From The New York Shitty Inbox: Exploding Manhole & A Shooting On Bedford Avenue?

July 28, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Criminal Activity, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

A fellow we’ll call “G” writes:

About 9:15 Outside the Lucky Dog… Firefighter said a transformer blew and the flames shot out a manhole cover, hit the bottom of a BMW. Guy who hangs out at the barber shop on S. 2nd says it’s his friend’s, wasn’t fully insured… hope Con Ed or National Grid are on the hook.

The locals helped redirect traffic until the firefighters and cops got there, and the poor drunk hipsters at the Lucky Dog were locked inside for an hour before the firefighters cleared them out.

While we’re on the subject of Bedford Avenue, there was apparently a shooting in the wee hours on North 9th Street just west on Bedford Avenue (THINK: behind Kasia’s). Accounts vary as to whether the victim survived or not. If/when I get more details I’ll post them here. Otherwise, if you have the 411 as to what happened please shoot me an email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Your identity will remain anonymous if you so desire. Thanks!

UPDATE, July 30, 2012: I have received word that Consolidated Edison is going to compensate bicycle owners whose rides were destroyed as a result of this incident. This is a good first step. Nonetheless, I hope they conduct a thorough investigation into exactly what happened and will share their findings with the public.

UPDATE, 10:14 p.m.: you can read the New York Daily News’s take on what happened by clicking here. The good (?) news: while listed in critical condition, the victim is expected to pull through.

UPDATE, 3:41 p.m.: Here’s another account of the fire in front of Lucky Dog.

Lest I have not made this clear: When I post missives from my inbox— especially when it involves an eyewitness of an event— I pretty much leave them “as is”. Their content/wording does not (and in fact, often) does not reflect my personal views of the subject at hand. I was not present when the manhole explosion occurred and by all accounts it sounds pretty terrifying— especially for those who had to wait on the premises of the Lucky Dog for over an hour until our Bravest got matters under control.

Do I necessarily like “G’s” how “G” relayed this event? No, not really. However, that was what I was sent and I opted to leave his/her words in intact. Perhaps this was mistake on my part? I am always open to reader feedback— but having someone wish I die of AIDS? Methinks this is going a bit too far. What’s more, it is against the law.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Live From The 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting

This evening’s meeting— the last one for 2011— was short and sweet. However, there were items of (sadly, distressing) interest. Without further ado, here we go!

Part I: Marie introduces herself, calls the meeting to order, minutes from the previous meeting are read, etc.

Part II: Deputy Inspector Hurson gives a rundown of the month’s “activity”. Regrettably, the Cooper Park Houses receive a great deal of attention.

  • D.I. Hurson notes that this year has been, overall, a very good one. Still there are problems. Primarily around/in the Cooper Park Houses.
  • Two shootings have come to pass. One was perpetrated by a 15 year old youth; the other arose from a domestic situation and came to pass at 20 Debevoise Street. After 1 1/2 hours of negotiation, he gave himself up to the police.
  • The party responsible for robbery at knife point at the Graham Avenue stop of the L train has been apprehended and is likely to have been responsible for a number of similar crimes in the area. The “perp” is a 60 year old male who hails from the Cooper Park Houses.
  • The DWI fatality on Meserole Avenue is recounted. D.I. Hurson informs us that the pedestrian hit at Calyer Street and McGuinness Boulevard later died as a result of his injuries. The person responsible for the latter was caught thanks to surveillance cameras and a Mercedes Benz hood ornament found at the scene.
  • Deputy Inspector Hurson notes traffic issues, namely those involving Kent Avenue and bicycle lanes have come to his attention. He notes that at North 6th Street alone there have been four accidents. This amongst the worst to be found in our fair city. As a result, the Department of Transportation is conducting a study with the 94th’s full cooperation.
  • Club enforcement: a “social club” selling alcoholic beverages which was operating out of a private residence on Lombardy Street has been shut down.
  • Both Halloween and the New York City Marathon came to pass peaceably.

Part III: The Q & A Session begins.

  • A resident of the apparently troubled intersection of North 3rd Street and Berry Street speaks about confronting a rather belligerent fellow urinating on his stoop. As some of may recall, this same behavior and location were brought up at last month’s meeting. The difference this time: apparently The Levee (whose previous incarnation was Kokies— a club which will live in Williamsburg infamy) is the culprit, not Radegast.
  • The matter of food trucks, namely “Endless Summer”, is brought forth. The customers of said truck are dumping their refuse/half-eaten foodstuffs on the street and this has resulted resulted in an increased presence of rats. You get the idea. A member of our local Community Board’s Public Safety Committee, Tom Burrows, inquires about the one hour parking rule. He is told by D.I. Hurson that they have to feed the meter like everyone else.

Part IV: The Q & A Session concludes.

