New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: And The Best/Worst Business Name Ever Award Goes To…

May 7, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11101, Long Island, Long Island City, The Word On The Street, Wow 

This fellow (?). As spied on the fringe of Ravenswood/Dutch Kills this morning prior to meeting up and having a most enjoyable walk with the proprietor of the Newtown Pentacle today!*

*Feel free to interrogate/intimidate at will Kate.

Queens Slide Show du Jour: D.U.P.A.L.I.C. & Beyond

59 Street Bridge

Yesterday was a rather trying one for yours truly. First it was my site crashing at midnight. This made me rather unhappy. Awakening to find it was still down made me unhappier. Realizing however this was due to factors way beyond my control I decided to revisit one of my favorite places…

Polish Paradise

Polish Paradise located in scenic D.U.P.A.L.I.C. (Down Under the Pulaski At Long Island City). As always, it did not disappoint.


For starters, this is without argument the largest pot hole yours truly has ever laid eyes upon.


And of course there is the extensive array of empty liquor containers to be found at this location. I was particularly impressed with this 1.75 liter bottle of Hennessy. That stuff ain’t cheap! Arguably the most provocative part of my trek came to pass in a rather desolate part of Long Island City. It was there I was somewhat startled to hear someone shout:

Hey lady, why aren’t you in Greenpoint?

This came courtesy of the inimitable proprietress of Word Books: Christine Onorati. In any case (and without further ado) here are some highlights from my journey. NOTE/SPOILER: There’s some pretty neat street art at the end. Enjoy!

You can view the above slide show in larger format by clicking here.

Miss Heather


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