TOMORROW: Blood Drive At McCarren Park

belaThis item comes courtesy of Kate of Jauntsetter. She writes:

I’m writing from, a travel website targeted at New York women (and men, really), based out of Brooklyn. We’re having a blood drive this Friday in McCarren Park to help out the NYC Blood Bank – the summer months are their slowest in terms of donors, and just one donor can save up to three lives…

Here’s the 411:

This event kicks off at the corner of Bedford Avenue and North 12 Street at 4:00 p.m. and will run until 9:30 p.m. The first 75 donors will get “free goodies” including:

  1. Jauntsetter tote bags
  2. Discounts from Greenpoint’s very own Hayden-Harnett
  3. Cupcakes from Tawny Ong
  4. Snacks from The Bagel Store

Those of you who are jonesing for a free ice cream cone (and who isn’t in this weather?) should make it a point to get there bright and early: the first 25 donors will get a coupon for a free scoop at the Van Leeuwen Ice Cream truck. Interested donors can make a date to donate blood at this event by clicking here. Check it out!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Wanted In McCarren Park




Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Dogate


Lest I have not made it clear already OSA North Brooklyn has a suspicious provenance, has been less than forthcoming about their mission (to put it politely) and how they are spending the money our elected officials (READ: our tax dollars) have donated to them.

I cannot for the life of me understand why a “community advocacy” group affiliated with the Parks Department can raise money by having concerts and make a nice penny selling concession rights shilling alcoholic beverages at McCarren and East River State Park…


when the patrons of McGolrick Park are admonished to abstain: in English and Polish.


I suppose the “open container law” applies to some citizens more than others. Or as long as folks are swilling booze sanctioned by/profiting the city (or OSA)? Remember, the President of Brooklyn Brewery is one of their founding members) I suppose it’s A-OK? Can you say hypocrisy? This whole set-up reeks of graft.

OSA outlays money to hang advertisements on private property, facing public property (in this case East State River Park)…


and cries “poverty” when it comes a new fence at the McCarren Park Dog Run. McGolrick gets a new fence and McCarren gets Sternberg’s leftovers. I could not understand why this came to pass— McCarren needs help. BIG TIME. Then I remembered that I am (for all intents and purposes) an honest person. I put on my “tweeder” thinking cap and re-read this exchange.

The following missive put it all together:


This has nothing to do the the betterment of the community. It is patronage mutual backslapping, plain and simple. McGolrick gets $13,000 and McCarren gets a paltry $500. The latter phat wad of cash was to be divided between “the two leaders” volunteers who are going to weld together the remains of Sternberg’s fence at McCarren; they get $200 each, and $100 for “little bro helper”. “Little bro helper”, for those of you who are not in the know, is Ms. Thayer’s little brother whose sole qualifications are:

  1. Being Ms. Thayer’s little brother.
  2. Taking a welding class.

If a Parks employee/OSA Executive has sent an email indicating her own brother should be compensated $100 for doing no work whatsoever how many more of her friends are on the dole? Just a question.

On that note, I strongly encourage you, dear readers, to revisit the post mentioned at the beginning of this post. I have made some very interesting corrections/amendments— including what appears to be the “Pete Best” of the original OSAnb group. Contrary to what Mr. Short wrote, Adam Perlmutter was not one of the original founders of OSAnb. But this document seems to attest otherwise. Hmm…

Miss Heather

UPDATE, 7/30/09: Be sure to read the comments. Suffice it to say it keeps getting more and more interesting!

UPDATE, 8/3/09: The Greenpoint Gazette has this take about the fencing situation. Choice quote:

…Currently, the fencing surrounding the McCarren Park dog run is a combination of chain-link fence, temporary wire barriers and historical black iron fencing the iron fencing makes up nearly three quarters of the hodge-podge partition. Recently the Park’s Department decided to standardize the fences in Sternberg Park as well, and in doing so uprooted a portion of black iron fencing, which will in turn be installed in McCarren, to match the already existing iron fencing stock.

Actually Diana Reyna gave $40,000 to Sternberg to buy a new fence. It IS an election year after all.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Strictly Not For Tourists Edition

July 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


From McCarren Park.

