From The New York Shitty Inbox: Police Activity On Clifford Place?

A lady we’ll call “L” writes:

Hello, I’m a Greenpointer and follow your blog. Since you are always in the know I’d thought I’d reach out to you. I think something bad happened on last night on our street. cops all over the street and one was sitting outside the bldg across the street. 11 Clifford. Do you know anything about this?

No, I do not know anything about this incident— but YIKES! On a (somewhat) related note, yesterday I was asked about an incident on Manhattan Avenue and India Street culminating in this:

Apparently these was a car chase pursuit between New York’s Finest and a “perp” Saturday night around 11:30 p.m. Many police cars (including one which jumped the curb, took out a stop sign and damaged the above call box) were noted. That’s all I know. If anyone knows what happened here or at 11 Clifford do share via comments or via email at missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Your identity will remain anonymous if you so desire. Thanks!

UPDATE, 3:40 p.m.: I have been told that the incident on Clifford Street came to pass between 2:00 and 5:30 a.m., and although drugs and blood were found, there was no body. No body = no murder, folks.

UPDATE, 9:20 p.m.: Now I am being told there is a body. A tipster writes:

So now I’m told via my next door neighbor who talked to the owner of the building on Clifford that there WAS a body. I guess the guy was beat up on his stoop around 9pm, in front of a lot of witnesses. He made it into his house, where the landlady heard a big crash around 1:30 or 2, and then called the cops to check on him. That’s when they found him dead. He was a guy in his early 30s who owned two dogs. No one has wanted to ID any of his attackers for fear of retaliation.

Miss Heather


From The New York Shitty Inbox: Another Anti-GBLT Incident?

Given that much of last night’s Community Council meeting was about both anti-GBLT violence and violence against woman in general you can imagine how disturbed I was to receive the following email this morning from a woman who appears to have experienced just these things as the previously-mentioned proceedings were coming to pass. Anonymous writes:

Hello Miss Heather,

I wanted to share my story with you.

Last night around 8pm, I had just finished having dinner with my girlfriend near N 4th and Kent.  Our scooters were parked outside where visible.  After dinner, we stepped into the Duane Reade only to come out to find a young man dragging mine about 5 feet from where I had parked it.  His car now occupied my previous space, and I was now in an illegal spot.

I confronted him immediately, assuming this was a minor.  He proceeded to become worked up – arms flailing, screaming and getting too close for comfort.  He threatened to hit me, then proceeded to call his mother who lived nearby to come “beat my ass” then turning my accusations into “racial profiling”.

The scooter’s wheel was thrown out of alignment, which I attempted to show him before his excitement got to be too much and a few passersby got involved, asking him to calm down and show respect.

These next events all happened very quickly, so I might not have them in the correct order.  After a few minutes and calls to 911 already rolling, he then pushed one of the men who had stepped in to defend me, and the man immediately restrained him.  When the man released him, the suspect went to his car and removed an aluminum baseball bat and went after the man who had hold of him.  Another bystander, managed to grab the bat from the suspect mid-swing.  Within moments, an SUV full of teenagers rolled up.  4 boys jumped out of the car, 2-3 girls remained in the back seat.  Had 20-30 bystanders not stayed close to my girlfriend and I, I have no doubt that this group would have turned the situation very ugly.

The suspect panicked as more people were calling 911 and reporting his license plate number.  My girlfriend standing in front of the driver side of the car was nearly run over when he sped away from the scene.

He stopped 3 blocks away and stayed there wandering with his group of friends. My girlfriend was near the suspect keeping an eye that he remained there so we could send the police to apprehend them.

After 45 minutes and likely dozens of of calls to 911, the police from the 94th Precinct FINALLY arrived – one cruiser, two officers.  Our suspect situated just up the street.  When asked what had taken so long, that this was a call to a violent act, they claimed that they were reporting to a “car accident” and that they were the only officers patrolling the ENTIRE Greenpoint/Williamsburg area.

When I asked them to go to N 6th Street (the low-income housing area of the water-front condos) to find the suspect, they were excessively unmotivated.

I had 5 witnesses – people I didn’t even know – stay at the scene for an hour with me.  This call wasn’t urgent?  The known suspect 3 blocks away did not elicit a quick response to detain him?

