Lost On Lorimer Street: The American Dream

Taken June 3, 2010.

Miss Heather

Breaking On The NY Post: The McCarren Park Bathrooms Are Disgusting!

Not that this is really news to me, the readers of this web site or those who have had the misfortune of patronizing the McCarren Park bathrooms, mind you. That’s yesterday’s news. What IS news to me, rather, is apparently the Post finds it not only acceptable to poach from blogs— to which I have regrettably grown accustomed— but now they have kicked it up a notch by actually “quoting” the blogger whose material they “sourced”!

But don’t take my word for it. Look at the following screencap and decide for yourself. It is an item I posted on the Community Board 1 Yahoo group making my friends and neighbors aware of the deplorable state of the woman’s comfort station at McCarren Park. Note the date.

Just for kicks here’s a screencap of what a few other people had to say about the state of our public lavatories.

Charming, eh? If Mr. Murdoch, et. al. is so keen on poaching my material and has now seen fit to quote me perhaps he should just bite the bullet and hire me? Scratch that. Why should he buy the cow when he can get the milk for free?

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Harvest

Six years after being planted the cherry tree at Red Gate Garden is bearing fruit! The above photograph documenting this most auspicious event comes courtesy of Miss Mousey Brown.

Miss Heather

LAST GASP: Apologies

The McCarren Park womens “comfort station” is looking a little more than worse for wear after this holiday weekend.* Special thanks goes out to Laura Hofmann for sharing this photographic evidence of what happens when you have a Parks Administrator who is more interested in throwing concerts than effecting actual, positive change in our public parks.

Miss Heather

*Apparently this public lavatory has been in the above-depicted state of disrepair since Saturday, May 29, 2010. In the morning. (see comments) For those of you keeping count this makes three days.

Greenburg Photos Du Jour: McCarren Park

Taken May 15, 2010.

Miss Heather

P.S.: These are the coolest fairy wings I have ever seen. I half-joked to this lovely (and very focused) lass’s mother that I would buy them for $50.00. Nothing doing.

LAST GASP: It’s My Park Day At Red Gate Garden

I am certain many of you are all too aware that tomorrow is Kite Day at McCarren Park. What you may not know is that Red Gate (AKA: Nick’s Garden, which has been the source of controversy lately) will be open tomorrow from noon until 4:00 p.m. For those of you who have wondered about this Green Thumb garden this is an excellent opportunity to check it out, meet the people behind it and learn how you can get involved. Otherwise, I have it on very good intelligence that the Red Gate peeps are working on an online presence where you can get more information about the park, e.g.; its history, hours and much much more! In the meantime why not swing by tomorrow, see it in person and say “hi”?

It’s My Park Day At Red Gate Garden
May 15, 2010 Noon – 4:00 p.m.
McCarren Park, Bayard Street at Lorimer Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: Miss Mousey Brown

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Kite Day Cometh!

With the weather being as dreary as it is I was delighted to get a reminder from a reader named Ruth that this upcoming Saturday, May 15, is Kite Day at McCarren Park! Those of you who have yet to check this out really should— it’s a lot of fun. What’s more, it is for  good cause; it’s a fundraiser for P.S. 132!

Kite Day
May 15, 2010 starting at noon
McCarren Park
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

P.S.: You can see photos of last year’s festivities by clicking here.

New York Shitty Day Starter: Picnic?

Jay Lombard (who forwarded this McCarren Park still life) to me opines:

If fire isn’t allowed inside the park was this salmon prepared tartar? Maybe sashimi? Either way it looks like a feast was had and they left plenty behind – gotta work on those knife skills.

Agreed. The stuff of “Top Chef” this most decidedly isn’t. This is individual could also use a little boning up (no intention) on his (or her) sign reading skills as well. Makes me think of a song…

Miss Heather

Quicklink: More Ado About Nick’s Garden

Remember the brouhaha about the Red Gate (AKA: Nick’s) Garden’s fence being torn down April 24th so as to provide access to the Boy Scouts? Well, here is the next chapter. New York Shitty analysis:

  • The “reasoning” employed by our parks person is downright Orwellian. Methinks the appropriate term is “doublespeak”.
  • A New York City parks employee (one who is reputedly very eager to generate more income by expanding the existing tennis courts at McCarren Park at the expense of kickball courts and basketball hoops, I’ll add) tossing around the word “privatization” is akin to the proverbial pot calling the kettle black.
  • One party insists she sent emails and made phone calls. The other is claiming nothing of the sort happened. Someone is not telling the truth.

Read it and weep. Pay attention to the comments. They’re rather illuminating.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Here’s the “leaked” email. And my rebuttal.

Reader Contribution Du Jour: The McCarren Park Tree Twat, Revisited

This find hails from (where else?) Bedford Avenue and North 12 Street and comes courtesy of Alex who writes:

See the attached photo for something I spotted in McCarren park this past Saturday.  Someone saw fit to adorn the park’s vaginal tree with a piercing… classy.

Where’s Larry Flynt when you need him?

Miss Heather

UPDATE, August 30, 2010: It has come to my attention that this piece has been linked to by AOL. This is a New York Shitty first! In this tome (which you can read here) the author— for reasons only known to him— saw fit to get a quote from Gersh Kuntzman of the Brooklyn Paper. Why, I do not know. Mr. Kuntzman is a lot of things, but an expert on north Brooklyn is not one of them. What’s more he has a nasty habit of lifting content from blogs— mine among them. In some circles this is considered plagiarism. Suffice it to say I am not a fan of Mr. Kuntzman.

With the previous disclosure I present to you what he had to say about the above item (and vagina trees in general):

I think I speak for all Brooklynites who love vaginas — and I’m speaking for a lot of people, so I understand the gravitas — when I say that the only place to truly enjoy a vulva of any kind is in McCarren Park.

Given that this gent has seen fit to videotape himself molesting a multimillion dollar apartment and that I was in McCarren Park just yesterday this, well, makes me more than a little nervous. Methinks I’ll be patronizing Gantry State Park in Queens moving forward. I would advise you, dear readers, to follow suit: the sticky stuff on our foliage might not be sap!

  • NYS Flickr Pool

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