Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Special Iron Curtain Edition
Roebling Street
Bedford Avenue
Miss Heather
Williamsburg Recession Watch: Yes He Can!
Much has been made about the recession— namely how to generate employment opportunities for the numerous unfortunate folks who have lost their jobs. Some have proposed the government create a W.P.A.esque entity to get people back to work. Others advocate job training. And today I learned that someone in Williamsburg— in the true rugged individualist tradition of pulling one up by one’s own bootstraps— has taken matters into his own hands by diversifying his marketable skill set. Albeit at the possible expense of his dignity.
Any and all in need of a kitty mortician, honey dipper and/or boyfriend-for-hire this is your man. This brash new entrepreneur in a brave new economy also purports to cook, clean, do laundry and assemble bookshelves. In an uncertain world where you can count on no one to fish that errant turd out of your tank or lay you dead pet to rest I find this man’s moxie curiously refreshing. When everyone tells you Hell no— I won’t!, he’ll say:
Yes I can!
For a fee. This is America after all.
As you can see all the tabs on this advertisement have been taken— and very enthusiastically at that. It’s anyone’s guess whether this missive has secured this gent anything in the way of gainful employment— but I’d wager it has probably netted him more than a few marriage proposals!
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Ender: BANG!
Filed under: Williamsburg
From Roebling Street.
Miss Heather
Has Anyone Seen Brooklyn?
The pitbull mix, that is!
This flier hails from Roebling Street and Metropolitan Avenue and is the second furkid named after the Boro of Kings who has gone MIA in as many months! If you have seen this rather formidable (but friendly) dude or know of his whereabouts please contact his owner via the above phone numbers.
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Starter: North 12 Street Tough Love
You know, speaking as someone who has two art degrees (just like this woman) I have very little sympathy for her. This poster reeks of narcissism and entitlement.
But even I have to admit this is pretty damned harsh.
Miss Heather
Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: The Gipper
Can anyone out there share with us via the comments who the man on the right is? I’ve been racking my brain for the last hour!
Miss Heather
North Brooklyn Photos Du Jour: Urban Fur
Kingsland Avenue
Manhattan Avenue
McCarren Park
Roebling Street
South 1st Street
South 2nd Street
Miss Heather
Williamspoint Photos Du Jour: Cash Money
Roebling Street.
McGuinness Boulevard.
Bedford Avenue.
Ainslie Street.
Keap Street.
Vandervoort Avenue.
Miss Heather
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