Now At McCarren Park: The Punk Rock Drunk Bench

Per this group’s apparent leader, a nice (if inebriated) chap named Russell (with whom I had a most fascinating conversation after his crew decided to get some shut-eye after breaking into a rollicking cover of Parliament’s Give Up The Funk*), that is what this particular piece of public furniture is called. Why, you ask? I suspect the reason is apparent, however, it should be noted that Russell added that no drugs are allowed. So there have you.

P.S.: Russell also inquired of yours truly (after asking if I would let him take a shower at my apartment in exchange for house-cleaning services):

You look familiar. Did you squat a few years ago?

I do not make this stuff up, folks.

*Which is, curiously enough, not punk rock music.

The Word On The Street: A North 4 Street PSA

Taken July 4, 2011.

Miss Heather

Better Homes & Garbage: Greenpoint Waterfront Edition

May 9, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

As I have mentioned previously yesterday I showed my buddy Mitch around our fair burgh. In addition to the “Fuck Me” chair I showed Mr. Waxman the new affordable housing gracing our waterfront. Yes, I am talking about none other than the India Street trailer park! The first thing I observed was a number of the trailers (there were eight originally) have found another locality to call home. There are only three remaining. Among the ones removed was the camper pressed into service as the north Greenpoint outpost of the D.D.D.L. (Dzien Dobry Drinking League). So it goes.

Nonetheless signs of habitation were manifest. In fact, I would go so far as to say a higher caliber of resident is hanging their hat hereabouts nowadays. Is this, the Garden Spot’s first and only trailer park, bravely marching towards gentrification, you ask? I will leave it to you, gentle readers, to draw your own conclusions.

Since the door has already been opened for us (so to speak) let’s take a peek inside, shall we?

While Martha Stewart may beg to differ, the floral decor lends this tenement-on-wheels a downright cozy feel.

The presence of personal hygiene products and a Tiki were noted.

Old Glory hangs proudly.

And last— but hardly least— the presence of reading material was spied by my inquiring eye. For those of you who have been wondering (as I often have):

What is the newspaper of choice for folks residing in campers on Greenpoint’s waterfront?

I am pleased to announce I have the answer!

The New York Post, of course.

Miss Heather


Southside Street Seating Du Jour: Tete a Tete

July 22, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, Bloomblight, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

This is not “street seating” per se but it merits attention nonetheless.

For starters, this al fresco arrangement has a rather nice view of the Williamsburg Bridge.

Secondly, it’s easily accessible via the collapsed (but nicely painted) construction fence!

Miss Heather

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