A New York Shitty Public Service Announcement

March 30, 2017 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

If you happen to own a motor vehicle and find yourself needing to park it in Greenpoint listen up, you will undoubtedly find what I am about to relay of the utmost interest.

See the highlighted area above? The one which seems to be demarcated as a legally permissible parking space if one consults the lines drawn on the street? Well, it is most decidedly not legal and has become quite the revenue mill for our traffic enforcement officials. I have seen (and in one case, photographed) “meter maids” loitering nearby— in one case, for nearly twenty minutes— waiting for someone to park in this space so he or she can issue the motorist a ticket.

Before I proceed I would like to make it known why this space is illegal. Some time ago there was work conducted on the street proper. It was by Con Ed, I believe. This required moving the bus stop for the B43 and B62 approximately fifteen feet to the north (or, referencing the above photo, to the right). Given buses need a wide berth of passage this change is quite understandable and indeed necessary. The question still arises as to why the lines on the street were not changed, but we’ll table that matter.

I know what you’re thinking:

Okay, so the bus stop was moved? What’s the big deal here?

Well this is where it gets interesting, gentle readers. You see this bus stop has since been moved yet again. This time to the south. It is presently located roughly in front of our local C-Town: 953 Manhattan Avenue. I have generated a map so as to illustrate what I am talking about.

Here you can see where the original bus stop was located, versus where it is actually located. It has been moved to the next block. So of course now the question arises as to why this parking space is still illegal. I will leave this for the “authorities” to answer.

What I can tell you— because I have seen it with my own eyes and filmed it— is “traffic” has stepped up their game regarding the enforcement of this illegal parking space. They are no longer simply issuing tickets. They have started towing the vehicles outright. And, as of this morning, they are breaking into said misplaced vehicles if need be in order to tow them. Don’t take my word for it, watch for yourself. Seeing is truly believing.



Many questions crossed my mind as I watched this transpire. Foremost among them was “Is this really necessary?” No, I do not think it is. Lord only knows north Brooklyn and Greenpoint in particular have a litany of traffic-related problems which are much more urgent in nature than this. If you happen to agree, by all means please share this with any/all elected officials, “authorities”, etc., as you see fit.

Given the NYPD, and specifically the 94th Precinct, have had a spate of bad publicity lately (I am being very kind here), one would presume, hope, they would be endeavoring to foster better “community relations”. However, stuff like this (enforcing an illegal parking space whose reason for being illegal in the first place is no longer extant) does the exact opposite. Want to (further) erode the respect and trust of the community one serves? This here example is a sterling way to do it.

Seriously folks, we deserve better than this.

UPDATE, 1:05 pm: We have a complaint number! DOT-330779-H1X6

Live From 20 Clay Street…

Anthony Lopez via the Real Deal nys

Also known as the (former) NuHart Plastics Factory, a Superfund site whose owner wishes to convert into yet another glass-riven slab of Brutalist luxury housing. Why let that blue chip property lay fallow when you can rent it out for a rave? I can assure you, gentle readers, that is what is precisely what is happening there presently.


Per the lady who shot the above video footage:

…It’s unbelievable. The music didn’t start yet. Just haunted sounds. A resident’s decimeter hit 9… There’s a fire engine parked in the middle of Dupont St. Cars backing up onto Manhattan Ave, cop cars around on Franklin & Clay, not that it’s stopping the crowd from smoking weed on the line…

Mind you, this event has only begun. And of course I had more than my two cents to say about this shitshow via the rather massive email string which is accumulating in my inbox. On that note, I leave you with this…

Lisa Bloodgood reply nys 2

Good times.

UPDATE, 12:34 am, November 1: This “party” is apparently getting shut down. I have been told our City Councilman, Steve Levin, is present, along with a Fire Marshal.

And now a message from our City Councilman…

Our City Councilman Speaks nys

Update, 1:05 am November 1st, 2015: Here’s touching video footage of the first wave of inebriated and swindled party-goes slogging it to the G train.

Happy Halloween.

Photo Credit: Anthony Lopez via The Real Deal.

Video Credit: Laura Hoffman.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Manhattan Avenue


Taken October 6, 2015.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Live From Transmitter Park

August 28, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

West at Greenpoint 8282015 nys

Parks and FNDY nys

Gawkers nys

EMT nys

BK Barge Bar cropped


Those of you who were wondering what the ruckus (replete with police helicopter) was this morning, a fellow was seen floating and was retrieved from the East River. I was told one of two things happened:

  1. He was swimming.
  2. He was found floating, a woman called 911 and he was rescued

Regardless, the good news is:

  • He is alive.
  • We have not had rain recently, so his risk of exposure to typhus, cholera and other nastiness from the nearby CSO (Combined Sewer Overflow) is probably reduced.

Lest you were not aware, gentle readers, there is a CSO on the premises of the Brooklyn Barge Bar.


See that green sign at the right? These are used to indicate the location of a CSO. (Those who are curious, can see a larger image of it here.) Now let’s take a closer look at one of the previously featured photos on this post…

BK Barge Bar cropped again

As you can see this sign has been removed. For those of you who may be wondering, this has been brought to the attention of the proper agency/agencies. They did not remove this sign (or the CSO it marks for that matter). So now the question is who did?

Happy Friday!

Quicklink: Have You Seen This Man?

January 15, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


At first glance I thought this was an item from The Onion. This appears not to be the case. If you have seen this fellow or know of his whereabouts the NYPD would very much like to hear from you. You can learn how and get the whole story by clicking here. Otherwise I’d be remiss by not noting:

1. Shit like this makes me miss the days when folks simply went to the C Town, feasted and left the remains (including a half-eaten pierogi) in the dairy section.

