An Interesting Turn Of Events: Enter Dame

I received an interesting Tweet today. I’ll let the following speak for itself…

So there have you. Courtesy of my 94th Precinct Experience I have made a new friend: the CEO/co-founder of Dame Products! Who saw that one coming? Probably not the my arresting officers, for certain. But this is where we are. This tale just gets more and more interesting…

Quicklink: Have You Seen This Man?

January 15, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


At first glance I thought this was an item from The Onion. This appears not to be the case. If you have seen this fellow or know of his whereabouts the NYPD would very much like to hear from you. You can learn how and get the whole story by clicking here. Otherwise I’d be remiss by not noting:

1. Shit like this makes me miss the days when folks simply went to the C Town, feasted and left the remains (including a half-eaten pierogi) in the dairy section.

2. The resemblance this chap has to the following fellows is remarkable.

Beastie Boys video from 1994 = the disguise of choice for this fellow. Up and coming/”hip” neighborhood = a more advanced class of (ironic?) criminals.

For those of you who may be unaware/not in the know: the 94th Precinct has a Twitter account. Just today they announced January is “National Stalking Awareness Month”. Better late than never I suppose…

From The New York Shitty Inbox: What Happened On Dupont Street


I have had this brought to my attention by a number of people, including a Dupont Street resident who sent me the above photo. She writes on December 29th at 10:11 p.m.:

About 30 minutes ago, Dupont & Manhattan was lit up like a Christmas tree. Ambulances, squad cars, the works. The word on the street is that a young man was stabbed to death. I hope it isn’t true.

Unfortunately, it is true. Per the NYPD via an anonymous tipster:

On Monday, December 29, 2014 at approximately 2037 hours, police responded to a 911 call of a male assaulted at 131 Dupont Street within the confines of the 94th Precinct. Upon arrival, police observed a 37 year-old conscious male with a stab wound to the torso. Upon investigation, it was determined that the victim had a dispute with another male in the vestibule of the location when the victim was stabbed. EMS transported the victim to Bellevue Hospital and he was pronounced DOA. The are no arrests at this time and the investigation is ongoing.

*****UPDATE 12/30/14 LT A*****

The deceased has been identified as:

Truszkowski, Zbigniew
37-year-old male
131 Dupont Street
Brooklyn, NY

You can learn more about what happened by clicking here, here and here.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Live From The B43 Bus Stop

September 12, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11211, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn 

An anonymous tipster writes:

Hi Heather!

While waiting for the 43 at Graham & Grand, I noticed a man seemingly passed out across the street. And I called 911. While waiting for help, I noticed the guy coming to. Well, pictures speak louder than words









Behold, the staredown of shame.



For those of you who are not in the know on top of this Polaroid moment a pair of Time Warner employees— in uniform— were spied engaging in oral sex on the premises of our very own Nature Walk. NOTE: there is a rather large Time Warner facility located next door to this park. I guess the company bathroom simply does not have the same je nais sais quoi. In any case, I suppose the upshot is some are, in fact, enjoying our “open spaces”. Albeit in a rather unconventional matter.

Sorry folks, no photos— at least not yet. What this couple may not be aware of (or perhaps they simply do not care) is there are surveillance cameras on the premises. This incident has been brought to the attention of the Newtown Creek Monitoring Committee, to much amusement I’ll add. “NCMC” has, in turn, placed a request for said footage.* We’ll see. In any case those of you who seek porn should not pay a premium on cable, simply head over to the Nature Walk!

Naturally I had to make my tipster aware of this. To wit, he/she replied.

Awwww Heather. I just know there’s an exposed penis out there for you too. And I bet when you see it, it’ll be the longest one of all. 🙂

Awww. Thank you!

*In addition, removing the “no dogs” rules has been brought to the table. Dog owners should be pleased about this as there is no dog run hereabouts. Just don’t let Fido play in the creek, okay?

From The New York Shitty Inbox…

September 6, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Dobbin Street 8302014 nys

A lady we’ll call “M” writes:

This may be on your radar already but golly gosh…

Yeah, spray painting a school isn’t the best idea (she could have picked a construction billboard, maybe a pull-down store gate…)…but she’s charged with a hate crime which is just SO wrong…and a felony.  So the 94th gets tough on mild mannered women with spray paint but lets lunatics go about slashing people in cafes and mexican restaurants for giggles. * sure makes sense to me (not)…

This turned up on a google search:

And these too…

Ah Greenpoint

Indeedy. I would not exactly call a person who tagged a NYPD police car this “mild mannered”. Shit like that requires a pair of King Kong-sized balls. That said, should this woman be prosecuted for what she did? Absolutely. However, does she merit being prosecuted for a hate crime? No, she does not. Per thefreethoughtproject:

Under Article 485 of New York Penal Law, a “hate crime” must involve “violence, intimidation [or] destruction of property” inspired by animus toward people on the basis of “race, color, national origin, ancestry. gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability, or sexual orientation.” Absent from that inventory is any mention of occupation as a “protected category,” which means that the NYPD must consider itself to be either a tribe, a cult, or perhaps even a sexual orientation, most likely one that fetishizes sadistic mistreatment of the helpless…

Let’s face facts: Ms. Best managed to make a mockery out of the 94th/NYPD’s “authority”— however briefly. This is what these charges** are really about.

Closing on a related note, those of you who were wondering what the helicopter activity in north ‘Point was about last night, apparently a squatter gained entrance to a vacant apartment and the NYPD— replete with helicopter— was charged with “collecting” him. Those who are curious can get a better idea of what happened by clicking here.

*I have taken up this matter with Assemblyman Joe Lentol’s office. They’re on it.

**which include aggravated harassment: a charge which is also being levied against the fellow who slashed the owner of Milk & Roses recently. I want you, gentle readers, to think about this

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Perception Vs. Reality

September 4, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 

Screen Shot 2014-09-04 at 2.40.05 PMA lady we’ll call “N” writes (regarding the screencap at left):

screenshot from googlenews. the pr and the reality of greenpoint! (these paths seem to be crossing a lot these days). and cheers to the tough guy owner of milk and roses…

You can read about what happened at Milk and Roses (and Acapulco Deli as well it would appear) here. Here’s an excerpt/teaser:

…Davis has been charged with assault, criminal possession of a weapon and harassment, according to the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office. He was released without bail and ordered to stay away from the cafe. (Emphasis mine — Ed. Note) His attorney did not respond to request for comment.

Wow. Just wow.

Update, September 5th: I have taken this up with Assemblyman Lentol’s office and they are working to find out exactly what happened and why the District Attorney’s office is handling this case the way they are. To be continued…?

East Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Seigel Street

Dont Get JumpedNYS

I saw a host of these flyers on/around White Street today. Be mindful of your surroundings folks…

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: What’s Up At Duraflex Harte?




Those of you who were wondering what the hell was going on at the old plastics factory which straddles Clay and Dupont Street yesterday, here you go. Apparently a fellow broke and entered in order to filch copper so as to sell for scrap. I have said it before and I’ll say it again: if the scrap metal establishments hereabouts were required to issue checks— not cash— we would probably see a lot less of this kind of thing. Conducting a sting operation of establishments which are knowingly purchasing stolen city property probably would not hurt either…

Photo Credits: Michael Hofmann.

Spotted On Manhattan Avenue: Stolen On The 4th Of July


This makes two bikes which have recently been stolen in Greenpoint. Hmm…

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Wanted


In the 14+ years I have never EVER seen a NYPD-sanctioned (?) notice regarding bicycle theft. Now I have. The neighborhood is a’ changin’…

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