Happy Martin Luther King Day From New York Shitty!

January 19, 2009 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Williamsburg 


From Montrose Avenue.

Miss Heather

Dung Of The Day: Glass Half Full Edition

January 14, 2009 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Dog Shit, Dog Shit Signage, Dung of the Day, Williamsburg 

thedoogthumbAfter learning about the latest incarnation of this sign last week I simply had to see it for myself. What’s more I wanted to gauge its effectiveness. I have some good news and some bad news to relay:

1. While on the one hand it would appear the local citizenry are obeying the letter of the sign,
2. on the other they do not seem to be grasping  its spirit.

Glass half empty or glass half full? I’ll let you make the call.


While I’m on the subject of dog shit and day-glo paint, I was recently forwarded a most amusing item from my friend over at And I am Not Lying. Here’s a teaser to pique your interest:

There were two good things about my apartment in Virginia:

The rent was only $175 a month, and Brad the landlord never came over. Ever. Or so we thought. This seemed ideal at the time, as I was using the living room as a painting space in addition to training live chickens to play keyboards in the living room. The less company, the better.

But like so much else in the world, the good and bad parts of that situation were horribly entangled.

We’d moved into the place in a hurry in the dead of an unusually cold winter – which served to keep the smell down..

Yup, and it only gets better.

Miss Heather

Reader Contribution Du Jour Part II: Montrose Avenue Dog Doo Sign Gets Another Upgrade!

January 7, 2009 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Dog Shit Signage, Williamsburg 

Michael writes:

I was walking to the store by my job . This was spotted on Montrose avenue and im sure u would appreciate this photo….

I have been a fan of this man’s (who I call “Super”) work for some time. This is by far the best sign he has created to date. Thanks for passing this along this great find Michael!

Miss Heather

From Bushwick With Love

As it would happen, a good friend of mine resides in Bushwick. On occasion she sees fit to send me pictures from her wanderings around the neighborhood. Today was one of those days. She writes:

I was going to save this and give it to you as an anniversary present, but it’s just too good to sit on till October. This is what I saw while walking my dog this morning. I made sure to swing back by with my camera on the way to the train to work. I did not arrange this. I merely happened by and saw its intrinsic sublimity.

From Bushwick with Love

This looks like one hell of a party (note the baggie of cocaine to the rat’s right). They sure seem to like Heineken down there. I sense a phat product placement deal will be headed Bushwick’s direction soon. With publicity like this, who needs Madison Avenue?

Miss Heather

P.S.: Thanks a lot for the gift, Chintamani! This is like Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and Ramadan all put together.

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