Avenue at 65 Street nys

How/why this came to be I honestly do not know. I do not think I want to know. Nonetheless, here it is for posterity.

Urban Artifact, Part II: Love’s Detritus

August 22, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11232, Sunset Park, Sunset Park Brooklyn, Urban Artifact 

43rd Street NYS

Another day, another one of those illegal clothing drop-off thingys.* However this is one with a difference!

Variety Pack nys

As you can see gentle readers there’s a little something for everybody.

The Kyng nys

Presenting the “KYNG”. Do it for the kids!

I apprised the Mister of my find. His response was as follows:

So did you bring some home?

I replied that prophylactics left on the sidewalk struck me as being a dicey proposition. What’s more, it would appear someone else needs them. Meanwhile, a few blocks away…

24 Hour Video nys

Now let’s take a look at the curb, shall we?


Sometimes when you get that feeling, you need sexual healing…

P.S.: I quickly ascertained during this stroll along Brooklyn’s 3rd Avenue it is graced with a great many adult establishments. That, however, is the subject of another post. Prepare yourselves.

*For those of you who may be wondering, condoms are not the strangest item I have seen left at these collection boxes. That distinction goes to Nassau Avenue where a pair of pink butt plugs, a pink magic pearl vibrator with a rabbit-shaped cliteral stimulator and scattered Jujubes were spied by my buddy Rachael. Don’t believe me? Click here.

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: 5th Avenue

August 22, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11232, Sunset Park, Sunset Park Brooklyn 

This means you nys

Taken August 20, 2014.

Urban Artifact, Part I: 37 Street

August 22, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11232, Sunset Park, Sunset Park Brooklyn, Urban Artifact 

37 Street 1 nys

37 street 2 nys

Taken August 20, 2014.

The Word On The Street, Part II: Once Upon A Time In Brooklyn…

August 22, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11232, Sunset Park, Sunset Park Brooklyn, The Word On The Street 

Once Upon A Time In Brooklyn nys

Digna nys

WTF nys

He is watching nys

Matthew nys

Send Help nys

Taken August 20, 2014.

Sunset Park Photo Du Jour: Little Things Matter

Sunset Park nys

Taken August 20, 2014.

Sunset Park Photos Du Jour: Mixed Bag

Taken May 5, 2014.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: Special Good Friday Edition

April 18, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11232, Sunset Park, Sunset Park Brooklyn 

Taken by Reuben Radding.

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