  • The new tenant leader of the Cooper Park Houses introduces herself, commends D.I. Hurson for the work the 94th has been doing and states her utmost wish to meet the office assigned to police her community (because she has yet to see him/meet him). Tomorrow.

An equally brief New York Shitty analysis/Op. Ed.: As some of you might recall, earlier today yours truly met a very lovely young woman on the premises of the Cooper Houses. A very young kitten had walked up to her and instead of simply walking away she took her into her arms— and heart. Not being in the position to keep her, she allowed me— a total stranger promising this kitten would find a loving home— to take her. For this she, her sister and grandmother thanked me.

The real thanks should go out to Kaileigh— and her family. Thanks to them this kitten will have undoubtedly have a safe place to call home and grow into “cat-hood”. Why shouldn’t Kaileigh— a human, and a very sweet one at that— get the same? Just a thought.

Until next year, folks…

Quicklink: A Robbery On Nassau Avenue?

I heard rumblings about this yesterday via number of sources. It would appear that the jewelry store located at 63 Nassau Avenue was robbed yesterday at 1:30 p.m. The proprietor was shot in the stomach— but the good news is he will be okay! You can read more about this incident by clicking here.

UPDATE, 8:41 a.m.: Here are more deets from the NYPD!

The New York City Police Department is seeking the public’s assistance in locating and identifying the following suspects who are wanted in connection with a commercial robbery and shooting that occurred within the confines of the 94th Precinct.  The details are as follows:

On Monday July 25th, 2011 at approximately 1248 hours, two (2) males entered a jewelry store located at 93 Nassau Avenue. Suspect #1 removed a black revolver from his waistband and vaulted over the counter chasing the store owner, M/W/54, into the rear of the store. Suspect #2 then vaulted over the counter and started removing jewelry from the displays, dumping it into a bag. During the course of the robbery, the store owner was shot. The victim was working alone and was removed to Bellevue hospital with a single gunshot wound to the left side of his chest. He is listed in stable condition. Both suspects were last seen exiting the store, crossing the street heading eastbound on Nassau Avenue.

Suspect #1 is described as: Male, 35-45 years old, 5’9″-6’0″, medium build, dark skinned, mustache. He was last seen wearing a light colored ball-cap, eye glasses, sweat pants, and in possession of a black firearm.

Suspect #2 is described as: Male, 35-45 years old, 5’9″-6’0″, medium build, dark skinned. He was last seen wearing light colored ball-cap, light blue polo shirt, dark pants, eye glasses, and gloves…

Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers website at WWW.NYPDCRIMESTOPPERS.COM or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then enter TIP577.

All calls are strictly confidential.

UPDATE, 2:40 p.m.: I just got wind that the gentleman who was shot had just come back form vacation in Poland. Yeesh!

Miss Heather

P.S.: Special thanks go out to Queens Crap for bringing this link to my attention!

Quicklink: More About The Shooting at 211 Monitor Street

January 22, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

For those of you who are following this story, now it would appear this was a botched mugging attempt. You can view the latest report by the New York Post by clicking here. Do check it out.

Miss Heather

LAST GASP: Shots Fired On Monitor Street?

January 14, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Jay writes at 10:45 p.m.:

Just heard two shots fired across the street from my apartment on monitor. Neighbors spilled on to street a few seconds after. Took less than two minutes for NYPD to appear and set up yellow tape. Something bad happened but don’t know what.

Katie writes at 11:27 p.m.:

Hi Miss Heather,

Don’t know if you have seen the police choppers circling the neighborhood tonight, but if you see this you might want to spread the word to be extra safe in Greenpoint tonight/this weekend — someone was just killed on the street on Monitor between Norman and Nassau. It happened across from my brother’s apartment, and he says the street is currently swarmed with emergency vehicles and concerned neighbors.  Evidently they aren’t sure of the victim/shooter/situation yet, but that the shooter ran away and (as far as he knows) has not been found. I’m not sure when exactly it happened — definitely in the last two hours.

Thanks — your blog and reporting are such an invaluable resource to our neighborhood! I’m sad to be writing in about something so awful.

Whoa. If anyone reading this has any more information please share via comments or email at missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com.


UPDATE, January 15, 2011: Here’s a little more information per Jay.

Adult male victim taken in ambulance. Suspect fled on foot. Street still blocked off by yellow tape and detectives in trench coats and flashlights searching the area. There was a helicopter with search light over Nassau St and mcgolrick park area.

UPDATE, January 16, 2011: According to the New York Post the victim of this shooting was a 35 year old male. He was taken to Woodhull Hospital and is listed as being in “critical condition”.

UPDATE, January 19, 2011: I have received word this gentleman has died. My deepest heart-felt condolences go out to his family. He was only 30 years old.

Miss Heather

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