From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part III: Wanted For Questioning By The 94th Precinct

November 21, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Criminal Activity, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

This comes via the 94th Precinct via an anonymous tipster:

The New York City Police Department is seeking the public’s assistance identifying the following individual wanted for a rape which took place on November 17, 2012 at approx 0545 hours within the confines of the 94 Pct. The suspect followed the victim F/23 into her apartment building and forcibly raped her.

The suspect is described as a M/B approx 6’0 190 lbs.

Naturally I reached out to find out more from the head of the 94th himself. Despite being on vacation D.I. Hurson got back to me. He cannot divulge the exact location of the crime in question. This is understandable given the victim’s need for safety and anonymity. However, I’ll note it came to pass on Kent Avenue between North 7th and North 4th Street.

If anyone reading this has any information please contact the 94th Precinct via their Community Affairs office at: (718) 383-5298.


UPDATE, November 23, 2012: I have received word from Mr. Hurson that an arrest has been made.

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: More Shots Fired At Dupont Street & Manhattan Avenue?

November 21, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, WTF 

Remember the email (replete with photos) I posted about shots being fired at this intersection recently? Well, it would appear it has happened again. Laura writes (yesterday, November 20th, in the wee hours of the morning):

At about 5:15 a.m. on 11/20/12 I was awakened by the sound of multiple gun shots. This is the second time our front door has been shot up. This time, the ground floor window was hit in as well.

Shit just got real folks. Closing on an up (?) note, I have received word that our City Councilman, Steve Levin, is attempting to reach out to the owner of the apartment building in question so as to get some surveillance cameras installed there. In the meantime, stay safe and be alert north ‘Pointers!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: More Crane Hell Greenpoint Avenue and West Street?

November 21, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, WTF 

Some of you might recall several months ago the proprietor of Red Star Bar (which is located at the above-mentioned intersection) was having some issues with trucks bearing cranes. More specifically: said trucks tearing down street signs, hitting parked motor vehicles; generally scaring the living daylights out of people and not being very good neighbors. If the missives I received this morning from Eric are any indication it would appear this is an ongoing problem. He writes (in the wee hours):

Bay crane at it again! Truck blew the stop sign, took out the light pole on greenpoint and west and kept right on going! Didn’t even slow down! Cops are here now. I just missed it! Left to go home. Ill have my guys take some more pics and send them to u…

He continues:

Lucky they didn’t kill someone! 3 customers were standing on the corner smoking. The pole barely missed them as it fell.

…I’m so tired of this shit. Who’s gonna pay to fix it? Me! Yeah the city will put the light pole back up….so we all pay, but the sidewalk is all messed up now. You think the city is going to fix that? No! I’m going to have to pay someone to repair it….or risk someone falling and suing me!

Trust me …it’s not the couple hundred bucks it’s gonna cost to fix the sidewalk that has me enraged! It’s the principal! These fuckin guys have caused thousands and thousands, probably tens of thousands in damage, since they’ve totaled at least two cars, in the six years since I’ve been here. And eventually THEY WILL KILL SOMEONE!

They’re driving massive trucks. You’d figure they’d be extra careful? They come FLYING down Greenpoint Ave, ignore the stop sign, make the turn and if something is in their way…..tough shit and they keep right on going! You mean to tell me this asshole had no idea he took out a light pole? He didn’t even slow down!

They get away with it because of a loophole. If you get the plate on the trailer…the cops can’t do anything (because the trailer plate isn’t the same as the plate on the cab and usually a lease or rental). You need the plate on the cab of the truck. And how are you supposed to get that when all you can see is the ass end when he’s halfway down the block with a trail of carnage behind him. You think the drivers aren’t fully aware of this? lol

I understand Bay Crane has a business to run. But so do other people! Why is their business more important than someone else’s business or LIFE? We’re not asking for them to leave the neighborhood or make any drastic concessions. Simply obey the fucking law and drive responsibly. Is that a lot to ask?

I’ve been saying this forever…..this is a TRAGEDY WAITING TO HAPPEN! Mark my words…someone WILL BE KILLED ON THIS CORNER! Probably sooner rather than later!

REMINDER: Transportation & Traffic Town Hall Meeting Tonight!

November 19, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This is a quick reminder that this evening our City Councilman, Steve Levin, along with a number of elected officials, the 94th Precinct and Department of Transportation will be conducting a Town Hall meeting regarding the manifold number traffic “issues” which concern our community. Show up and speak up, Greenpointers!

Greenpoint Transportation & Traffic Town Hall Meeting
November 19, 2012 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Polish & Slavic Center
176 Java Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222 

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Witnesses/Help Wanted

Yours truly has received all manner and variety of correspondence over the years. Some are humorous. Some downright belligerent. But the following will unfortunately be the most memorable. A fellow hailing from Grand Rapids, Michigan, Larry, writes (in an email entitled “August 2nd blog and photo of pedestrian struck on humboldt and metropolitan“):

Dear Miss Heather,

Hopefully you can help??

