From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Strange Bedfellows

October 4, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

As taken by UrbanphotoZ.

Quicklink: And Now A Word From The Newtown Creek “Alliance”

February 11, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Gentrification, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


I suppose it will come as no surprise that the Newtown Creek Alliance has seen fit to issue a “statement” supporting the “new and improved” boathouse. Exactly how they could do so without actually seeing the plans (and I have been assured by a board member she has not seen them— this same person was not in favor of issue a statement regarding this facility) makes one wonder exactly who is greasing the wheels so to speak. In any case, it speaks volumes about a so-called environmental organization— or at least their more strident members— when they are willing to do “business” with someone who was busted for operating an illegal waste trade facility— LAST YEAR. And of course there’s those Federal tax liens to consider. Not too sure I want to give money to such a person— but what do I know?


I will leave you with one question, gentle readers:

If this new and improved boathouse is so great, why was it not even made public until a blogger (me) broke the story?

This stinks to high heaven, folks…

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Compostoberfest

If there is one thing yours truly does not possess, it is a green thumb. For this reason I leave all things green to the experts. In this case “Typing Wermz” who, despite being bereft of a thumb— be it green or otherwise (or fingers for that matter)— were kind enough to bring this event to my attention. He/she/they (?) write:

Hello composters!

We are coming out of the woodwork for a fun educational event this weekend. In partnership with GrowNYC and the Newtown Creek Alliance Compost Workgroup, we will be diverting part of the Saturday haul from the Greenmarket compost collection in McCarren and mixing up a special batch of compost at our site.

Come learn about existing citywide compost initiatives!
Come learn about compost cooking!
Come get some hands-on experience at North Brooklyn Compost Project!


New York Shitty Video Du Jour, Part I: The Manhattan Avenue Kayak Launch, Revisited

July 16, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Newtown Creek 

Upon having it brought to my attention— yet again— that trash collection (among many other things) continues to be a problem at the Manhattan Avenue Kayak Launch, today I decided to swing by and see it for myself. While certainly better than it has been in days past, there is clearly still ample room for improvement. Not only was this apparent by the overflowing garbage cans, but it was pointed out to me by none other than Kate Zidar: the immensely dedicated and all-around nice lady who heads the Newtown Creek Alliance.

You see, as it would happen she was there with a film crew from Vice Magazine. They were awaiting the arrival of a boat to take them up the ‘creek. Anyhoo, not knowing anything about plants/plant life (other than having an uncanny ability to kill them*) I asked her if she would take a moment to explain what else is amiss at this piece of public space. She was kind enough to oblige me. Without further ado, here we go!

I suspect I speak on the behalf of many folks when I write that I was absolutely ecstatic when this park— however small it may be— finally opened. Thus, it makes me not only sad but quite angry to see it in such a state. Or to put it differently: if the powers-that-be cannot take care of a park as modest as this one, why should the problems at the McCarren Park (and specifically its pool) come as a surprise? I for one am not surprised. Disappointed and fed up? Absolutely. But surprised? No. We deserve better than this, north ‘Pointers. Really.

*Yours truly is more effective than pesticide. I have been known to even dispatch cactus to its maker on occasion (hence why I stick to jade plants). Thus I am very, seriously, grateful for Ms. Zidar bringing me (and us) up to speed. Thanks!

Quicklink: Creek Speak

What is “Creek Speak”, you ask? Here’s how the folks at Habitat Map describe it:

Creek Speak is an oral history project that uses online interactive maps to present the stories of people and places near Newtown Creek…

You can check this out by pointing and clicking here. Do it. It’s fascinating!

Miss Heather

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