Meanwhile, my girlfriend was being circled and verbally assaulted by these teens.  Some of the comments were hate comments directed to our being gay.

The police finally made their way up the street (after other passersby continued to stop and say, the boys who did it are over there).  The police missed the group and my girlfriend was able to flag them down.  Myself and the witnesses ran to N 6th to ID the suspect, who’s mother had joined him outside.

She seemed reasonable and provided me with information to have any repairs taken.  At that time, the police said…

“Well, if that’s all, then we are the only guys out tonight and need to get out of here.”  No police report, no opportunity to press charges?  It still was not clear whether or not he was a minor (a bit of information that would greatly impact my decision whether or not to take things further). I was flustered and they left with us standing in the middle of the courtyard entrance of this low income section.

I called the precinct once we left and will go there this evening to ensure a proper report is filed with the names that were taken at the scene.

I am afraid to pass through this neighborhood, as I am pretty easily recognizable.  It goes without saying that my girlfriend is too.  She’ll be creating a separate report of her own.  We’ll likely be filing a complaint against the officers for their negligence.

After a night of running this situation through my head, there are so many things wrong with this picture.

Where are the police?  Why don’t they find property damage, attempted assault and fleeing the scene of a crime reason enough to take action?

Many reports of violence and disruption in this neighborhood describe the same suspects as were standing in front of me.  They made gay-hating comments – were they the same kids who beat Barie Shortell?  Are they the same kids I have seen smashing windows and property in the blocks surrounding this incident with baseball bats?

Thankfully no one was hurt this time.  My deepest appreciation to the many, many good samaritans in this community for getting involved – especially the ones who interrupted their nights to stay and provide a statement.

What do you think Miss Heather?  How can we make our streets safer and work to address the class and racial tensions (on both sides) that are escalating here?

This is an excellent question. One, I will add, that was more or less raised at last night’s 94th Precinct Community Council meeting by both Community Board 1 Public Safety member Tom Burrows and Lincoln Restler. I have referred this young woman to these individuals in the hope they can get some answers about what happened and some redress. As these men— along with an officer present at last night’s meeting— stated over and over:

If you see something, say something.

Miss Heather

Live From The 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting

(Special D.I. Hurson-less Edition)

As the above table indicates, Deputy Inspector Hurson was not present at last night’s convocation. An explanation for his absence is later given by the lady who oversaw the proceedings in the following footage.* Scott Adamo, our precinct’s Community Liaison, happened to be on vacation as well so another officer, Henry the Crime Prevention Officer for our precinct, was on hand to take notes so he can bring the issues which arose at this meeting to both Mr. Adamo and Deputy Inspector at a later time. Let’s just say that certain people present— particularly a stalwart Community Council attendee (and personal favorite), Phyllis— kept this chap on his toes! Without further ado here is the footage. Enjoy!

PART I: Preliminary announcements, including the revised schedule and location for forthcoming 94th Precinct Community Council meetings. (You can view the calendar for the remainder of the year by clicking here.)

  • Two 94th Precinct officers are commended for a recent arrest at the Cooper Houses (during which they were injured).
  • A representative from the New York City Fire Department speaks about employment opportunities.

PART II: The Q & A Session Begins

  • The issue of an increased homeless presence/encampment at Jerzy Popieluszko Square is raised by a concerned citizen. Apparently the former caretaker has stepped down and now the gates are being left open (thus facilitating the previous). I myself have seen this. It’s pretty bad.
  • Community Board 1 Public Safety Committee member Tom Burrows speaks and a victim of the anti-gay incident I wrote about in this post gives a personal account of what happened.

PART III: Phyllis Speaks

  • It has been verified by a second party that there is in fact a man at large on Bedford Avenue fitting Phyllis’s description. He sports women’s underwear (manties?) and flowers in his hair and likes to abuse women verbally (no mention of a stick was made). He was described to me as a small (think approximately 5’2″ tall) Asian-American chap between 30 and 50 years of age. He is quite insane and has been spotted in the East Village as well.
  • Phyllis is 74 years old and makes it very clear she will be keeping on eye on our Finest.

PART IV: A resident of Ainslie Street (who has been overseas for some time) notes that north Brooklyn has an alcoholism problem much to the amusement of fellow attendees.

  • Public urination is mentioned.
  • Phyllis chimes in.

