Adoptable Cutie: Meet Papasito


Per the folks at Dog Habitat (where this handsome fellow presently hangs his hat— or would that be sombrero?):

This adorable boy is Papacito. Unfortunately he was another victim of irresponsible pet ownership. He was found by one of our staff members in a box in front of a dumpster next to Papacito’s in Greenpoint. There was a bag next to the carrier with cold cuts, some dry food, a rabies tag, a little money and a note describing his demeanor and health. This sweet cat deserved better than to be deposited on the street but now he’s safe here with us. Can you open your home to a poor, abandoned boy?

If anyone reading this wants to provide this fellow the loving forever home he richly deserves, please contact the folks at Dog Habitat via email at rescue (at) doghabitat (dot) org.

Thanks— and spread the word!

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: What’s Up At Calyer?

May 16, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


A person we’ll call “K” writes:

Hi Miss Heather,

Can’t find out from anyplace on-line- CALYER our fave eatery is gone, replaced by some hipster bar-b-q place- it happened in a matter of a few weeks! No signs, no warnings (that we heard) –

We can stop by Anella’s (same owners I believe) and ask about it, but thought just maybe you might have heard something…

Hope at least they have merely moved, not ceased operations… (though I guess they will never be called “CALYER”).

What a loss. The place not only had amazing food, it felt-and-looked cool inside. Don’t get it, thought they were doing well.

By all appearances it would appear Jimmy’s Diner has opened a second location. To my knowledge this is the second such restaurant the owners have divested of in the last six months or so. The other being of course being Bellwether. Hmm…

Jimmy’ Diner
Status: Open
92 Calyer Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

P.S.: While we are on the subject of Greenpoint eateries, it would appear Papasito’s has changed hands as well. This would explain a number of things including:

  • Why only cash is being accepted presently.
  • The lack of noise on Cinco De Mayo.


  • A noticeable change/shift in clientele.


From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: Papasitos

September 19, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Taken by Emily Raw.

Miscellaneous Notes on the Greenpoint Food & Drink Front

December 12, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Although this is a ways off, I want to pass it along. Those of you who might have wondered what is going on at 195 Nassau Avenue (as seen above), today I got the scoop! Cody Utzman, the man behind Brooklyn Standard and Papasitos is going to open a wine Bar there! Cafe Royalle (as its name indicates) will be serving up fare with distinctively French twist. Cody told me that he guesstimates it will be open for business in “about two months”. That may seem like a ways off, but I assure you it will be upon us soon enough!

Cafe Royalle
Opening Date: February 2010
195 Nassau Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222


Lastly, I suspect I speak for a number of my fellow north ‘Pointers when I write that Jubilatka has had some downright mouth-watering cakes in their front window of late. Today I finally broke down and asked about them. Here’s the deal:


  1. This powdered sugar spritzed castle is chocolate brownie/ginger bread cake.
  2. This is conventional babka with a topping of assorted fruit.
  3. These are chocolate babka.

All of the previous cost a measly $12.00. Speaking as someone who is not especially talented when it comes to making baked goods, I know where I will be buying my Christmas dessert this year!

Jubilatka Bakery
940 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Brownie and ginger bread. Yum!

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Much Ado About This Weekend


Or would that be much to DO this weekend? If what I found in my inbox today is any indication there is a log going on this weekend. Mark writes:

Hey Miss Heather did you see this? Papacito’s is celebrating it’s pseudo-one year birthday and recently acquired liquor license. They’re inviting people to come celebrate with free food and tequila. Pretty cool!

Most cool indeed! Among the goodies promised are free tequila shots from 11:00 – 1:00 a.m. and live mariachi music. Check it out!

Saturday, December 5 2009 9:00 p.m. – 4:00 a.m.
999 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Detroit Rock City

If mariachi is not your cup of tea, a good friend of mine (and fabulous D.J.), The Professor, will be spinning an evening of “Motor City rock, soul, punk and psycho-funk” at Greenpoint’s very own Boulevard Tavern. Having known the Professor for some time I can attest to his outstanding taste in music. Go. You will not be disappointed!

Detroit Rock (and Soul) City
December 5, 2009
Boulevard Tavern
579 Meeker Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Last up, there will be not one— but two holiday craft fairs this weekend! Monika writes:

Dear Miss Heather, FYI — two fab holiday shopping events taking place this Sunday in Williamsburg a few blocks apart!

Handmade Holiday Fair
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Time: 12:00pm – 7:00pm
Location:  Brooklyn Ale House, 103 Berry Street (at North 8th), Williamsburg

“Sock monkeys, affordable art and we mean affordable!!  Handmade clothing and more by Carri Skoczek, Kat St. John, Heather Jordan and some other gals.   This sunday, come one, come all!!   Great bloody marys and free bagels!”


Winter Market @ Public Assembly
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Time: 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Location: Public Assembly, 70 North 6th Street (between Wyeth and Kent), Williamsburg

Presented by Northern Brooklyn Based Boutiques, Designers, Vintage Collectors and Culinary Creatives.
Featuring Edibles, Wearables, Antiques, & Gifts from $1-$100.

