Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Help Wanted

April 4, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From Manhattan Avenue.

Spotted At Pio Pio Riko: Six Pack

March 16, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

That’s right folks, tonight you can purchase not one, not two but six bottles of your favorite beer for$20.00! We Greenpointers don’t do anything half-assed.

Grand Opening “Special
Pio Pio Riko
Today, March 16 7:00 p.m. – 4:00 a.m.
996 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

Presenting Pio Pio Riko: The Twitter Page

June 16, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

It would appear that the disgruntled neighbor of Pio Pio Riko has taken his/her fight to the Interwebs. The result: cringewothy hilarity. Highlights include:

LOLOLOL guys we just found a cute little mouse! We named him Bear Grylls and put him in charge of stirring the green sauce with his tail.

24 sanitation violations! Awesome! Only 4 more until our friends from the health department come visit WE CAN DO IT LOL

And last— but hardly least— my personal favorite:

Thanks to @BPGlobalPR for sending us over this vat of ocean oil to cook with ROFL. Doesn’t it look good?

Yummy. Check it out!

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: PO’ed At Pio Pio Riko

June 7, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

When I encountered the above assortment of detritus (a rose, a fern leaf, a cake figurine and a partially consumed bottle of Corona— all of which reeked of stale beer) in front of Pio Pio Riko yesterday it was enough to even give me pause. So I took a picture of it. Now jump forward to today: you can imagine my lack of surprise when I received an email from someone else who finds this establishment’s lack of tidiness troubling.

Anonymous (who sent me the above images) writes:

Hi Miss Heather,

I live on Huron St, and every day I have to walk pass Pio Pio Riko at the corner of Manhattan and Huron in order to go to and from my house every day.

The problem is the absolutely foul, unsanitary conditions that I observe on a daily basis. Mice play on the side on the building with reckless abandon. Attached is a photo of the dumpster, which attracts clouds of flies and is almost always overflowing. PPR is sometimes even kind enough to use the city supplied green trashcan in front of their business for their own refuse (something that can be accompanied by a fine.)

I’m a three-year Greenpointer who is about as pro-local business as you can get, but the conditions here are ridiculous. We’ve tried 311 in order to get the restaurant to clean up its act, but the city won’t do anything. The sidewalk often becomes impossible to navigate, it being strewn with trash from the restaurant. When it gains, you can see workers wading through inches of water in the PPR basement prep kitchen as workers chop onions and bring up vats of “green sauce.” Disgusting.

Take a walk down Huron St one evening past PPR, and tell me what you smell. I’m not trying to run PPR out of the nabe; I simply want them to have respect for their neighborhood and the people who live in it.



Let’s see: Anonymous is calling 311. That’s a good start. However he/she should be forwarding these complaint numbers (with photos) to Community Board 1. Other than that I honestly don’t know what else can be done. Does anyone have advice for Anonymous? If so please tender them via comments or email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com.


Miss Heather

Post Blizzard Wrap-up Part II: A Walk Around The Garden Spot

March 4, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

As promised here is a slide show featuring highlights from my jaunt around Brooklyn’s one and only 11222 yesterday. Enjoy!

Inasmuch as I gripe about the snow I have to admit it has does have its charm— as does Greenpoint!

Miss Heather

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