East Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: High Life



This 21st century (and very Williamsburg) take on pull tab art hails from Morgan Avenue.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Beautiful Polish Girls

June 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Last week the Mister and I took Larry da Junkman our to dinner. So elated was he, a father of two small children, to at long last have a night out (albeit with a 10:00 p.m. curfew) he exclaimed:

Let’s go to a strip club!

I replied:

The only one I can think of is Pumps by the Metropolitan Avenue Bridge. There’s no way in hell I am going there. One time (name excised) did. He watched a bored dancer strip on stage while a solitary onlooker made paper footballs and flicked them at her.

Firmly ensconced in the armpit of English Kills— a place that is cringe-worthy enough in daylight— can you honestly blame me for putting the kibosh on an evening’s worth of “adult” entertainment? What’s more, with reviews like this:

First of all, it’s called Pumps.  Secondly, it’s an old diner car turned into a strip club.  You can get a lap dance in the “private viewing area”, but it’s just behind an old shower curtain about 2 feet from the bar.  Oh, and the girls dance on a couple of poles thrown in behind the old counter where once someone ate a fried egg or something.  And the cash machine has a $5 surcharge.  It’s insane.

I wouldn’t set foot in this establishment without a hazmat suit. Alas, a more palatable alternative manifested in my inbox shortly thereafter.



Jay Lombard (who took the above photographs) writes:

If you saw this sign wouldn’t you assume that the establishment was a place where you got to see ALL of the girls? Well it’s actually the Onyx on Morgan and Nassau.

Two days late and a solitary dollar (excitedly shoved into some anonymous woman’s g-string) short is the sad story of my life. Oh well, maybe next time.

Miss Heather

A Morgan Avenue P.S.A.

June 10, 2009 ·
Filed under: Asshole, Bushwick, Crazy Cat Lady, Williamsburg 


Cat owners who live on or around the intersection of Rock Street and Morgan Avenue take note:


a cat poisoner appears to be operating in your neighborhood. It goes without saying if you see someone acting suspiciously around or out rightly abusive to our furry friends contact the ASPCA at the above-listed phone number stat.


Miss Heather

Williamspoint Photos Du Jour: Animal Crackers

May 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


Cook Street



Moore Street


Bogart Street


Grattan Street


Morgan Avenue


Harrison Place


Grand Street




Franklin Street

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: A big New York Shitty thank you for the animal cracker conveyor belt images goes out to its creator, The Fictionist.

Fun With Rock Photography in New York City

April 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

(Or: Don’t F**K With The DOS’s Boulder)


It could be argued that the only thing I like more than getting a good mind fuck is administering one. You know what they say: it is much better to give than to receive. Today I arose to a beautiful day and after catching myself staring wistfully out my living room window one too many times I decided to table the blog and go for a walk. A long walk. On days such as this I long to get a little taste of spring time— albeit not in the manner many of my fellow New Yorkers do. When they head to the park or take a nice stroll along the waterfront I pay a visit to the hinterlands of north Brooklyn Industrialville. To bastardize my buddy Brando Robert Duvall* from Apocalypse Now:

I love the smell of PCBs in the morning.

Which brings me to the not-so-small rock gracing the beginning of this post and the subject of mind fucks. I found this item on Gardiner Avenue just north of Varick Street. For those of you who are not in the know this rock is located on a rather sizable plot of land owned by the Department of Sanitation. This facility is patrolled by a security guard who I had the pleasure of meeting. He was your average Joe with a job to do; in this case, preventing people (ostensibly terrorists) from photographing their installation. Our conversation started as follows:

You can’t photograph that.

He said. To wit I replied:

I’m not going to argue with you, but could you tell me why this rock is painted green?

“That rock belongs to the Department of Sanitation” he said “and they do not want anyone taking photographs of their facility”.


I said. “Believe you me the last place I want to hang out at on a pretty day like this is a waste transfer facility on Whale Creek. I simply like to photograph oddities. Take that truck down the street, for example…


…I’ve found Betty Boop on more things than you can possibly imagine. Just a couple weeks ago a found a refrigerator covered in Betty Boop stickers. I took a photograph of that too. As for that rock, well, I suppose it makes sense that the Department of Sanitation would paint it green. As you said, it is their rock and they can do with it whatever they wish. There are a lot of big rocks in this area. Many of them are painted and I have taken photographs of a number of them. There’s one at the intersection George Street and Evergreen Avenue someone has clad in plaid.


I really like that one.”


There’s also a rather nice boulder at the corner of Vandervoort Avenue and Division Place. It advertises sand and gravel for sale. A pretty witty selling tool if you ask me.


Then of course there’s the rock at Morgan Avenue and Rock Street.


That one has since been removed. Why I don’t know. Some people thought it was ugly but I rather liked it.

And then you have Arbitration Rock. Haven’t seen that one yet but I plan to!

It was at this point my new friend smiled. I suspect his years of experience informed him that a daft 30-something broad clad in pink pants, pink shoes, pink shirt, pink jacket and pink hair held at bay with an aqua blue bandanna (I lost my pink one a month ago) babbling about North Brooklyn’s boulders did not constitute a security breach. At least not one worth contacting the authorities about. Long story made short he relented and let me take a photograph of the Department of Sanitation’s rock.

Whoever you are security dude I will be eternally grateful to your generosity for allowing me to add this big boy to my collection. Thanks!

Miss Heather

*See comments.

Williamspoint Video Du Jour: Slow Down

April 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


On April 6, 2009 my buddy down at Brooklyn11211 wrote (in regards to this post):

What is more wacky is why there is a sign for the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel on Metropolitan Avenue in Williamsburg.

