Highlights From The Robot Monkey World Chimpionship: Part III

April 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


As promised, here is the third installment of live footage I shot from last weekend’s Robot Monkey World Chimpionship. This, the final segment, features the rules of the game, some good-natured shenanigans and four of Greenpoint’s finest businesses waging war against Williamsburg and in one case, each other:

  • Brooklyn Standard Vs. Kellogg Diner
  • Papasito’s Vs. Number 9 Lighting
  • Dandelion Wine vs. t.b.d.

Once again Lily is in good form. They should make her a robot monkey coach. Seriously. Enjoy!

I suspect I speak for many who were present at this event when I say more such tournaments should be held. Bushwick against Williamsburg or Greenpoint immediately come to mind. Are you listening out there, Dan?

Miss Heather

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