From The New York Shitty Inbox: Live From Channel 12

April 7, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Lining Up

As posted on the North Brooklyn Comunity Yahoo Group and forwarded to me by the colossal Greenpoint badass that is Laura Hofmann:

Got call from news channel 12 Brooklyn (channel 156 Time Warner Cable).   They  wanted to interview  us  on  the  Museum’s  land  about the eminent  domain.  They are showing us on the Museum’s land today on tvnew… 10 pm Sunday night.  They put a vote on their website do you want  a park or museum?  We didn’t know they were going to  do this.  I called them and said it is not either or.  There will be a 27 acre park and 1 acre for museum.  Check the link to their site below and vote for the Museum.  Pass this around.

Janice and George


Quicklink: Much Ado About The Monitor Museum


As it would happen I bumped into George and Janice yesterday while running errands. They are lovely people and are very dedicated to making this museum happen. We talked about the recent problems the Monitor Museum is facing. Namely: the threat of eminent domain. In this tome they make a very salient point: why are they being threatened with eminent domain when a number of much larger (and quite frankly: more important) parcels have yet to be acquired? The CitiStorage site (for which its owners are demanding a draconian sum*) immediately comes to mind. Why hasn’t eminent domain been invoked there? These are all very good questions.

In any case, do give this a read and draw your own conclusions Garden Spotters!

*$200,000,000 if what was said on this video (skip to 8:03) is to be believed.

Just Another Sunday Morning In Greenpoint: Llamas On Parade!

Today the U.S.S. Monitor Parade— and Greenpoint in general— got some added excitement in the way of a trio of llamas. Those of you who are wondering (and you know who you are) what these critters have to do with the Civil War, I’ll tell you: nothing whatsoever. Rather, a few of the re-enactors participating in today’s festivities happen to operate a llama rescue organization. They decided to bring a few of their furry pals to join the fun. I suspect I speak for many who witnessed today’s procession that this was an inspired decision.

It should also be noted our City Councilman, Steve Levin, demonstrated his Garden Spot street cred by taking it all in stride. Hey, anything can happen in Greenpoint!

You can view all the above photographs in larger format by clicking here. Otherwise I filmed the parade and the following proceedings. These I will share as they upload— so check back!

Mark Your Calendars: 150th Anniversary of the Launch of the U.S.S. Monitor!

As some of you might recall last October there was ceremony at the site of the Monitor Museum in anticipation of the 150th Anniversary of the launch of the U.S.S. Monitor. Well, this anniversary will soon be upon us and the minds behind this endeavor, George J. Weinmann and Janice Lauletta-Weinmann, have assembled a wonderful roster of events to celebrate this, one of our community’s finest contributions to American history! Follows is a rundown of what they have cooked up for us. NOTE: all the these events are free unless otherwise indicated.

January 28, 2012

10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m.: History Fair at the former Greenpoint Savings Bank (807 Manhattan Avenue). This will feature speakers and displays.
6:00 – 7:00 p.m.: Wine & cheese at the Church of the Ascension (127 Kent Street)
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.: Civil War Concert (also at the Church of the Ascension). Suggested donation: $10.00 at the door.

January 29, 2012

10:00 a.m.: Memorial Service at the Church of the Ascension
12:00 p.m.: Parade from the Church of the Ascension to the Monitor launch site (Quay Street at West Street)
12:30: Ceremony at the launch site
4:00 – 8:00 p.m.: Reception at Grand Prospect Hall. This includes a presentation, speakers, Civil War dance and music (including an eleven piece brass band!), buffet dinner and unlimited open bar. Price of admission: $60.00.

January 30, 2012

9:00 a.m.: Wreath laying ceremony at the U.S.S. Monitor statue at McGolrick Park followed by U.S.S. Monitor Bus Tour (box lunch included):

  1. U.S.S. Monitor Launch Site
  2. Building 92 & Dry Dock #1 at the Brooklyn Navy Yard (where the U.S.S. Monitor was Commissioned)
  3. Grand Army Plaza Arch, Prospect Park
  4. Greenwood Cemetery (so as to view grave sites of crew members of the U.S.S. Monitor and the The New York Civil War monument)
  5. John Ericcson Statue, Battery Park

The cost of this tour is $20.00 and includes a box lunch. Those who wish to purchase tickets for any of the above-listed events— or simply desire more information, please contact either George J. Weinmann at (917) 832-9999 or Janice Lauletta-Weinmann at (718) 383-2637. Check it out!

New York Shitty Day Ender: Live From Bushwick Inlet

October 1, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

The weather was hardly hospitable— but who would I be to complain? I had an absolute ball! I got to meet some really amazing men and women and view interesting artifacts inside a metal storage container while riding out the storm! What’s more— and as one chap stated— this was quite authentic given what we were commemorating. I mean, this IS the U.S.S. Monitor we’re talking about after all! Without further ado here is some footage from today’s proceedings. Enjoy!

The Raising Of The Flag

The Unveiling Of The Sign (featuring none other than Assemblyman Joe Lentol)

A Little Music Afterward

You can view a larger image of the newly unveiled sign by clicking here.

From The North Brooklyn Community Group: Light On The Inlet

September 27, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Much has been made of Bring To Light, which is slated to grace our waterfront this upcoming weekend. So much so, that I do not think it merits further attention here. However there is an event coinciding with it that I feel compelled to pass along: Light On The Inlet. Here’s a run-down per one of the organizers, Stephen Zacks:

A community event at the site of the future home of The Greenpoint Monitor Museum, produced in conjunction with Bring to Light 2011 – Nuit Blanche New York, will feature The Greenpoint Monitor Museum, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Oliver Tilden Camp No. 26, and The Depressionaires.

The public will have a rare opportunity to visit scenic Bushwick Inlet, a cove on the East River accessible at the end of Quay Street in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. The Greenpoint Monitor Museum will dedicate a sign to the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War and the Museum’s 15th Anniversary while identifying the place as the site of its future home honoring Greenpoint’s history. Funds for the sign were obtained through Assemblyman Joseph Lentol, and a donation from the Greenpoint Lions Club covered a sign support system and installation on land donated by Motiva Enterprises.

The first of a series of USS Monitor and Civil War 150th anniversary events celebrating the “Laying of the Keel of the USS Monitor,” Light on the Inlet will feature Civil War tents, uniforms, artifacts, photos, video projection of archival materials, and live music by the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Oliver Tilden Camp No. 26 and The Depressionaires.

Event commences at 2:00 PM

3:00 PM – Unveiling of the Museum’s Site Sign

At 4 PM and sunset (~ 6:39) – The Depressionaires perform polkas, waltzes, and popular songs from another time.

Check it out!

Light On The Inlet
October 1, 2011 starting at 2:00 p.m.
Monitor Museum Site (roughly Quay Street at West Street)
Brooklyn, New York 11222

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