PART V: Diane Jackson of the Cooper Houses brings up the matter of recent robberies thereabouts and is of the distinct opinion that the perpetrators hail from the adjacent homeless shelter located on the premises of the former Greenpoint Hospital (Ed. Note: Do give this a listen, it is seriously disturbing stuff.)

PART VI: Lincoln Restler Speaks— and Phyllis responds (Boy, does she ever!)

  • One word: fornication. Stated repeatedly and in a church by (who else?) Phyllis, no less.

New York Shitty Analysis/Commentary:

  • For a meeting which seemed to be finished before it had even started, it proved to be very interesting. One friend of yours truly opined that it was (an I quote) “better than cable television”.
  • I am very happy the young women who experienced harassment for simply bar-hopping in my fair ‘burgh showed up and spoke up. Granted, an error in judgement was made (throwing the bottle back) but ultimately what is important (and easily overlooked) is that she and her party were not the instigators. That distinction goes to a man who (for reasons only known to him) saw fit to verbally harass her and hers for simply walking down the street. This is not only unacceptable but it also begs the question (in my mind, anyway) as to who’s next? Greenpoint is without argument one of the safest (and finest) neighborhoods to be found in New York City. Nonetheless, when incidences such as this are brought to my attention it is all too clear that there is still work to be done.
  • Mr. Restler handled his trial by fire Phyllis rather well. Given that she saw fit to grill Councilman Steve Levin at last month’s meeting and get him, Rami Metal and D.I. Hurson to all attest that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a good President** proves she is not partisan in regards to Democratic Party politics but is an equal-opportunity force to be reckoned with! I can hardly wait to hear what she has to say come September. Until them folks…

Miss Heather

*Here’s what I have been told by a tipster about this:

spoke to my buddy from the 7th precinct.  the call last night in East New York was a suicide by cop.  Dude shot a guy at an automotive store then waved the gun around at cops


**Who, as it was rather piquantly noted by Tom Burrows, cheated on his wife Eleanor rather flagrantly. Ergo, fornication and good governance— at least per Phyllis’s logic— can and did mix.

LAST GASP: Holy Shit

May 29, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Yours truly has received a number of quite frankly incredible emails over the last seven days. Follows is the latest from a chap named Chris. He writes:

hey- a little birdie told me that while digging in the backyard of the church yesterday on kent street, a priest discovered a human skull!! police came, investigation ensued and upon further excavation a secret buried tunnel was discovered between the church and a neighboring home!! i don’t know how or what is true, but i thought you’d be interested.. hope all is well…

Guess what folks?

IT’S TRUE! Albeit with a couple of clarifications/tweaks:

  1. A skull and finger were found next door the the Church of the Ascension, not on the premises. Apparently the man was doing work on his backyard and made this discovery.
  2. No mention of a tunnel was made by the people I spoke to.
  3. The bones are purported to be “old”. Exactly how old is anyone’s guess. After all, we are talking about an area which was settled in the 17th century.

Interesting archeological find or the remains of some grisly deed from the Garden Spot of old? Only time will tell— but I have been told a New York Times reporter was on the scene today so hopefully he (or she) will dig up something (no pun intended). Otherwise, as I opined to a neighbor when he mused how these remains found their way to 119 Kent Street’s backyard:

Given that we’re talking about fingers I’m guessing they didn’t walk there.

UPDATE, May 31, 2011: I have been told by a reliable source that one Joe Vance (who it should be noted is a board member of OSA) once owned the house where these remains were found and was questioned by the F.B.I. Obviously the authorities are taking this matter very, VERY seriously and leaving no stone unturned. Wow.

Miss Heather

Greenburg Photo du Jour: Subversion

This example of why police barricades should not be abandoned (and I have found many hereabouts after the Five Borough Bike Tour) hails from Kent Avenue.*

Miss Heather

*These guys in East Harlem have re-purposed one in the best manner imaginable— although this comes in a close second!

Live From The Public Safety Committee Meeting

Truth be told it was a rather mellow evening last night at the Warsaw— at least in comparison to the smash-jaw Parks & Waterfront Committee convocation earlier this week. Nonetheless there was much information of interest (including question and answer sessions with representatives from the Fire Department, 94th Precinct and the Department of Consumer Affairs respectively) — and a “moment” (or two) worth savoring. Enjoy!

