
July 2, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

Some of you may or may know that this morning John Liu, who is running against David Yassky for City Comptroller, was on Bedford Avenue meeting and greeting morning commuters. Well, Mr. Yassky decided he too should canvass this thoroughfare (being as it IS in his City Council district) and invited a handful of his buddies to join him. The reception he received was chilly to say the least:

David: Hi, my name is David Yassky and I’m running for City Comptroller.
Woman: Did you vote for a 3rd term?
David: No, I’m not running for a 3rd term.
Woman: But you voted to extend term limits.
David: Yes, I did…
Woman: It’s a terrible idea…
David: Well, I disagree with you…
Woman: …and I hope it comes back to haunt you.
David: Shrugs meekly. Well…

I encourage each and every one of you to point and click your way over to A Short Story (from which the previous priceless exchange hails) for the full scoop. Good stuff!

Miss Heather

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