Miss Heather

Williamspoint Photos Du Jour: Summer Doldrums

July 1, 2009 ·
Filed under: Advanced Life Forms, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

Huron Street


Lorimer Street


Franklin Street


McCarren Park



It would appear those new trees Mayor Bloomberg planted are not the only wood to be found in McCarren Park nowadays.


Perhaps the folks at the Parks Department should offer the naming rights to the McCarren Park Pool to Larry Flynt? I am certain he, just like this gentleman, would rise to the occasion.

Miss Heather

North Brooklyn’s Newest Park!

June 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

(Or: A Modest Proposal)

An area I am particularly fond of knocking around in East Williamsburg  is the Grand Street stop of the L. This isn’t because it is particularly nice (it isn’t). Rather, I find the industrial and residential patchwork of this community fascinating. I never know what I’ll find. This was especially true of my last trip down Grand Street. It was at 910 (just east of Bushwick Avenue) where I found the following.


Hmm, this must be some of that affordable housing I have heard so much about?

I thought to myself.


It isn’t.


It’s a park.


And a pretty nice one at that!


There was nary a dog turd, drunken horde of rowdy teens or trace of corporate sponsorship to be found. In regards to the latter most, maybe there should be? A number of you, dear readers, are probably aware that the Parks Department is in dire financial straits nowadays. This is one of the reasons why they’re trying to sell the naming rights to the McCarren Park Pool. Some of my fellow citizens have cried foul over this. I say the Parks Department is not going far enough.


I would like to humbly recommend that our fair city enlist some corporate sponsors partners to build a dozen of these bad boys and station them around north Brooklyn. Hell, the Transmitter Park site is available and 65 Commercial Street, being a parking lot, would be ideally suited for one or two of these portable oases. The possibilities for directly advertising services of special interest to the residents of 11222, 11211 and 11206 are endless! 1-888-bunion-1, bedbug extermination services and of course my good friend Hongo Killer immediately come to mind.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Greenpoint In Black And White

June 15, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

I am often asked where the junk shop gets their, well, junk. Estate sales and storage auctions account for the assortment of sundries gracing the shelves. Nowadays the previous wares are largely gaudy tchotkes (undoubtedly culled from some daffy old lady’s home) and porn.


So you can imagine my surprise when I came found these.



A pair of lovely black and white photographs of a scrimmage at McCarren Park! I have neither a clue as to when these photographs were taken* nor am I a big fan of football. But the black and white lends them a timeless quality I find very compelling and beautiful.

You can look at larger images of either of the above photographs by clicking on them. If you do you’ll find all sorts of fun details in the background!

Miss Heather

UPDATE, June 16, 2009 3:19 p.m.: it has been brought to my attention the top most image linked to a larger image of latter image. This has since been fixed. Thanks for the heads-up, folks!

*Any and all feedback/guesstimations are welcome! Leave them in the comments.

Greenpoint Gentrification Watch: McCarren Park

June 12, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


This item (which hails from Lorimer Street and Driggs Avenue) goes off the fucking charts. I honestly don’t where to start. Is it

  • the professional quality of this flier?
  • the kid’s name?
  • the fact someone elected to use his (or her) son’s scooter to advertise their political beliefs?

Now that I have given the matter some thought methinks it is probably the latter most. I don’t think little Devlin lost this scooter. He probably had it taken from him after a thorough pommeling from the angry son (or daughter) of this person.

Miss Heather

P.S.: I for one who’d like to see a flier for a stolen red scooter with a John McCain sticker on it. Or perhaps a green scooter with a Ralph Nader sticker? I do not know which one would be funnier.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Some More People From My Neighborhood

June 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


Java Street


Greenpoint Avenue


Nassau Avenue


McCarren Park


Bedford Avenue


Jackson Street


Metropolitan Avenue

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Happy Birthday Pa Heather!

June 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

To close the day on a personal note today is Pa Heather’s birthday. I spent much of it racking my brain as to what to give him. What does one give a man who has— or hates— damned near everything? To this end I decided to take and walk and think the matter over. It was at McCarren Park I finally found my answer: a slice of life not be found where he lives.


A very Greenpoint slice of life.


You might be getting older and losing your hair, Pa Heather, but as the above photographs clearly illustrate hair loss is not necessarily a bad thing. Happy birthday dad!

Miss Heather

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