INTRODUCTION: Chairman Olechowski gives a statement about liquor licenses & the “Moratorium”

Public Safety Chair Mieszko Kalita speaks and the festivities begin!

Deputy Inspector Hurson of the 94th Precinct Answers Questions Tendered by the Board

A representative of the New York City Fire Department Answers Questions Tendered by the Board

Note/observation: Board member Burrows* plays a nice Ed McMahon to Joe Garber’s Johnny Carson. Or something. This is really worth watching folks!

A Representative of the Department of Consumer Affairs Speaks

D.I. Hurson talks about MARCH (and he ain’t talking about the month!)

And of course there is the matter of the Polish Slavic Center Cafeteria’s Liquor License (Spoiler: it was approved)

Lesson learned: Community Board 1 has no judicial power, no police force or F.B.I.

  • You will notice a red ribbon being passed along the table. This was my comrade Sherry’s Unofficial Community Board 1 Ladies Auxiliary badge (we were all sporting them— mine was pink!). Methinks it was a big hit!

It was at this point the meeting shifted to liquor license applications. There were many. My compatriots and I each got a drink.

What the 10:00 p.m. rolled around we decided we could do one of two things:

  • Get inebriated at a Public Safety Committee meeting (which would add a whole new provocative dimension to the proceedings).
  • Go home.

We chose the latter.

Miss Heather

*Who, it should be noted later took yours truly to task for not providing him and his colleagues snacks and refreshments. Here’s how I couched my rebuttal (to my buddy Christine):

I am not Community Board 1’s caterer. I am only its fluffer.

P.S.: Special props/credit goes out to ievil_spock_47i for observing the uncanny resemblance between the photo yours truly took and Leonardo Da Vinci’s The Last Supper. Awesome catch!

LAST GASP: Live From The 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting

Tonight’s proceedings were short and sweet. However, there were plenty of items of interest and naturally I shot footage. Without further ado, here it is along with a little commentary.


  • A general run-down of the previous month’s meeting is given.
  • Attendees are made aware of the City’s Community Liaison’s web site.
  • The first guest speaker of the evening is announced: Dennis Gagan of the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office.
  • When asked if crime is up or down he says down.
  • Phyllis (a 94th Community Council institution) disagrees and quotes Winston Churchill.
  • Mr. Gagan then proceeds to outline a stringent jail-time versus drug treatment program.
  • One Greenpointer mentions that a regular offender seems to be in and out of jail for drug-related crimes on a regular basis and asks what he should do if he catches this chap breaking into his car. The following discussion elicits dark laughter from the audience. D. I. Hurson steps in.

PART II: Tim Duffy, the LGBT Liaison for the NYPD introduces himself and D. I. Hurson gives a rundown of crime statistics.

  • Any and all interested parties can get Mr. Duffy’s contact information by clicking here.
  • Here’s the skinny per D. I. Hurson:
    1. Narcotics arrests were up 50%
    2. Traffic-related citations were up 25%
    3. Overall crime was down 4% HOWEVER:
    4. Robberies were up.
    5. Domestic violence was up.
    6. Car break-ins— especially on the “Northside” (specifically between North 4 and North 7 Street)— were up.
    7. In regards to last month’s bank robbery at HSBC: the perpetrators were arrested.
    8. The hate crime which occurred at North 4 Street and Wythe Avenue has yet to be solved.
    9. There was an arrest regarding the shooting.

PART III: Community Board 1 Member Tom Burrows Speaks and the Q & A Session Commences

  • Mr. Burrows disambiguates (once again) the hoopla regarding a so-called moratorium on liquor licenses.
  • The issue of the Brooklyn Night Bazaar is addressed. Once again.
  • Mr. Burrows implores people to call 311 about eating and drinking establishments which pose a public nuisance— and to forward this information to the local Community Board. If the Community Board does not know such an establishment poses an issue to the community, they cannot do anything about. In others words: if you see something, SAY SOMETHING@
  • The issue of truck and— get this— MTA bus traffic on Kent Street is raised. NOTE: Kent Street is not on a bus route. The issue of motorcyclists and installing speed bumps is brought up as well. Hurson says speed bumps cannot be installed on bus routes. The ladies present assure him Kent Street is not on a bus route and he  offers to lend a hand. (Ed. Note: I later advised these ladies to take up the matter with our Community Board’s Transportation Chair, Karen Nieves.)

