Tomorrow: Happy Birthday, Irene!

If you do not know who this amazing woman is, you should. Her name is Irene Klementowicz and this is what she had to say about an “environmental study” presentation a couple years ago.

Tomorrow, January 8th, will be her 86th birthday. If any of you, gentle readers, see her on Manhattan Avenue (always stylishly attired) wish her a happy and healthy one. It is women such as her who keep this community (or at least some of its bullshit) in check. And for this reason I adore her. This one’s for you, Irene.

P.S.: Also of note, “OSA” will be rolling out their vision plan for the Greenpoint Waterfront.

Thursday_ First Look at New Greenpoint Park_Page_1nys


Thursday_ First Look at New Greenpoint Park_Page_2nys

Those of you who plan on attending this dog and pony show: please keep Irene in the backs of your minds. After all, what does it say about a “parks advocacy group” when its head is the very same attorney who, under George “Greenpoint Landing” Klein’s hire, stumped for the 2005 Rezone (parks for super-sizing scheme) in the first place?


The fellow in question prefers to see it as “community advocacy”— and I suppose, given his purview— it is.

Quicklink: Queens Crap

February 18, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Newtown Creek 


You can (and should) read the rest here. On a (somewhat) related note, it would appear there is a tax lien on 51 Ash Street. This is of course the location of the “new and improved” boat house.

How/why does that sound familiar? Anyone?

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: On The Waterfront

See that grey stuff? That’s Manhattan.


Once again: Yup.

One more time: Yup.

The good news: the feral felines which North Brooklyn Cats (lovely ladies all) trapped, neutered and released appear to be doing well!

The bad news: the park bench* and fence** gracing this piece of much-needed “open space” are still submerged.

What’s more, they now have a most unusual urban artifact to give them company.

A safe.

Make that an EX safe.

Welcome to Greenpoint.

Repeat after me:

Graffiti— not landlord neglect; definitely not a lack of investment and especially NOT enforcement of the law by our fair city— is ruining the neighborhood…

*Aquatic since at least November 3, 2013.
**Wrecked since at least October 8, 2013.

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Grow Your Parks


A number of folks have brought this to my attention. But I am rolling with this one as I found the “copy” the most provocative:

Hi, Heather…any chance you can do a quick thing on this on your site? Feel free to editorialize as much as you wish, but it would be nice to let people know about it. That way they can come and personally rip on the new OSA director if they wish.

PDF attached. Here is the copy I sent out along with it:

Friends and Neighbors,

The OSA Community Committee is pleased to announce the next Public Forum will be taking place on Wednesday June 12, 2013 at The Warsaw in Greenpoint at 7pm.

The Public Forum is your chance as community members to bring your ideas for maintaining, improving and celebrating our public parks in North Brooklyn both with your fellow North Brooklynites and with OSA leadership. Join your neighbors in discussing the state of your parks and generating priorities for the Parks Department and OSA staff.

This year you have a unique opportunity to meet and hear from the Executive Director of OSA, Ed Janoff. Ed will present his plan for addressing the ideas the community submitted at the last Public Forum as well as take your questions.

We hope to see you there!

Grow Your Parks: OSA Public Parks Forum
Wednesday, June 12th 2013 starting at 7:00 p.m.
The Warsaw
261 Driggs Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Urban Artifact: 13 Days & Counting…



It’s almost two weeks now and as of this morning (11:42 a.m.) the McCarren Park Hypodermic Tree is still in effect. My dedication to documenting this caught the attention of a passerby. He too took a moment to capture this curiosity with his camera.



After asking me how long this had been there (I told him “about two weeks”) he noted it had been used and added:

Kids could get their hands on this. That’s not good.


New York Shitty Day Starter: Waterfront Feral Furniture Watch

The Java Street “Pop-Up Park” non-materialistic sofa is still there…

albeit with some additional “wear and tear”.

In all seriousness, folks: this “park” (to my understanding) was funded by $15,000 generously donated by our Borough President. He entrusted OSA, Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn, with these funds to (ostensibly) create a park in partnership with the owner of the property.

This is what we got. And to think some of my neighbors are actually surprised— much less outraged— that McCarren Park is not getting an ice rink this winter? Really?


Quicklink: “Two Boots”

It would appear my intelligence was correct: not only have the folks at Open Space Alliance (“OSA”) deemed a change in leadership was in order, but we are currently without a Parks Administrator here in Community Board 1. I suspect I speak on the behalf of many when I wish Ms. Thayer the best of luck in her future endeavors. The responsibilities she shouldered as both our Parks Administrator and Advocate (via OSA) were a herculean task. These should have never been delegated to a single person.* Moving forward, I hope this change will:

1. be a valuable first step in addressing the manifold number of management and maintenance issues in our parks.
2. help heal the rift between Parks administration and public they serve (and contrary to what Mr. Kavanaugh’s comment intimates, this is a big problem).
3. serve as an impetus to motivate our Community Board (and foremost its Parks & Waterfront Committee— hear me, Mr. Caponegro?) to take a more aggressive role in advocating the public’s interests in regards to our open spaces.

(You can read the Post’s tome by clicking here.)

*What’s more, it posed a colossal conflict of interest.

New York Shitty Shitter Du Jour: Cooper Park

Given the completely revolting image of a port-o-let hailing from McCarren Park (the purported crown jewel of Community Board 1’s parks) which was brought to my attention by a concerned citizen yesterday and the fact my ladybug toilet seat (part of my “No Toilet Left Behind Project”) has suffered from not-so-benign neglect, I have decided an audit of our public lavatories is in order. Today’s privy hails from Cooper Park’s comfort station which serves the wonderfully re-vamped (and heavily patronized) Carnegie Playground.

Bad News: clearly there is some room for improvement.
Good News: the second stall was a mite bit more “user friendly”.

Now At Jerzy Popieluszko Square: No Vulgarians Allowed

During my peregrinations today I happened upon this rather noticeable* and clearly not Parks Department issue bit of signage at Jerzy Popieluszko Square. Having some working knowledge of Polish (Okay: I know “nie” means “no”. As for “walgaryzuj”, well, I have a very strong suspicion as to what that means!) I inferred this sign is prohibiting something. But what? To this end I inquired of a Polish friend of mine what gives. Without further ado, here it is:

Respect this place
Be civil
Do not litter
Do not drink (NOTE: no specific beverage is indicated)
Do not be vulgar

My interpreter went on to add that the Polish pressed into service is rather unusual. E.g.; this copy was probably drafted in English and translated into Polish (as opposed to using conventional, conversational Polish as spoken in Poland). In any case, mind your manners fellow Garden Spotters… (WARNING/CAVEAT: the following clip contains “language” so do not listen to it at work unless you want a visit from the H.R. Department.)

or else!

In the interest of fair and balanced reporting (and for my friends in Great Britain) you can (READ: should) watch Archie’s retort by clicking here.

*READ: hideous

Reader Contribution du Jour: McGolrick Park

May 14, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Per the tipster who sent me the above image:

(Taken) 4/21, but he was there till 4/22 as garbage piled up around him.  This is just an impossible, totally depressing situation.  And personally, as someone who grew up in a house where substance abuse was present, it makes me relive the anxiety and sadness I couldn’t wait to get away from – that’s why I’m so sensitive to it, and why I HATE that my kids are exposed to it…

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