To wit I replied:

It’s your ‘hood, dude— you tell me!

Which brings me to the above bit of signage. It is one of several such signs that some rugged individualist has seen fit to erect on Maspeth Avenue across the street from Cooper Park (which I should add is firmly located in the 11211 zip code). While the provenance of these signs is unknown the people I spoke to on this block agreed that “crazy drivers” deemed them necessary. What I wanted to know is if they work. So I took a leisurely stroll down the block to find out.

I suspect anyone who is reading this post and has the pleasure of interfacing with 311 (it’s a hit or miss affair— some operators are better than others) will agree that filing complaints in this manner seems to be a futile endeavor. This has often been my experience, anyway. But dial them anyway, take down the complaint number and forward it to your community board. Yes, this will entail some work on your part, dear readers, but I suspect we can all agree that one person— much less a child— hit by a speeding car is one too many.

Miss Heather

Coming Up: Craft On Draught

March 25, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Bushwick, Greenpoint Magic, Recession, Williamsburg 

fabricthumbnailI’ve been doing a lot of spring cleaning of late. You know, getting rid of stuff you told yourself— REPEATEDLY— that you would do something with. But never did. Here’s your opportunity to dump, drink and make. Leslie writes:

Bring out your busted sewing projects, tired T-shirts, hideous hand-me-downs—basically all the crappy clothes from your closet that you don’t want anymore, or the stuff you’ve been meaning to make awesome—for the ultimate happy hour of destruction, reconstruction, and social mixing!

You provide the scrap, we’ll provide the beer, inspiration, crafting tools, and help from author-crafters Heather Ross and Kayte Terry—plus special projects for purchase: Scrappliqué undies, totebags, cards, jewelry boxes, picture frames, onesies and T-shirts (with that new T-shirt smell)!

WHAT: Craft in Draught Debut

WHEN: April 2, 2009.

WHERE: Spacecraft Brooklyn
355 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

(718) 599-2718

WHY: Because it is fun and your $15.00 admission fee (or two for $10) “gets you free beer, and a raffle ticket to win a copy of WEEKEND SEWING by Heather Ross, COMPLETE EMBELISHING by Kayte Terry, grab bags of goodies from Etsy and STC Craft/Melanie Falick Books, cute fabric bundles from Heather Ross’s Mendocino line, a gift certificate to Housing Works Bookstore Café , and other assorted surprises!”

HOW: JMZ at Marcy, Bedford Avenue stop of the L or the B61, baby!

To RSVP for this event you need to shoot an email to:  rsvp (at) spacecraftbrooklyn (dot) com

Otherwise it should be noted that Craft in Draught will alternate between Spacecraft and 3rd Ward the first  Thursday of every month. “East Williamsburg” will get your turn in May!*

3rd Ward
195 Morgan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11237

Miss Heather

*Bonus points if you also haul in your wool sweaters and socks, to be felted in preparation for the Felt Up for Spring!

Call For Submissions: Sex Cells

March 24, 2009 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


When I found an email about this open call at 3rd Ward I simply knew I had to pass along the good news here. To better understand my excitement, dear readers, follows is an excerpt from their online press release for Sex Cells:

In an age where vibrations announce flirtations in the form of text messages & conquests are captured with cell phone photos and video, 3rd Ward is challenging people to take it up a notch – a bed post notch!

This nationwide open call is a search for well-executed, erotic expressions made only with a cell phone. Videos, photos and texts will all be accepted. It’s time somebody showed sloppy celebrities and indiscreet politicians how it’s done. Redefine your phone.

The judges for this event are Chase Lisbon of Nerve and Ashlea Halpern of Time Out New York. The “most uniquely artistic, thought provoking and well-executed piece” will receive a $500 reward. Select submissions will be featured in 3rd Ward’s quarterly publication and all submissions will later be incorporated into a group show whose opening date— June 12th— has been selected to coincide with L Magazine’s Northside Festival.

There is no cost whatsoever to submit and the deadline is April 22. So get those knuckles ashufflin’ Greenpointers and send some electronic love (or abject lust) to:

cells (at) 3rdward (dot) com

Miss Heather

New & Noteworthy: Vanessa Coffee Shop

March 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

todays-specialsmallDespite the recession a lot is going on in south Greenpoint. First there was Boneshakers. Last month it was the revamped Cup Of Joe’s and Lucky Shot. Yesterday it was the Great Mac Off and the good news about Brooklyn Standard. Today I am pleased to announce  we have gotten an old-school coffee shop: Vanessa’s.

Unfortunately I had already eaten but curious to know more I went inside. Vanessa’s is a tiny establishment. It seats at most maybe eight people. But the spicy aroma coming from the kitchen was absolutely mouth-watering. I asked the woman behind the counter how long they had been open. She said two weeks. They have not in fact even finalized their take out menu. But as you will see from this working draft they will be serving the usual fare along with some very authentic Mexican food. Color me intrigued!


Vanessa Coffee Shop
510 Morgan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

(718) 388 – 0357
Fax: (718) 388 – 7750

Miss Heather

P.S.: They will be receiving orders via fax and will be sending out Twitter alerts for their daily specials. Ah, technology…


Has Anyone Seen This Pup?

February 18, 2009 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


This week I have seen no less than a dozen of these fliers: once at Morgan Avenue by the Cooper Projects, another time on South 4th Street by the BQE and lastly on Broadway at Hewes Street. If you have seen this adorable pup or know of its whereabouts please contact the owner at the above telephone number. This is little fella is clearly missed.


Miss Heather

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