PART IV: Q & A Session Continues

  • The subject of graffiti is once more raised and D. I. Hurson explains how to get it fixed.
  • Diane Jackson of the Cooper Houses voices concerns about men from the adjacent homeless shelter breaking curfew and sleeping in the halls of said housing. Apparently 60 Kingsland Avenue has the biggest problem.
  • More about the drug-dealing situation on Kent Street.

At this point it seemed like everything was over. But it wasn’t.

PART V: Carlos Menchaca of Councilwoman Christine Quinn’s Office Introduces Himself


After this meeting adjourned I arrived home to find this in my inbox.

Jan (who sent me the above photograph) writes:

Hi Heather –

The attached is what I was greeted with yesterday afternoon when I went to go pick up the car at the parking lot on N.9th St. to do errands.  Since the interior wasn’t wet, I am going to assume this happened really late Saturday or early Sunday.  Oh, and my cover was taken off too, so someone was interested in seeing what was under the wrapping.

This is my 64 Impala that I’ve had through thick and thin since 1983.  Apparently someone thought it would be fun to walk over the car with ladies sized shoes (with a steel heel) and went into my windshield.  We have this problem with someone leaving the gate open and stuff getting stolen once in a while, but I bet that bar across the street has something to do with it.  Thanks kiddies, your little bit of fun walking across my 48 year old car is going to cost me a cool grand to fix the busted windshield, not to mention figuring out how to fix the dents in the roof.

Here’s the deal: as a result of virtually no awareness raised by the powers that be and/or lack effective outreach by our local Community Board I receive a lot of complaints. I gladly field them and post the most relevant ones here. However, it has come to my attention that a great many of these complaints are redundant in nature. Follows is the “top three”:

  • Complaints about “eating and drinking” establishments— usually about noise, disorderly behavior, property damage and litter.
  • Traffic/transportation-related complaints.
  • Parks-related complaints.

What I would like to do so as to address this problem, serve my community; and perhaps preserve some semblance of my own sanity is create some customized version of a page which Jeremiah, of Vanishing New York, has on his site. It is entitled “How To Complain”. Follows is an excerpt.

You can (and should) read the rest here. In order to make this happen here’s what I need from you, dear readers from Brooklyn’s Community Board 1:

What do YOU want to complain about “effectively”? We have a number of very dedicated people on our Community Board. What is lacking is communication— and you! Do I need to hyperlink to Community Board 1’s calendar— including sub-committee meetings? Would monthly reminders about the 94th (and/or 90th) Precinct Community Council meetings be helpful? Contact information for elected officials, perhaps? Please tender your suggestions via comments or email at missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com.

Thank you.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Bye, Bye Beamer

The above images were shot by Jay Lombard, who writes:

I was driving on mcguinness when I spotted the tow truck with NYPD escort. Our little wayward Beamer buddy from NH got dragged out of Greenpoint in grand fashion! Thanks for calling attention to this hunk o’ junk.

I have a confession to make: I feel a certain sense of loss. I mean, I am happy to see this eyesore being towed but I did find the detritus it was attracting downright fascinating from an anthropological stand-point. My conclusions are as follows:

  1. Someone in the surrounding environs really likes bananas.
  2. Someone in the surrounding environs keeps a bag of cat shit handy for such occasions. Or at least this is what I am envisioning/hoping: a Garden Spot Johnny Appleseed of sorts, if you will. But instead of marking his territory with fruit-bearing horticulture he his medium/message of choice is cat shit.

UPDATE, 4:45 p.m.: I just got off the phone with D.I. Hurson of the 94th Precinct. He gave me the skinny on what happened. VERY simply put, the plates placed on this car did not match the registration sticker on the dashboard. Apparently this is a fairly commonplace practice when someone wants to avoid registering cars in our fair state. Anyway, New York State tags and registration are easy to cross-reference at a glance because they will have matching numbers. In this case they had to do some cross-referencing in order to deduce this vehicle was (in all probability) abandoned. So there you go!

Miss Heather

P.S.: For what it is worth, the Banker Street comfy chair is still with us.

Someone has even gone to the trouble to move it so as to conceal the objectionable “language”. Nice.


