From The New York Shitty Inbox: Missing On Green Street

May 8, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Greenwich Village 


Microsoft Word - Gretta lost cat poster flyer.doc

Anyone who has the pleasure of knowing our local veterinarian, Brad Seaman, be it as a friend or a client can attest that he is one sweet, caring fellow. Thus when he contacted me that one his own furkids— actually one of his girlfriend— has gone MIA it was no question that I would gladly post an item soliciting her safe return. Here it is:

  1. His girlfriend, Jen, a fellow vet (!) just moved in with him at the Viridian (Yeah, I know— but that’s another matter!).
  2. He has just realized that her furkid, Gretta, who bears a strong resemblance to the above kitty save she is a bit older, is missing.
  3. To this end he would like us to help him secure her safe return.

Anyone who has seen a cat fitting this description on or near Green Street please give him a call at (718)406-2022 ASAP. As you can see, a reward is being offered. Thanks— and spread the word!

P.S.: I will be amending this post with a photo of Greta when he is able to send me one.

UPDATE, 7:25 p.m.: Gretta has been found. Hooray!

Missing On McGuinness Boulevard: Thatcher

November 17, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

I stumbled this missive at McGuinness Boulevard and Eagle Street while on “manhole patrol” this morning. If anyone has seen Thatcher (who is purportedly “feisty as hell”) please contact her person at the above-listed telephone number. Thanks!

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