Now For Sale In Garden Spot: The Greenpoint Hotel…

January 28, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

the book!

Some of you might recall that I made mention some time ago about Phillip, one of our local notables (and an incredibly natty dresser to boot!), publishing a book of his poetry. Well, it is off the press and available for sale at Photoplay Video for $15.00! Follows is a sample of what awaits your delectation. It is a short poem called “Damaged”.

Blind desire
Is like a man
Craving after
His own excrement

Photoplay Video & DVD
928 Manhattan Avenue
New York, New York 11222

(718) 383-7782

For those of you who are wondering why Mr. Norris has seen fit entitle a tome after one of our community’s more, um, notorious establishments I will tell you: he lives there!

Miss Heather

Lost In America

December 29, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Today I would like to pass along an email I received recently from film maker (and Greenpoint citizen) Ian Kennedy. He writes:

hey heather. happy holidays-

awhile back I sent you a trailer for a film I am making with Phil, legendary Greenpoint guy….I just finished the film and here is a new preview of the below for the video and myspace! thought u might be into it….thanks!

Although I have not seen the complete 16 45 minute feature (which Mr. Kennedy plans to show at East Coast Aliens in the near future) I heard from Phil personally that he really liked it. On that note I thought you would enjoy a sneak peek the new and improved trailer.

Uploaded by eonfilms

When I get the deets as to when (and where) Lost In America will be screened I will post them here. Otherwise you can track Mr. Kennedy’s progress via his myspace page.

Miss Heather
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