From The New York Shitty Inbox: The Blue Bloods Film Shoot Experience

March 26, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

If my inbox— and personal experiences— regarding last night’s into this morning’s film shoot are any indication, the recent occupation of our neighborhood by the Blue Blood’s crew did not go over well. First off, we’ll start with this missive from a Dupont Street resident (as addressed to the Manager of Community Board 1, Gerald “Gerry” Esposito):

…It’s now Saturday about 12:15 a.m. From my fifth floor window, I’m listening to a film crew yell back and forth across the street. I see flood lights peeping through my curtains and I hear the cars speeding around the corner for a chase scene.  I can’t imagine what the folks on the ground floor are experiencing. My daughter-in-law and grandson attempted to go home from Dupont St. at about 12 a.m. They had a long trip and needed to catch their bus. They were prevented from catching their bus by the film crew. At this hour, the bus stops about every 30 minutes or more.  My daughter-in-law gave up and they slept over. My grandson is only a little boy. It’s lucky for the crew that I wasn’t downstairs when they were confronted, because I wouldn’t have taken a confrontation with my grandson present lightly. The entire avenue has been affected by this movie already. I lost count of how many streets are closed off. Allowing film crews to intrude on this neighborhood at late hours is over the top.  I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve had enough.  There are way too many movies being filmed in the neighborhood. They are taking over massive amounts of space and extending hours until the early morning. What can be done about setting some limits on these film crews?  My first thought would be to organize folks to literally prevent the next crew from working. Any advise or direction you can offer would be greatly appreciated. The people here are truly being taken advantage of.

Meanwhile, over on Oak Street I received this (somewhat) uplifting missive:

Speaking of good PR, I had my car towed today because of a film shoot. There were no signs on the pole near the corner of Oak & Franklin. I called the site producer listed on the sign (NYPD hung up on me) and he bent over backwards to find my car for me. There aren’t tickets or fees when it’s a shoot, they towed me down past Vans & Pop’s. I appreciated that he made the effort & was super nice. I was just about to rant about the rampant filming down here lately.

And there is my personal testimony. Or as I prefer to call it: I wanted beer and got a car chase instead.

To preface:

  1. I understand folks want to film here.
  2. But after last night I have to wonder what, if any, consideration is being made by the Mayor’s Office of Film, Theater and Broadcasting regarding mass transit and foot traffic when copious parts of my community are being used by film crews at one time. And a very BAD time at that, but I’ll go into that later.
  3. Here’s a list of where Blue Bloods was approved to film. (I have mapped locations which exist in reality):
    a. 50 Moultrie Street at Meserole Avenue
    b. Driving scenes from Clay Street to Meserole Avenue between Franklin Street and McGuiness (sic) Blvd (Manhattan Avenue or they just being given free run of Greenpoint? — Ed. Note)
    c. Manhattan Avenue between Green and Dupont Streets (Now this is beginning to make sense! —Ed. Note)
    d. Driving scenes on Huron Street between West Street and dead end.
  4. And here is the time frame our fair city allotted them to do this fun stuff: 1:00 pm – 5:00 am.
  5. Here’s the deal: north Greenpointers tend to rely on the B43 and B62 bus versus the G train. When this service is removed my fellow citizens have to walk. They cannot walk when there are minders (however polite most of them were) on every corner admonishing you there is a car chase being filmed. Repeatedly.
  6. For simple folk like myself, there are only two 24 hour delis above India Street. So when someone, say, needs eggs, produce, tampons, the occasional condom; and of course beer guess what: we’re fucked! We get to stand around and freeze our asses off while they do whatever they want to do— with police protection. Paid for with our tax dollars, no less.

Without further ado here’s some footage I shot along with commentary. Enjoy!

Green Street at Manhattan Avenue, 9:15 p.m.

Upon Purchasing Beer, I Have To Wait To Cross Manhattan Avenue.

I wait some more.

New York Shitty Analysis/observations:

1. Cordoning off Green Street at Manhattan Avenue is idiotic. Had anyone from our fair Mayor’s Office of Film and whatnot cared to undertake a study of this intersection he (or she) would have known this is a very bad idea: it is the street of choice for Taxis, livery cabs and who not/what not to access McGuinness Boulevard, the Pulaski Bridge and, after the lattermost; the Queens Midtown Tunnel. Anyone with a basic grasp of the grid of one way streets here would comprehend this. It is not rocket science. It should also be noted the aforementioned vehicular traffic is especially heavy on (surprise!) Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights!

