Now At McGolrick Park: Baggies & Dead Squirrels

I have long been remiss in checking out how things are shaking across McGuinness Boulevard. Namely, McGolrick Park. Fortunately I got a much-needed reminder via an email from an anonymous tipster. He/she writes:

…Used needles are being found in the woody garden areas of McGolrick by Nassau.  That’s the scarey part, but I am awaiting confirmation because this was third hand info…

I decided to go down there and see if I could find any. First up, the good news: I didn’t.

And now the bad news: it became all too clear from the get-go someone has a pretty brisk business selling and/or consuming illegal intoxicants— especially around Nassau Avenue and Russell Street. Without further ado here is a slide show featuring the rainbow assortment of baggies I found on my sojourns. I have tossed in a few shots of dead squirrels I found as well. Why, you ask? Because one would think the Parks Department would be “on” that kind of thing. Enjoy!

Miss Heather

Update, 6:12 p.m.: I have received an email regarding “activity” at McGolrick park from someone who wishes to remain anonymous. He/she writes:

I live on McGolrick Park and have seen more drug activity lately- came home from work one day to a woman nodding out in her car parked in front of my apt.- car door was wide open and she was seriously messed up.  I called the cops and they were uninterested.  I asked them to come because I figured if she tried to drive in her condition it would be dangerous.  They asked if I had “seen her commit a crime” and I said no, but obviously they might want to check into the situation and they refused.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Tic Tac Toes

May 28, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From McGolrick Park.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Made in The Shade

May 21, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From McGolrick Park.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Roses & Siding

May 19, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From McGolrick Park.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: Siding

April 21, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Taken by Single Linds Reflex.

Miss Heather

SATURDAY: A Very Special Greenpoint Food Market

February 10, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item comes courtesy of Joann Kim, the brains behind the Greenpoint Food Market. She writes:

Hello GFM fans!

After a month hiatus we are happy to return with full force, preparing for the next food market to be held February 13th!

It will be a Valentines Day Extravaganza of sorts, a celebration of all that is nauseating and lovey dovey, highlighting the holiday with a cascade of heart pins, heart on strings, red-tinted EVERYTHING and a kissing photo booth!

The day will feature a cascade of lovely treats: from aphrodisiac inspired recipes to heart shaped cookies, a photo kissing booth courtesy fellow Greenpointers Color Me Katie and Hyla Skopitz, a secret foodmirer bulletin board to share your food crushes and indulgences, and a heart-hunt: find the heart, win a GFM goodie bag. We are also very pleased to present music  by DJ Jimmy T and a performance by Rifle Recoil @ 3pm. We are also grateful to add to a growing list of food-related artworks by artists Jessie Oleson and Jesse Kuhn who will share a few prints on food and love!

Check the facebook invite here, and join the group if you haven’t already! And spread the love!

You can get the full rundown of what delights await you this upcoming Saturday by clicking here. Check it out!

Holiday Foodtacular: Greenpoint Food Market
February 13, 2010; Noon – 5:00 p.m.
Lutheran Church of the Messiah
129 Russell Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

Another Item From The New York Shitty Inbox: Best Christmas Lights in Greenpoint?

December 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 
peaceTHUMBJack writes:
Hi Miss Heather,
I’ve been subscribing to your blog for quite a while – I think you do an excellent job, really enjoy your posts. I’m eating dinner at Lomzynianka tonight and wanted to walk by some xmas lights afterward. What’s your suggestion on a ‘greatest hits’ of holiday lights in Greenpoint? Thanks a lot and keep up the great work.
Thanks for the kind words, Jack! I assure you they are much appreciated! That said, here are my recommendations:
  1. 648 Humboldt Street
  2. 97 Russell Street
  3. 57 Franklin Street
  4. Oak Street (all of it)
  5. Huron Street has two great houses: one is between Manhattan and McGuinness, the other is between Manhattan and Franklin. Trust me, you’ll know them when you see them.
  6. Hausman Street just north of Meeker Avenue
  7. And of course, there’s the El Blablazo Community Christmas tree (which graces this post). This can be found on Manhattan Avenue between Eagle and Dupont Street.
Have a delicious dinner and enjoy the holiday extravaganza, Jack! Speaking for myself I will be taking it easy. I have a very ambitious Christmas dinner to prepare. Last night I made vegetable stock and tomatillo sauce. I am pleased to announce no one was hurt!

Miss Heather

THIS WEEKEND: Holiday Foodtacular

December 17, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


As if there was not enough shaking this upcoming weekend I have another item to pass along: the Greenpoint Food Market’s Holiday Foodtacular. Here’s the 411 per their press release:

We are OH so proud and excited to present the next Greenpoint Food Market, DECEMBER 19th!!

It’s that time of year when cash flows freely all for the sake of showing some love for our friends and family and there’s certainly no better way to show you care than showering them with delicious foodstuffs to be graciously devoured. We will be decorating the church to show off our giddy festivities and share what each vendor has to offer straight from their kitchen to you.

Greenpoint Food Market will show some love to our supporters by giving away gifts from our neighborhood staples like Cafe Grumpy, t.b.d., Word Bookstore, Cafecito Bogota, Kill Devil Hill, Five Leaves and more! We are beyond grateful for this support and opportunity from our local businesses!!

We are also very proud to present a performance from that piano guy you see playing often at union square! You know, he rolls around a piano in the city and plays the craziest skilled songs with his nimble fingers. Colin Huggins is the man behind the keys and he will be accompanied by tap dancers to blow us away with beats and song!

Also nod that head and tap some toes while listening to some sounds and beats moderated by Greenpoint’s own DJ Jimmy T and his Electric Cowbell. There will records from their new label Electric Cowbell Records available for sale!

To see the rather extensive list of participating vendors, click here. Take my word for it: there’s something for everyone!

Holiday Foodtacular: Greenpoint Food Market
December 19, 2009; Noon – 5:00 p.m.
Lutheran Church of the Messiah
129 Russell Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

And that’s all she wrote!

Miss Heather

Tis The Season: 97 Russell Street

December 7, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Yesterday I hit you with some holiday spirit courtesy of 648 Humboldt Street.


Today I present for your enjoyment some yuletide greetings from their neighbors (and friendly competition around the corner) at 97 Russell Street!





Joy to you courtesy of Walt Disney.


North Pole here we come!


And last— but hardly least— a trio of snowmen* and a gift-giving bear.

Miss Heather

*With no snow! Inasmuch as I hate to say it, this snow-less season is irking me. It is a tradition at Chez Shitty to watch The Shining during the first blizzard of the season. Mind you, while raiding the liquor cabinet— this provides the ambiance!

THIS WEEKEND: The Greenpoint Food Market Returns!

November 17, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Three words: Hot. Chocolate. Cookoff.

The Triumphant Return of the Greenpoint Food Market
November 21, 2009; Noon – 5:00 p.m.
Lutheran Church of the Messiah
129 Russell Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

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