From The New York Shitty Inbox: Good News!
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy
I have just received word that KitKat (as seen at left) is back home safe and sound. Perhaps that wild storm that just blew through well— how shall we say— “motivated” her to better appreciate “domesticity”? She ain’t talking!
From The New York Shitty Inbox: KitKat Is Lost!
A very nice lady named Colleen writes:
KitKat got out sunday morning and has been gone since …she was last seen on Oak street. Please call 646-251-3418
If you have seen this lass, please call her person at the above-listed phone number. A reward is being offered.
UPDATE, July 9, 2014: She is back home safe and sound. Yay!
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Bacon Is Lost!
A fellow named Jason writes:
Hello Ms. Heather,
I am writing this to seek your help to find our missing cat in our neighborhood (Greenpoint).
If you could take a look at our craigslist page for our missing cat information and contribute somehow to your blog to get more attention, that would be much appreciated.
We really appreciate your help.
Done! If anyone has seen Bacon or knows of her whereabouts please contact Jason via email at or call (917) 554-0279/(347) 266 0997.
UPDATE, 9:57 PM: I have received word that Bacon has found her way safely back home. YAY!
Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Picket Fences
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy
From Oak Street.
Spotted On Noble Street: An Avian Visitor?
A person we’ll call “M” writes:
My apologies for the poor quality, but I saw this little guy wandering around in front of my place on Noble Street. Don’t know much about birds, but he doesn’t look like a local. Just thought I’d share.
Love the blog, keep up the great work!
Thanks for the kind words, M! As it would happen a very good Samaritan and animal lover rescued an injured partridge (which is what this fellow appears to be) one block away on Oak Street recently.
This handsome chap (?) has been entrusted to the care of Empty Cages Collective and from I have been told is recovering nicely! Here’s their take on what happened:
Phoenix is a chuckar partridge who was in all likelihood a refugee from a local slaughterhouse in Brooklyn, NY! Tonight (Tuesday, January 24, 2012) Empty Cages Collective ( received a call from a kind woman who found Phoenix dodging stray cats and humans after getting away from a bad situation in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Empty Cages Collective took the curious and brave partridge into our protective custody. He will go to see our avian veterinarian tomorrow for an exam and some bloodwork and we will seek placement for him at a sanctuary. We wish all birds like Phoenix were able to escape their slaughterers grasp! Help all of animal kind gain respect and freedom: don’t eat them! Please, live vegan.
Those of you who wish to make a donation to Empty Cages Collective so they can continue helping our furry and feathered friends can do so by clicking here. And it goes with saying if you see animals— be they of the four-legged or winged variety— who are clearly in distress say something to Empty Cages!
The Word On The Street: Dream
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art, The Word On The Street
From Oak Street.
Spotted At 109 Oak Street: Jurassic Park
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy
Taken December 11, 2011.
From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Found On Oak Street
A person we’ll call “C” writes:
We found this cat in front of our home yesterday. She’s friendly and loving, so she must belong to someone. We are in Greenpoint on Oak Street. She has hurt her back leg. She’s living in our house at the moment taking up residence on my daughter’s bed. Please share this so if her family is looking for her they can find her here.
Anyone who knows to him this lass belongs— or wants to give her a forever home should contact her good Samaritan via email at Diva54 (at) earthlink (dot) net
New York Shitty Day Starter: Oak Street
Taken October 17, 2011.
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