Urban Artifact: 13 Days & Counting…



It’s almost two weeks now and as of this morning (11:42 a.m.) the McCarren Park Hypodermic Tree is still in effect. My dedication to documenting this caught the attention of a passerby. He too took a moment to capture this curiosity with his camera.



After asking me how long this had been there (I told him “about two weeks”) he noted it had been used and added:

Kids could get their hands on this. That’s not good.


Spotted At North 10 & Roebling Street: Needles

March 8, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11211, Criminal Activity, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


please come to my baby's christening


The above assortment of paraphernalia was captured by Miss Mousey Brown yesterday afternoon. She writes:

The piles of garbage (that are primarily used syringes and hypodermic needles) have been in this corner of the lot for a week. I was told this by a woman who saw the dumper throw them over the fence. She almost got a plate number. I am going over with a rake to try and get as many of the needles out that I can.

I honestly do not know what to day about this other than it is totally unacceptable— and dangerous!

UPDATE, 3:15 p.m.: Intrigued I decided to swing by this site and see things for myself. I encountered something rather interesting on the “sidewalk” on North 10 Street between Union Avenue and Roebling.

I encountered something rather interesting on the “sidewalk” on North 10 Street between Union Avenue and Roebling.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Oh yeah, did I mention a dog lives amongst this rubbish?


His name is Rookie.


and the  ASPCA would very much like to have a word with his “owner”.

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