My wife, Heather along with myself and our 2 children were very close with the individual that was struck by the livery car that fateful night.(August 1st, 2012) The victim of this horrible hit and run, was a young man from our hometown of East Grand Rapids, Michigan.

His name was Leighton Parnham. He was only 19 years old and as a result of this (my opinion) vehicular homicide, passed away at Bellvue Hospital on August 7th 2012. If you would like to learn about this fun loving young man, visit this link:


The family is destroyed.

I am also a retired police officer and evidence technician from the suburbs of Chicago.
It seems the police have no interest in this homicide, which according to NY VTL section 10, leaving the scene of a traffic accident, resulting in death, is a class D felony.

We are tying to obtain the truth into what happened and any help you can provide would be great. i.e. person T, who originally posted this and what seems is a photo from their window overlooking the scene, any witnesses from Legion Bar that night…

I understand the driver of the livery car left the scene and was stopped by police with a smashed windshield and front end damage, but, was not arrested or even ticketed…

I have spent a significant amount of time today corresponding with Larry and Heather. They, in turn, have been corresponding with Leighton’s father (who, you can imagine, is devastated). The latter has given me permission to get the word out about this— one of many “accidents” hereabouts involving livery cabs, I’ll add— in the hope someone who witnessed this “hit and run” will step forward and speak up. To Heather (Larry’s wife) via email at: H_shortt (at) yahoo (dot) com.

Losing a child is quite frankly beyond my comprehension. I cannot imagine the pain Leighton’s family and friends have experienced and are presently experiencing. Nonetheless, we are in a position to help them get some semblance of “closure”. Finding out what actually what happened is a vital first step. Please help spread the word, north Brooklynites. Thanks.

Photo Credit: Screencap of Leighton Parnham comes via MLive.


Mark Your Calendars: Transportation & Traffic Town Hall Meeting

That’s right folks: next week a host of our elected officials along with the Department of Transportation and our very own 94th Precinct will be conducting a transportation town hall meeting right here in Greenpoint. As you can see, our very own Boulevard of Death has received top billing on this rather intriguing agenda. Mark your calendars, be there and have your say Garden Spotters!

Greenpoint Transportation & Traffic Town Hall Meeting
November 19, 2012 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Polish & Slavic Center
176 Java Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222 

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: An Arrest At 373 Graham Avenue

October 10, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Criminal Activity, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn, WTF 

I just received this update from Deputy Inspector Hurson himself:

We arrested Joseph Loiacono last night for forcible touching (he placed his hands on his female victims genitals). The victim was a friend of his. 


UPDATE, 9:22 p.m.: You can read more about what led up to “Joe’s” arrest by pointing and clicking your way to 373 Scam Avenue. WARNING/CAVEAT: the litany of charges being brought forth are seriously disturbing.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Raided?

That’s right: today both the police and Department of Sanitation have raided 373 Graham Avenue. The word on the street, I have been told (but await confirmation*), is “Joe” physically and sexually assaulted his girlfriend. This is horrible folks.

Here’s what happened per the Commanding Officer of the 94th Precinct, D.I. Hurson:

We assisted the sanitation dept in removing the garbage he had placed in front of his building. In the past he had given the sanitation dept a hard time they also gave him several summonses today even though he wasn’t present this morning

Photo Credits: Robin Hagert  and Melissa Kerwin respectively.

Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Halloween Greetings From 373 Graham Avenue

Or: He’s Baaacck!

Contrary to reports that the police vacated north Brooklyn’s perennial haunted house last Friday, Joe (as he is known) is back. As for how Joe feels about his latest visit from the local constabulary, well, methinks the following missive (as well as the fact he appears to have erected a barricade as seen above) might be an indication.

It is interesting to note that after I took the above photographs a young man exited the apartment on the second floor. He told a neighbor he can no longer abide having Joe as a neighbor (and one would presume: landlord). I found this interesting for a number of reasons. Foremost among them: there is no Certificate of Occupancy for this building.


To be continued (no doubt)…



Spotted On Diamond Street: Hate

The above image comes from a residnent of Diamond Street. He/she writes on September 15, 2012:

From outside my apartment building.

I have brought this rather ugly item to the attention to the head of the 94th Precinct, D.I. Hurson, among others. While outside of his jurisdiction, hopefully he can help get this loathsome piece of vandalism— to Federal property no less— removed. I have demonstrated— time and time again— I have neither time nor tolerance for this crap. Seriously.

P.S.: This post is dedicated the incredibly motivated Chief of Staff of our City Councilman’s office: Ashley Thompson. This dedicated civil servant saw fit to send me a nastygram calling me (among other things) “hateful” and a “cyberbully” Friday night at 7:47 p.m. Getting a dressing-down about ethics— much less “bullying”—  from someone who is albeit two degrees removed from “Gropez” and the machine his protege (her boss) is eagerly facilitating— well, that speaks for itself.

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