2009 Robot Monkey World Chimpionship: And The Winner Is…

April 19, 2009 ·
Filed under: Advanced Life Forms, Culture War, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

Number 9.

Man oh Manischewitz was the Williamsburg versus Greenpoint robot battle fierce last night! Greenpoint’s very own Dandelion Wine* made it to the quarter finals but alas 11211 prevailed. Follows is a slide show of the event for your Sunday morning entertainment. Enjoy!

More video footage will be  forthcoming later today— because you know what they say:

It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.

And let’s just say the game was played very interestingly.

Miss Heather

*Who will be featured in today’s New York Times. Mazel Tov!

P.S.: In somewhat-related news those of you who have been wondering what’s up with this lot next door to t.b.d.


It is no longer available. The owner of t.b.d signed a lease two weeks ago and they are creating an outdoor garden/annex. I have it per a very reliable source it will be up and running Memorial Day weekend. So mark your calendar!

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