Lost In Williamsburg: Bandit

June 29, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, Culture War, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

If you have seen Bandit or know of his whereabouts please contact his owners at the above-listed telephone number. Thanks!

Miss Heather

Quicklink: Two Greenpoint Rapes

Yes folks, that’s two rapes in one week. The most recent one came to pass in the much-beleaguered McCarren Park womens bathroom. Read it and weep.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again: PLEASE be careful when you’re out and about. Especially around McCarren Park and if you’ve been drinking. Yes, the 94th Precinct is among one of the safest in New York City— but that doesn’t mean this sort of thing doesn’t happen here. It does. Don’t become a statistic.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Special thanks goes out to Queens Crap for bringing this item to my attention.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Bottoms Up

While Williamsburg walked and the Northside rocked last weekend life went on pretty much as usual at McCarren Park.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: The (Field) House On Poo Corner

This, dear readers, is what the McCarren Park Ladies restroom looked like today. Why is there such a long line, (at least 18 people are clearly visible) you ask? I honestly do not know. But if I was to hazard a guess I’d say one of the toilets and perhaps the sink are not functional. As last Memorial Day weekend will attest, this is not an uncommon occurrence. It does however, beg the question as to where my intrepid Greenburgers can do his (or her) business. Well, I am pleased to report that I have (albeit accidentally) stumbled upon the answer! It’s a little place I like to call “Poo Corner”.

And some of you might be amused to know it is located directly behind the field house where our purported “Parks Administrator’s” (whose job is to be on top of this sort of thing) office is located!

Miss Heather

P.S.: Lest you ladies are wondering, the mens bathroom isn’t much better.

Photo Credits: The photo gracing the beginning of this post was taken by Crystal Kitty.

Greenburg Photo Du Jour: Red Gate Garden

A pair of mockingbirds have decided to call Red Gate Garden (which is still waiting to have its Green Thumb paperwork renewed) their home. What’s more, I’m pleased to report they’ve started a family!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Play Me, I’m Yours

From McCarren Park.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part I: Naptime

This restful moment comes from McCarren Park and was captured by Single Linds Reflex.

Miss Heather

Reader Contribution Du Jour: The McCarren Park Ladies Restroom Goes High Tech

It’s been awhile since the I have revisited the matter of the deplorable state of McCarren Park’s “comfort stations“. This is in some part because I have been busy. But mostly it is because it grosses me out. Big time.

Soap scum on the soap holder.

Nothing new here.

The “Caution” tape has been removed.

Yet there still appears to be a problem.

But we have a spiffy new eco-friendly and awareness-raising hand drier!

I can only imagine what’s next. Educational bidets perhaps? I can only hope so. They’d be a fount of knowledge!

Miss Heather

P.S.: Special props go to Laura Hofmann for these pix. The stagnant water in the bucket shot literally made me gag. And I have seen a lot of serious nasty shit in my time. Mazel tov!

THIS WEEKEND: Renegade Craft Fair

Another summer is slowly creeping upon us and with it comes another Renegade Craft Fair. In addition to works by over 300 artists, live music, food and workshops are promised. My advice: use the bathroom at home before you attend.

Renegade Craft Fair
June 5 & 6 2010 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
McCarren Park
Brooklyn, New York 11122

Miss Heather

A McCarren Park PSA: Clean!

Upon seeing the above woman hosing out the womens’ “comfort station” I simply had to pay it a visit. Sure enough, the interior was wet (as she, the helpful parks employee she was, politely warned me) but everything was more or less spic and span. Inasmuch as can be expected, anyway. For those of you who have been keeping count, the cleansing (exorcism?) of the McCarren Park bathrooms took no less than five days. As for the state of the mens’ lavatory, well, I will have to leave that to you guys to find out… but it looks encouraging!

Regrettably I learned a few minutes later on Lorimer Street this most auspicious turn of events came a little too late for one north Brooklynite.


That’s rough!

What came first the cup or the crap?

Noticing a woman was headed my direction walking a dog I felt compelled to warn her. It has been my observation that canines are rather fond of such things. She thanked me and went on to opine:


I couldn’t have said it better myself. Oh wait: I did. In closing (and for those of you who are wondering) what you have just seen is not anomaly: it’s what McCarren Park looks like after any given spring/summer weekend.

Miss Heather

P.S.: You can see more pictures from my morning sojourn to McCarren Park by clicking here.

CAVEAT: It isn’t pretty.

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