Stolen In Williamsburg: Grace

October 14, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Criminal Activity, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

I saw a number of flyers soliciting information regarding the theft of Grace while knocking around Williamsburg this afternoon. If anyone reading this has any information as to her whereabouts please contact her family at the above-listed telephone number. A reward is being offered. Closing on a related note, please PLEASE do not leave your furkids unattended. As this flyer sadly attests, there are some in this community who have taken to stealing them.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Stolen On Huron Street

A fellow named Michael writes:

Hey Heather,

Love the blog, as always. Sadly I have another stolen bike post. I was wondering if you could help my wife out by posting something on your blog.

My wife woke up to a stolen bike this morning. Her green 3rd Ward NYCBike was stolen last night/early this morning on Huron Street between Manhattan and Franklin.  The bike had a brown wicker basket, old-school Brooks saddle and NYC Street Memorial placard in the spokes. A pic is attached (pre-Brooks saddle). Contact with any info.

Thanks again for any help.

If any north ‘Pointers have seen this bike or know of its whereabouts please contact its rightful owner at the above-listed email address. Thanks!

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