From The New York Shitty Inbox: Phil Collins Day 2012?

February 4, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Phil Collins Day Parade

A number of folks have asked me if there is a Second Annual Phil Collins Day celebration in the works. I have been woefully remiss in following this up. Thankfully I today received an email from a(nother) lass named Heather— and the answer is an emphatic “YES!”. She writes:

Phil Collins Day 2012

This year Phil Collins Day will be celebrated with a confessional booth .
From 12-10pm come and confess your trials and tribulations of love.
Obsessions, endless loves, crushes and heartbrokens welcome.  Mask making section for anonymity’s sake.

All confessions will be sent directly to (and only) Phil Collins.

60 Freeman St.
Brooklyn 11222
other festivities at TBD Bar, Paulie Gee’s Pizza, Shay’s Lounge and VPC.

come celebrate the multifarious nature of love…

Thank You!


You can check out their website,, for more details. Check it out!

Phil Collins Day 2012
February 15, 2012 noon – 10:00 p.m.
60 Freeman Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Photo Credits: yoursecretadmiral

New York Shitty Day Ender: Gratuitous Food Porn

March 14, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Tonight the Mister, I and a good friend finally got around to trying out the Garden Spot’s newest dining establishment: Paulie Gee’s. The first thing that struck me was how vegetarian friendly the menu (which you can see by clicking here) was. Truth be told, it was difficult to make a choice— but choose I did: I opted for the Marianna and an arugula salad.

Make that two arugula salads. As it would happen the waitress had noted we had debated as to whether purchase one or two. They had an extra one so they gave it to us. Both were dispatched pretty quickly. Then came a surprise from Mr. Gee himself:

The first working model of the “Miss Heather Special” a little culinary joint venture we have been working on. We dug in.

And dug in. It should be noted that the Mister ate his entire pie: the Kuban.*


All in all we had a great time and my Marianna pie was garlicky and delicious. A glass of wine would have been a nice accompaniment, but Paulie assured me they were anticipating their liquor license in a week or so.

Paulie G’s Pizzeria
60 Greenpoint Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

(718) 987-3747

As for what will constitute a “Miss Heather Special”?  That’s for me to know and you to find out! I am more than certain Paulie will come up with something fantastic! In the meantime, check it out! You will not be disappointed.

Miss Heather

*As in Adam Kuban of SliceNY.

P.S.: You can see more (and I would argue, better) pictures from our foray to Paulie Gee’s by checking out my photo pool.

New York Shitty Day Starter: Paulie Gee’s Update

January 12, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

A number of you have asked me when Paulie Gee’s, the pizzeria slated to take over Paloma’s old space, is going to open. Here’s an update from the man himself, Paulie Gee! He writes:

I can’t give you an opening date yet, but I can give you a glimpse into what you’ll find at our place once the doors open.  On Saturday I pulled the first pie out of my hand crafted in from Naples, Stefano Ferrara oven.  It was a very gratifying moment for me.

I can’t hardly wait for everyone to see the rest of my fire-breathing beauty, along with the rest of the our quickly transforming space.  I very wisely left the design and construction up to Evan and Oliver Haslegrave of and the creative force behind The Manhattan Inn. As with the Inn, the materials they are utilizing are reclaimed and much of it has been sourced from Build It Green in Astoria. Their work in the space so far is nothing short of astounding. I also have attached my recently unveiled logo, which I’m looking forward to the residents of North Brooklyn spotting on Greenpoint Avenue very soon.

That’s one mouth-watering pie, Paulie!

Oh yeah, and the logo is rather nice too.

Miss Heather

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