Urban Fur: Nassau Avenue

Let’s facts: squirrels are cute. But as I learned on Nassau Avenue this afternoon they are especially so when feasting on what appears to be a donut— and he (she?) thinks I may very well take that donut! As many “in the know” hereabouts understand all too well: we Greenpointers take our donuts VERY seriously!

Sort of reminds me of local “real politick”, truth be told…

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Untitled

July 21, 2013 ·
Filed under: New York City, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy 

Just ran out for some paper towels

Taken by thoth1618.

Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Hang On Baby!


Taken by Miss Mousey Brown.

New York Shitty Day Starter: Hang On Baby…

September 20, 2012 ·
Filed under: New York City 


Taken by Scoboco.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: More?


Taken by Miss Mousey Brown.

  • NYS Flickr Pool

    That sink' ing feeling"like what you see?" 😂The Bean SculptureCentral ParkLeonard StreetCharging BullBowling Green Station
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