From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part III: And Now This

May 25, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

An anonymous tipster (who sent the above photograph) writes:

Hey there Miss Heather,

I’m a longtime Greenpoint resident and reader of your blog…and today while I was enjoying a vacation day off work doing absolutely nothing I came across this flyer (which I’ve attached a pic of) lining all the car windshields on my section of Leonard st by Greenpoint Ave.

I walked up and down the block trying to confront whoever was posting the flyers (since they weren’t there when I passed fifteen minutes earlier…but to no avail).

Figured you might be the person who can help get to the bottom of this, I really would like to think this type of crap isn’t going on in Greenpoint…but where there is smoke there’s fire. I only hope there is someway that these folks can be publicly shamed.

Luckily any social movement that is based off hotmail accounts cannot possibly win in the end!

As some of you might recall there was talk of skinheads at the last 94th Precinct Community Council meeting. AntiSemitic and homophobic material have also been found here. I have brought the previous to the 94th Precinct’s attention. This latest discovery is very disturbing (and depressing) to say the very least. If/when you see this kind of thing folks PLEASE call the police. STAT.

94th Precinct: (718) 383 – 3879

UPDATE, 6:13 p.m.: I have received word a good Samaritan has since removed these fliers. You can get Wikipedia’s take on the Creativity Movement by clicking here.

Miss Heather

P.S.: And how can we not forget these gems?

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