2. The resemblance this chap has to the following fellows is remarkable.

Beastie Boys video from 1994 = the disguise of choice for this fellow. Up and coming/”hip” neighborhood = a more advanced class of (ironic?) criminals.

For those of you who may be unaware/not in the know: the 94th Precinct has a Twitter account. Just today they announced January is “National Stalking Awareness Month”. Better late than never I suppose…

From The New York Shitty Inbox…

September 6, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Dobbin Street 8302014 nys

A lady we’ll call “M” writes:

This may be on your radar already but golly gosh…


Yeah, spray painting a school isn’t the best idea (she could have picked a construction billboard, maybe a pull-down store gate…)…but she’s charged with a hate crime which is just SO wrong…and a felony.  So the 94th gets tough on mild mannered women with spray paint but lets lunatics go about slashing people in cafes and mexican restaurants for giggles. * sure makes sense to me (not)…

This turned up on a google search:


And these too…



Ah Greenpoint

Indeedy. I would not exactly call a person who tagged a NYPD police car this “mild mannered”. Shit like that requires a pair of King Kong-sized balls. That said, should this woman be prosecuted for what she did? Absolutely. However, does she merit being prosecuted for a hate crime? No, she does not. Per thefreethoughtproject:

Under Article 485 of New York Penal Law, a “hate crime” must involve “violence, intimidation [or] destruction of property” inspired by animus toward people on the basis of “race, color, national origin, ancestry. gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability, or sexual orientation.” Absent from that inventory is any mention of occupation as a “protected category,” which means that the NYPD must consider itself to be either a tribe, a cult, or perhaps even a sexual orientation, most likely one that fetishizes sadistic mistreatment of the helpless…

Let’s face facts: Ms. Best managed to make a mockery out of the 94th/NYPD’s “authority”— however briefly. This is what these charges** are really about.

Closing on a related note, those of you who were wondering what the helicopter activity in north ‘Point was about last night, apparently a squatter gained entrance to a vacant apartment and the NYPD— replete with helicopter— was charged with “collecting” him. Those who are curious can get a better idea of what happened by clicking here.

*I have taken up this matter with Assemblyman Joe Lentol’s office. They’re on it.

**which include aggravated harassment: a charge which is also being levied against the fellow who slashed the owner of Milk & Roses recently. I want you, gentle readers, to think about this

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Perception Vs. Reality

September 4, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 

Screen Shot 2014-09-04 at 2.40.05 PMA lady we’ll call “N” writes (regarding the screencap at left):

screenshot from googlenews. the pr and the reality of greenpoint! (these paths seem to be crossing a lot these days). and cheers to the tough guy owner of milk and roses…

You can read about what happened at Milk and Roses (and Acapulco Deli as well it would appear) here. Here’s an excerpt/teaser:

…Davis has been charged with assault, criminal possession of a weapon and harassment, according to the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office. He was released without bail and ordered to stay away from the cafe. (Emphasis mine — Ed. Note) His attorney did not respond to request for comment.

Wow. Just wow.

Update, September 5th: I have taken this up with Assemblyman Lentol’s office and they are working to find out exactly what happened and why the District Attorney’s office is handling this case the way they are. To be continued…?

The Latest From The Snow Globe Factory: Let Them Eat Tear Gas

August 26, 2014 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Fuck This Shit, New York City 

Let’s face facts: although the summer in our fair city has been a lovely one weather-wise, I would not exactly call it a good one. The death of Eric Garner ushered in a series of “incidents” involving our “finest” which— and this is being kind— are appalling. Incidents which beg the question as to exactly who our public servants are indeed protecting and serving. It certainly was not Mr. Garner.

It is not my intent to simply blame the police, mind you. They follow orders. No sir: the blame, ultimately should be laid firmly on the doorstep of those who issue those orders. I do not think I need to name them here.

I have been wrestling with how to depict the goings on here via snow globes for months. Then Ferguson happened.


This is when I was reminded that this is not a mere New York City issue. It is a national issue. One which is fueled by institutionalized racism, classism, the militarization of our police force* and suppression of or (even worse) complicity of the press to name a few. Simply put: what happened there can and probably does happen here. We simply do not know about it— or prefer to forget about it. Ferguson, I suspect, has changed this.

Thus I opted instead to do a snow globe about Ferguson. Its “official” title is “Salus populi suprema lex esto”. This is the motto for the state of Missouri. It means:

The welfare of the people shall be the supreme law

I suspect a number of people will agree with me when I write that powers that be in Missouri need to be reminded of this rather apt piece of trivia. And sadly trivia is all it is. They do not seem to be comprehending much less following it.

Without further ado here it is. It pretty much speaks for itself.




Don’t shoot.

Police man grappling with photographer

Policeman grappling with a photographer.

man down

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.

George Orwell, 1984

From The New York Shitty Inbox: And Now A Word From The NYPD

August 25, 2014 ·
Filed under: Criminal Activity, DUMBO, DUMBO Brooklyn, New York City, Wow, WTF 

Good arrest

As forwarded by an anonymous tipster. Is it just me or is “blasting” a mass email about a “good arrest” kind of confirming the recent trend of (and this is being kind) “bad arrests” we have learned about lately? So let me get this straight.

Suspected of selling loose cigarettes while being a black male? That merited a chokehold.

Skip a subway fare while being a black male? That’s a serious asskicking.

But being a colossal dumbass (of unspecified race it would seem*) wandering around the tower of the Brooklyn Bridge taking photos with your iPhone? Well, that seems to merit a “good” arrest.

You can’t make this shit up, folks…

*It turns out that not only is this miscreant white, but he was also a tourist. This explains a few things…

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: The Word On The Street

Union Square 8162014 nys

Taken August 16, 2014.

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