Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: On The Waterfront

See that grey stuff? That’s Manhattan.


Once again: Yup.

One more time: Yup.

The good news: the feral felines which North Brooklyn Cats (lovely ladies all) trapped, neutered and released appear to be doing well!

The bad news: the park bench* and fence** gracing this piece of much-needed “open space” are still submerged.

What’s more, they now have a most unusual urban artifact to give them company.

A safe.

Make that an EX safe.

Welcome to Greenpoint.

Repeat after me:

Graffiti— not landlord neglect; definitely not a lack of investment and especially NOT enforcement of the law by our fair city— is ruining the neighborhood…

*Aquatic since at least November 3, 2013.
**Wrecked since at least October 8, 2013.

Urban Artifact, Part II: Poland



From Java Street Pop-Up Park.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Still There



For those of you who are keeping count, the above missives (if they can be called that) have graced Java Street Pop-Up Park for just over two weeks now. I find one this rather fascinating given the the furor over swastika earrings which were for sale hereabouts almost a year ago. Perhaps someone should heirmark a donation to our local Parks Conservancy group (which ostensibly oversees this piece of public space) for a gallon of primer to cover this crap up?

In any case, I would like to give a big New York Shitty shout-out of gratitude to the folks at the 94th Precinct, Deputy Inspector Hurson and Detective Komar foremost among them, for taking this rather ugly matter quite seriously. Thanks guys!

UPDATE, 3:31 p.m.:



Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: On The Waterfront

December 20, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Fuck This Shit, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This missive was captured today, December 20th 2012 at the Java Street “Pop-Up” Park. Words honestly fail me (please humor yours truly: she’s sick and her site appears to be as well). Methinks “disgusting” will suffice…

UPDATE, December 21, 2012: I have brought this to the head of the 94th’s attention. Deputy Inspector Hurson has assured me they are going to look into it.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: On The Waterfront

November 19, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Needing a break from the rigors of moving, this morning yours truly decided a walk on our waterfront was in order. When I availed myself of the “V.I.P. Entrance” (as seen above) to the Java Street pop-up park I had the eerie feeling I was not alone. Sure enough, I looked to my left and discerned my instincts were spot-on.

Is that man doing what I think he is doing?

I asked myself. Sure enough, he was.

Hey, at least he had the decency to employ a water bottle as a receptacle as opposed to simply letting it rip. In any case and in closing, this is as good an opportunity as any to note that I have received word from the fine folks at the East River Ferry that after negotiations with the owner of the pier (and this property) they will be implementing a number of wonderful improvements to the pier proper and the surrounding environs. This includes addressing security issues as manifest with the “VIP entrance”, providing a winter shelter for ferry goers and much, much more. Now that’s some much-needed good news!

New York Shitty Street Seating Du Jour: Special Waterfront/Non-Materialistic Lounge Suite* Edition

As many of my fellow north ‘Pointers can attest, we have a dearth of public space on our waterfront. For this reason our very own Open Space Alliance teamed up with a developer and brought us the Java Street Pop-up Park. This morning I decided to swing by and see how it was faring. If the above photograph (of what appears to be no less than a La-Z-Boy sofa) is any indication, someone has made himself (?) quite comfortable. Follows are a few more shots from my sojourn. Enjoy!

*Because this is my blog and I can…

Greenpoint Photos du Jour: And Then There Were Two!

December 29, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Today since it was a downright balmy 33 degrees I decided to swing by our new waterfront park and see how things were shaking— above all the tar bucket/art installation which was brought to my attention yesterday. Follows are a few highlights from my trip with commentary. Enjoy!

While the rubbish has been bagged as of at least December 24th (which is when I walked by) it has yet to be picked up.

There’s even more rubbish at the end of the street.

Among the assorted detritus greeting our open space lovers is a barbecue grill.

As for the tar bucket, it is much more impressive when viewed against the Manhattan skyline. But the greatest treasure was to be found was a mere 10 -12 feet away…

another— truly magnificent— tar bucket!

I was particularly taken by the value-added book of matches. This got me to thinking about what my informant said:

Art or vandalism – you decide!  I’m leaning to the art side of the fence.

Remembering what my professors taught me about appropriation in art school, I decided to tip the balance in favor of (conceptual) art.

Behold Tar Bucket #1…

and the even more majestic Tar Bucket #2. Both of these pieces I dedicate to our “parks/open space advocates”. Without their hard work on our behalf, we would not be able to enjoy such niceties in the first place!

P.S.: Oh yeah, there are still no benches on India Street Pier.

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Open!

December 9, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

On December 8, 2011 I wrote (in this post):

But alas, our Parks “Advocate” (and Parks Supervisor) are not reasonable people. This is why we have a “pop-up park” on my fair burgh’s waterfront which— while purported to have been “ready” in June (per the Deputy Director of OSA) and available to Nuit Blanche/East River Ferry patrons in October— is still closed to the general public.

Well gentle readers, I have some very good news to share! The newly-appointed gatekeeper of Java Street Park writes today, December 9, 2011:

I am the gatekeeper of that park at the end of java between india st pier entrance and java.  you can announce that it will be open most days, depending on my sleep/work schedule, from about 7:30am to about 6pm

Bundle up and get down there Garden Spotters! NOTE/CAVEAT: As I learned this afternoon, you can only gain entrance via Java Street.

Java Street “Pop-up” Park
waterfront, between Java Street and India Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222


New York Shitty Day Starter: Seeing Spots

Those of you who have been wondering what is going on at the end of Java Street, I will tell you: they are setting up a temporary park. While hardly lush, I have to say I rather like these polka dots!

Miss Heather

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