And that’s all she wrote. Have a fun and safe weekend Williamspointers and Greenburgers!

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: The lovely photograph gracing the beginning of this post comes courtesy of Caryn Rose. Great capture!

New York Shitty Videos du Jour: Squid on a Stick

October 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

A great many interesting items surface at the junk shop. I suppose this is to be expected given the merchandise comes from estate sales, apartment clean-outs and storage facility auctions. In my experience the weirdest (and creepiest) items we have opened a box to encounter are as follows:

  • Bottles of holy water with skin shavings in them.
  • A funerary urn— occupied by someone who has departed this mortal coil.
  • An incinerated woman’s nightgown with a sandwich encased in it. By Larry’s guesstimation these were about ten years old.

But the previous macabre examples are the exception— not the rule. Nonetheless culinary items do on occasion darken our doorstop. Today it was a box of Chinese herbs and what can best be described as a “squid on a stick”. Now toss in that Larry da Junkman has started a diet and therefore is a little daft for lack of caffeine and carbohydrates. Hilarity ensued.

Now jump forward to ten minutes later. Despite employing Febreeze AND aerosol air freshener the store was beginning to smell like beef jerky that had been marinated in someone’s ass. Something had to be done. And Larry got a very evil notion.

This post goes out to Catherine at Papasito’s for being a good sport!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Coming At You From Greenpoint

My buddy Larry da Junkman has been involved in a number of very interesting projects lately. Follows is a snippet of one of them. It is part of an ongoing collaboration with the Vole Show and is entitled Think Tanking: Journey To The Newtown Creek Nature Walk Part 2. Larry’s daughter (clad in fairy wings and a tiara no less) steals the show. Enjoy!

I can hardly wait to see what these madmen come up with next.

Miss Heather

Reader Question Of The Week

June 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

The following email was intended to be private correspondence but I feel compelled to post it here as a number of readers might find it of interest.

Anonymous writes:

Hi Miss Heather!

1) I love your blog.  I still don’t know how the hell you have the time to update it so often- but I likes.

2) Did you hear that Papacitos was robbed yesterday?  Somebody stole a 200lb safe from the back room.

3)  I see that there are community board meetings.  How do I find out about when they take place?  I’m getting a little piffed about what’s been happening in the neighborhood lately.

Thanks for your help!  Keep up the great work!

First and foremost thanks for the kind words, Anonymous. They are greatly appreciated. To answer your second question: yes, I am aware that Papasitos was burglarized. From what I have heard (so take this as hearsay) no broken locks were found and the police have hypothesized the bandits made their getaway by climbing up a stack of chairs and toting that 200 pound safe across several rooftops.

As for your third question my advice is as follows:

Although you can voice your concerns to our local Community Board (and I am NOT discouraging you from doing just this) the fact of the matter is this is not the most appropriate forum. This is a police matter and as such your time would be better spent attending the next 94th Precinct Community Council meeting. For those of you who are not in the know these meetings run as follows:

  1. A general review of the minutes from the previous meeting and miscellaneous announcements
  2. D. I. Fulton gives a rundown of the crime statistics for the last 28 day period
  3. A Q & A session with D. I. Fulton

Point #3 constitutes the bulk of these meetings and questions are not limited to incidents which have come to pass (such as the Papasitos robbery). You can also (to use real examples) air concerns about any suspicious activity you have witnessed, tip him off to illegal truck traffic (this is a biggie), complain about honking school buses, etc. You get the idea.

It is my understanding that the next 94th Precinct Community Council meeting will be in September. The same goes for Community Board One.* (Hey, they need a summer vacation just like the rest of us!) You can find the meeting schedules for each by clicking here and here.

I hope this is helpful.

Miss Heather

*See the Ms Nomer’s comment regarding this. There WILL be a meeting in July possibly August as well.

What’s Up At 999 Manhattan Avenue?

May 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 



Some of you might have noticed the rather abrupt departure of the psychic (as well as her rather adorable cat who can be seen above) who occupied the space adjacent to Papasitos. I have no idea as to her whereabouts (nor do I care to know: that woman was OBNOXIOUS).

However, I can tell you what’s taking her place: more Papasitos! Given how packed this restaurant gets (for a damned good reason: among other things their jalapeno poppers are amazing) doubling or tripling their seating capacity is stellar news for both Cody Utzman, this establishment’s owner, and diners alike. I can hardly wait to see what they do with the extra space!

999 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

Highlights From The Robot Monkey World Chimpionship: Part III

April 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


As promised, here is the third installment of live footage I shot from last weekend’s Robot Monkey World Chimpionship. This, the final segment, features the rules of the game, some good-natured shenanigans and four of Greenpoint’s finest businesses waging war against Williamsburg and in one case, each other:

  • Brooklyn Standard Vs. Kellogg Diner
  • Papasito’s Vs. Number 9 Lighting
  • Dandelion Wine vs. t.b.d.

Once again Lily is in good form. They should make her a robot monkey coach. Seriously. Enjoy!

I suspect I speak for many who were present at this event when I say more such tournaments should be held. Bushwick against Williamsburg or Greenpoint immediately come to mind. Are you listening out there, Dan?

Miss Heather

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