The Word On The Street: Bum

From Montrose Avenue.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: All That Glitters

May 13, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11206, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn 

From Montrose Avenue.

Miss Heather

East Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Finger

From Montrose Avenue.

Miss Heather

Spotted On Montrose Avenue: HYacinth 7-2041

It was the delightfully kitschy photo gracing this advertisement which initially caught my eye. Then I noticed the address.

I’m on Montrose Avenue.

I thought to myself.

I wonder where 201 Montrose Avenue is?

Then it hit me.

I was there.

Miss Heather

P.S.: For those of you are wondering, yes I simply stumbled upon this piece of art work while walking around. For reasons only known to the person responsible he/she saw fit to leave this item at its former “home”. This is one of the most uncanny experiences I have ever had on a walk. Amazing.

Spotted On Bushwick Avenue: Coming Soon

My curiousity was when I saw this long-vacant store front on Bushwick Avenue so I asked one of hte owners, the woman in the above photograph what gives. She told me they going to open up an “eating and drinking establishment” serving American fare which will be sourced out to local businesses. Intriguing.

In any case, she and her partner currently operate a watering hole on the Southside, East River, and this serves as a good a reason as any to remind everyone that the social event of the season— that being this month’s Public Safety Committee Meeting— will come to pass tonight (Cinco de Mayo!) at Greenpoint’s very own Polish National Home. If the proceedings (NOTE: the proposed “moratorium” on liquor licenses is slated to be discussed) are anywhere near as acrimonious lively as this week’s Parks & Waterfront meeting I’d say north Brooklyn is in for a memorable evening.

Community Board 1 Public Safety Committee Meeting
May 5, 2011 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Polish National Home (AKA: The Warsaw)
261 Driggs Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Street Art du Jour: Dreams

Taken April 2, 2011.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Slide Show du Jour: Meeting Miguel

March 25, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11206, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn 


Miguel and his car: Bushwick Brooklyn

The above photograph might look familiar to some of you dear readers. If so, it is because I posted it on March 11th: the last time Chris Arnade and I went on one of our photo walks/drives. That is of course prior to today: we went on a five hour jaunt around East Williamsburg, Bushwick, Bedford Stuyvesant and beyond.

Why did we go on such a far-flung trek, you ask? Very simple:

  • It was an absolutely beautiful (if a bit chilly) day.
  • Chris makes it a point to give glossy prints back to the subjects of his photos. I for one think this is very neat. And this brings me to the subject of this post: Miguel.

It took Chris a little time to locate him, but locate him he did. Miguel was absolutely pleased as punch to see us and took us of a tour of his office. It, just like the man, is absolutely amazing. As you will soon see.

As we were shutter-bugging Miguel told us a little about himself:

  • He is a mortgage broker by trade.
  • He is retired from the Navy.
  • He is of mixed Jewish and Caribbean ancestry. How did this happen, you ask? Well, his grandfather was a Jew residing in Germany (methinks) and prior to World War Two he emigrated to Holland and later to the West Indies.
  • He has lived in East Williamsburg for 40 years.
  • He has a brother named Paco (as you will see).
  • He is an unbelievably youthful and spry 76 years of age!

Without further ado here are some shots of Miguel, his place of business and his equally charming (if more subdued) brother. Enjoy!

Prior to leaving he offered us a glass of wine. Since it was 1:00 p.m. (and a little early for such stuff) we declined his generous offer. He, in his inimitable style, sent us off with a bottle instead!

This post— and toast— is for you, Miguel. It is people such as you who make north Brooklyn the place to be! (As always you can see these images in large format by clicking here.)

Miss Heather

P.S.: Miguel reminded us again today that he has a two bedroom apartment for rent at $1,900 a month. Just wanted to pass that along.

Reader Contribution du Jour: A Montrose Avenue PSA

You said it, Felix

This choice find (of which photographer notes: “You said it, Felix!”) comes courtesy of Josh Zhixel. Nice catch!

Miss Heather

LAST GASP: Miguel & His Ride

March 11, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11206, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Miguel and his car: Bushwick Brooklyn

This image hails from Montrose Avenue and comes courtesy of the camera of Chris Arnade.

Miss Heather

East Willismsburg Photo du Jour: Montrose Avenue

Taken March 12, 2011.

Miss Heather

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