2. The “minders”/Police shouting at residents like drill sergeants is a nice touch.

Shortly thereafter I was allowed to cross the street. Instead of merely going home I decided to stick around. I did not open my precious beer for fear I would be ticketed by the police. That’s when I learned…

I am not the only person inconvenienced for merely living here and purchasing beer!

New York Shitty Analysis/observations:

1. These folks were using the bike lanes— as they should.
2. Any man who can carry what appears to be a 18-24 pack of Budweiser while steering a bike successfully is pretty amazing.
3. When yelled at by the local constabulary, they walked with their bikes on the sidewalk. (I like to give credit to considerate bike people when the opportunity arises.)

And they do it again.


  1. Who does Greenpoint belong to? The people who live here or anyone with enough clout/money who elects to film here?
  2. Given the preponderance of filming facilities here I see this kind of thing getting worse, not better.
  3. If what came to pass last night bothers you, fellow north ‘Pointers, please share your feelings with Ms. Karen Oliver, the Commissioner of Mayor’s Office of Film, Theatre & Broadcasting.

Our fair city has for all intents and purposes failed to deliver on any and all promises made regarding affordable housing and park space here. Yet, we get saddled with film shoots like what happened last night. Am I the only person who sees something wrong with this relationship?

UPDATE, July 31, 2011: It has come to my attention that this tome has come to the attention a Tumblr page dedicated to this television show. They called it a “NYC negative filming rant” but noted that “the videos are worth watching” because “they are from the scene where Jamie’s brakes get cut”. Obviously these folks do not “get it”— or simply do not care. I’m guessing a little bit of both.

Although this will undoubtedly be an exercise in futility I will say it again: filming a car chase at 10:00 p.m. on a Friday night along a busy thoroughfare (and in so doing obstructing vehicular traffic— including bus service) poses (posed) a serious quality of life issue for the people who reside in and around where this film shoot came to pass. Not only was there traffic congestion and noise from the film shoot itself to consider but also citizens essentially being held captive in their own community. E.g.; being forced to wait at the behest of “minders”— in weather that I will add was quite cold— while this car chase was filmed. Stuff such as this does not ingratiate one’s organization to the community. In fact, a great number of my neighbors have grown quite tired of the issues film shoots have posed in our community. If Bloodbloods actually gave something back in exchange for the inconveniences posed by this shoot perhaps we would feel differently. But this is not the case. The fact they find some sense of pride in the video footage a I have posted (and in so doing write about a character from said show like he is an actual person) bears testament to their sense of entitlement, narcissism and complete and total disconnect with the community(ies?) in which they film.

In this respect I have to applaud Jeff Brown of MTV’s “I Just Want My Pants Back”: he took the time to not only scout locations in Greenpoint thoroughly but also met with members of the community in the interest mitigating the impact his film shoots would have on the community. Thus far this partnership (yes, he has elected to work with my community instead of treating them with indifference or utter contempt) has in fact been successful! I am hopeful that perhaps Bluebloods will follow suit— but I am not holding my breath.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Very Special Problem

March 24, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

L writes:

Dear Miss Heather,

I’m writing you, the current authority of Greenpoint, for some advice,

How do you politely and safely remove a polish homeless man from your stoop?  As of late, one has been currently making my sunny stoop his favorite napping place.  It makes getting inside my apartment difficult, not to mention embarrassing. 311 has been of no help. Does WR Hardware sell a homeless repellent spray or some sort of scarecrow?

L brings up a very good point: while we are advised to call 311 by our elected officials and police department it seldom does any good. That having been written, here’s a few ideas I have for L off the top of my head:

  1. Call the 94th Precinct directly (WARNING: you might get relegated to their automated system. Not fun.)
  2. Go to the next Community Council Meeting (you can view calendar here) and talk to D. I. Hurson directly. (Probably your best option.)
  3. Take up the matter with your elected officials. Given that homeless outreach seems to be of special interest to him I would suggest reaching out to City Councilman, Steve Levin.

Does anyone have more advice for L? If so, please share via comments.

Miss Heather


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