From The New York Shitty Inbox: Happy Hanukkah From The MTA!

November 15, 2010 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Crosstown Local, New York City, Subway 

Not really—- but I thought this subway themed greeting card (as brought to my attention by my buddy Dreidel Hustler) was too cool NOT to resist posting. Hell, it even includes the Crosstown Local! Or part of what is left of it, anyway. If I had one criticism of this card it would be this: they forgot the manifold and baroque service suspensions for the aforementioned “line” on weekends. In any case, you purchase ’em in packs of six by clicking here!

Miss Heather

Quicklink: YRU On My Train?

November 3, 2010 ·
Filed under: Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Subway 

Props go out to Subway Art Blog for spotting this gem. He writes:

What could possibly drive two aspiring actresses to start interviewing strangers in the subway? Sheer curiosity.

Why Are You on My Train? is a video blog by Alli Goldberg and Jen Jamula. Both of them moved to New York to pursue their acting careers after graduating from Yale’s theater department, but found themselves doing something they never expected. “Our blog was partly born out of riding the subway to and from auditions and a) wondering who the people were around us and b) wanting to engage,” explained Jen…

You can read the rest over at Subway Art Blog. Check it out!

In the meantime here’s a choice morsel:

Psychics, Astronauts and Rappers from whyareyouonmytrain on Vimeo.

I can only hope I meet these ladies and tell them my tales. Provided of course the G train is actually running.

Miss Heather

Spotted On Quay Street: Batman

August 28, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Laura (who took the above photograph) writes:

Hi Heather! Mike & I were driving through Quay St. and spotted Batman in the midst of battle, with his foe in black. No shit.

Hmm. I wonder if among these these masked mens’ super powers is immunity to tuberculosis? Yes, dear readers, cases of TB have popped on Quay Street. More specifically at the MTA’s Mobile Wash Facility. Scary.

Miss Heather

Spotted On Graham Avenue: Hate

August 28, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, Asshole, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

From the love of god will someone please make this stop?

Miss Heather

Crosstown Local Photos Du Jour: Waiting

When I took the above shot I accidentally bumped into a young woman. After apologizing I explained:

Whenever they suspend G train service I like to take pictures of all the happy people waiting for the shuttle bus.

She laughed. And I added:

It’s like something from the Great Depression. These people look like they want to shove the barrel in their mouths and pull the trigger.

She replied:

You should email that to the MTA.

Perhaps I will?

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: G Train Buzz

August 12, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crosstown Local, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

I have received no less than two emails from my fellow citizens shocked and awed by what appears to be some semblance of maintenance at the Greenpoint Avenue stop of the Crosstown Local.

Cat (who took the photograph gracing the beginning of this post) writes in an email entitled “Subway improvement?!” :

Saw this happening on the Queens bound platform of the greenpoint station this morning. Im fairly certain you posted a pic of it a while back. Perhaps the shitty, dilapidated mosaic will get a makeover?

John (who took the above photograph) opines:

Hell freezes over and they fix the signage at the Greenpoint ave G stop!

Indeed. Although I will sort of miss the “repair” job they did by placing cement in the missing tile work and employing appears to be a Sharpie marker to fill in the black spaces. One simply does not see that kind of ingenuity every day. Unless of course he (or she) happens to ride the Crosstown Local!

Miss Heather

Spotted At First Avenue: “Official Neglect”

I am not a marketing whiz. I leave that to the experts. But placing such a polemic at the entrance of Canarsie-bound L train, well, strikes me as being misguided at best. We have problems of our own. Believe you me when I waited for the mighty Crosstown Local (which was more fragrant than usual) last night— for over 30 minutes— at Metropolitan Avenue— I found this missive wretchedly comical. You want to see neglect, Upper West Siders? Why not cross the pond and see the not-so-benign neglect that our city has seen to lavish upon us G trainers.

21st Street, Long Island City, Queens

Taken March 6, 2010.

This sign is unnecessary. When foul-smelling muck is dripping from the ceiling people will inevitably avoid the edge of the platform until it is absolutely necessary. That is, when the G train finally arrives. Taken July 4, 2010.

If my memory serves me correctly this tile work was done in the late 90’s. As of July 4, 2010 it looks like ass. I skipped Nassau Avenue. Here’s why: because there is a busted water main and it makes the Norman Avenue entrance smell like dead fish. But back to the purpose of this post:

  • Token booths being unattended
  • Dysfunctional Metrocard machines
  • Non-functional panopticons (Lest anyone from the Upper West Side is reading this: the ones on the L and G appear to be fully functional. Exactly what effect this has as a crime deterrent has yet to be determined.)
  • I know of not a single person who has attempted to use the intercoms in North Brooklyn. It is popularly considered as an exercise in futility. (If anyone has please contact me via email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. I’d love to hear your story.)

These conditions (and worse) are taken for granted in the hinterlands (READ: the outer boroughs), my uptown friends. We often have to go above ground in order to interface with a station agent. Occasionally we encounter an actual human being.

To conclude: the grievances our friends at 86 Street have stated are pretty much par for the course. They are nothing special. These people are simply better organized. Perhaps a few G,L,J,M,7 (to name a few) trainers would like to make their voices heard at this meeting?

MTA Public Meeting
July 13, 2010 starting at 6:00 p.m.
Cooper Union
7 East 7 Street
New York, New York 10009

Let’s show them, Mayor Mike, et. al. the true meaning of neglect!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Same Train, Different World

Eighth Avenue Bound L Train

Canarsie Bound L Train

Miss Heather

Subway Photo Du Jour: 23 Street – Ely Avenue

Taken June 14, 2010.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: The Crosstown Local Rides Again!

(Or: Happy Belated Mother’s Day From 21st Street)

It looks innocent enough.

This Mother’s Day tome is sweet albeit in an urban kind of way.

Then you see and smell this.


Miss Heather

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