New York Shitty Day Starter: 404 McGuinness Boulevard

April 24, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 

Taken April 23, 2012.

Spotted In Greenpoint: Mugginess

April 19, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This find comes courtesy of a chap named Andrew. He writes:

This made me LoL

Given the location in question is a trucker bomb’s toss from our local waste water treatment plant (the source of what we Greenpointers call “creek reek”), I’d say this typographical error is quite serendipitous. Great catch, Andrew!

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: McGuinness Boulevard

April 1, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Taken March 30, 2012.

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: From McGuinness Boulevard With Love

March 23, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11224, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Taken March 22, 2012.

New York Shitty Videos du Jour: Live From the Memorial Walk & Ride On McGuinness

March 18, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Some of you are undoubtedly aware yours truly has been feeling under the weather of late. For this reason I have been scaling back my activities so as to get some much-needed rest. Nonetheless, there was no way I was going to miss the commencement of today’s Memorial Walk & Ride on our very own Boulevard of Death: McGuinness Boulevard (which, ironically enough, was the site of yet another motorist accident a few hours prior in front of a local watering hole called “The Pit Stop”). Let’s just say this issue hits close to home.

Not only was the turn-out by my fellow citizens and our public officials (not only did Ryan Kounen, the Environmental Chair of our Community Board co-host this walk, but Public Safety Chair (and arguably the most photogenic member of Community Board 1) Tom Burrows, City Councilman Steve Levin and 50th District Democratic Leader, Lincoln Restler, were all one hand) fantastic, but Emily Gallagher gave a very compelling introduction which I took the liberty of filming:

The first pedestrian fatality to be memorialized came to pass at Green Street and McGuinness Boulevard in 2002. Here an unidentified man crossing against the signal was struck and killed. As you will see the traffic in the background is more than a little daunting.

You can view the above itinerary and sobering statistics from today’s sojourn in larger format by clicking here.

THIS WEEK: Memorial Ride & Walk

March 11, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Last week I posted an item announcing this year’s annual Memorial Ride & Walk as hosted by the folks at will come to pass March 18, 2012. I have an update to share: our very own “Boulevard of Death”, this being McGuinness, has been added to the itinerary. Given that just last week I had a very nice lady* (and lifelong Greenpointer) recount to me the friends/neighbors she lost on this thoroughfare— needlessly and LONG before this became an issue— I consider this time/attention well spent.

Here are the deets:

1:45-2pm: Gather @ Manhattan Ave & Green St (G Train to Greenpoint Ave)

2:05 Unnamed Memorial, Green Street & McGuinness Boulevard
2:15 Liz Byrne, Kent Street & McGuinness Boulevard
2:25 Unnamed Memorial, Greenpoint Avenue & McGuinness Blvd
2:35 Neil Chamberlain & Unnamed Memorial, Calyer Street & McGuinness Boulevard
2;45 Unnamed Memorial, Norman Avenue & McGuinness Boulevard
2:55 Unnamed Memorial, Nassau Avenue & McGuinness Boulevard
3:40 Lepoldo Hernandez, Borinquen Place & South 2nd Street
4:00 Unnamed Memorial, Union Avenue & South 5th Street [Convergence with Memorial Ride]

You can (once again) get updates about this event via Ghostbikes’s web site.

Photo Credits: Taken by yours truly today at Meserole Street and Varick Avenue.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Possible Police Impersonation?

A Green Street resident writes:

I came home the other day and found this flier taped to the wall outside my apartment on Green St. After some investigating, I discovered that late Sunday night two men entered our building through the roof, knocked on my neighbor’s door and flashed a badge trying to get him to let them into his apartment.. Thankfully, he was smart enough not to let them in. I”m curious as to whether you’ve heard of other incidents like this happening in the neighborhood. Also, I wanted to put a friendly reminder out there to lock your doors and windows (and roofs!)…

P.S. Do you or any of your readers have any tips for what to do if we suspect the “police” at the door are not actually police?

Although I have heard of one case of attempted police impersonation and a case housing authority impersonation (which culminated in a robbery at the Cooper Park Houses), I have not heard of any such activity hereabouts. Regardless, this is very disturbing stuff so I brought it to the attention of the commanding officer of the 94th Precinct: D.I. Hurson. He too was very troubled by this. Here’s what he had to say:

This could be very serious, have the person who encountered the “Police” go to the Precinct and report this as possible Police impersonation. Also if someone encounters plain clothes Police and they have reason to believe something is afoul ask them to call uniformed Police to respond, if that doesn’t work call 911 and request a supervisor to respond.

So there you go! If you suspect the person wanting access to your apartment is not a police officer, call the police and request they send either a uniformed officer or supervisor (as Mr. Hurson has indicated). In addition, if you have had such an encounter please follow up with the 94th Precinct and make them aware of what happened. This is serious stuff folks! Community Affairs  (a good place to start for any inquiries/concerns you may have) can be reached via telephone at (718) 383-5298. Call ’em!

New York Shitty Day Ender: McGuinness Boulevard

March 7, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 

Taken March 7, 2012.

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: McGuinness Boulevard

February 29, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Taken February 28, 2012.

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: McGuinness Boulevard

February 6, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Taken February 4, 2012.

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