From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: RIP
Filed under: Brooklyn, Gentrification, Gowanus, Stuff The Makes Heather Sad, The Word On The Street
Taken by Axel Taferner.
Crosstown Local Photo Du Jour: Total Consciousness
In all my years of patronizing the G train I have seen a lot of shit. You name it and chances are I’ve probably seen, heard, touched, smelled— and yes— tasted it at some time or another. For better or worse, the Crosstown Local is a feast for all five senses— and probably a few more. I have grown to accept this fact and find it quite endearing to be perfectly frank. The previous having been said once in a very blue moon I will encounter something that confounds even me. Tonight I had one such experience.
To truly appreciate this product of enlightened thought* click on the above image and peruse a larger photograph of the rather amazing revelation some anonymous (but very talented nonetheless) subway goer had while waiting for the “Gee, where the hell is it?” train. I’m guessing he (or she) had a lot of time on her hands to execute a master work of this caliber. This is hardly surprising.
I suppose you could also head to the Smith – 9th bound platform at Greenpoint Avenue and see it in person. Whichever best suits your time/space equilibrium. Either way it is time (and/or a Metrocard swipe) well spent.
Gunga Galunga…
Miss Heather
*And given the fact this missive is on an advertisement for Dunkin Donuts, probably some blue chip sensimilla.
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