From The New York Shitty Inbox: McCarren Dog Run Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Christine, the overseer of what is without argument the most frequented dog run in north Brooklyn, writes:

I am truly SO pleased to share with y’all … Our dry well & french drains as approved by the Parks Department were installed last week! Everything looks like it is working well.  Of course,  we need to spread those wood chips.

Let’s celebrate our accomplishment with a little Ribbon Cutting Ceremony:

Saturday, October 29, at 10 am
Front of the Big Dog Run

Please join us.  Dogs are welcomed!

McCarren Park Dog Run Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Saturday, October 29, starting at 10:00 a.m.
McCarren Park Dog Run
Brooklyn, New York 11222

From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Plea From The McCarren Dog Run

The headmistress of the McCarren Park Dog Run, Christine, writes:

Good afternoon Heather,

I can’t tell what a soul crushing pain in ass this project has been … This week we got the news that we need another $4k for it.   After months of asking our contractor to include every cost into their budget and such, we found out the they didn’t include excavating the dog run of nearly a foot of chips and such from the whole dog run before they could start.    It is gonna cost another $4k … not being one to give up BUT feeling pretty defeated and actually having some very dark thoughts … I reached out to the dog run community … Can you help spread the word?  …We are in a challenge grant period right now raise a $1k get $1k from Must Luv Dogs.  We have got 36 hours to do it.   Must Luv Dogs is the latest of supportive pet stores to help.  Others who have helped are PS9 and NYC Pets.  These 3 stores have shown a level of generosity that is amazing.

Here’s the deal (once again), folks: this project, which has all the necessary permits in place, can either break ground this month or be postponed due to a lack of funds. As Christine has made clear, a few local businesses have stepped up to the plate to help make this (much overdue) project happen. One such establishment is Must Love Dogs and to this end they are offering a matching grant of $1,000.

The deadline is midnight, October 2nd— that’s tomorrow, so time is of the essence! You can tender your donation(s) via the McCarren Dog Run’s ChipIn widget on their web site or via PayPal at:

Let’s make this happen, Greenburg dog lovers!

Photo Credits: billy l.



New York Shitty Day Starter: Found At The McCarren Dog Run

A good Samaritan named Christina writes:

Hi Miss Heather,

I am a Williamsburg resident and a dog owner of a while whopping year. I was at the dog park (McCarren dog run) on 9/13 and found an abandoned dog there. Poor thing had been tied up to a fence with no tags, no micro chip, etc.

Just look at this guy!!! He’s adorable. I took him home because I couldn’t just leave him there, you know? I took him to our vet and he’s around 8 years old, needs a dental cleaning, and is unfixed, but he’s probably one of the chillest dogs I’ve ever met. For real, all he does all day is sleep and sit in your lap.

He’s 9 lbs. Pretty tiny. So I’m asking if you’d post about him on your blog. He didn’t do anything wrong to deserve being abandoned, and the ASPCA said they would come pick him up, but that if he couldn’t find a home, he’d be euthanized. 

He’s really sweet and deserves the best. He enjoys kibble, long walks, napping, and water…. (the dog on the left is MY dog and is not up for adoption)!

Anyone interested in giving this cutie the care and forever home he deserves should contact Christina via email at: stina93446 (at) mac (dot) com

Thanks— and please spread the word!


Lost At McCarren Park: Aka Chan

This item has been brought to my attention by a number of people. Aka Chan went missing at McCarren Park yesterday afternoon/morning (I have received conflicting information). If anyone reading this has seen Aka Chan or knows of her whereabouts please contact the people at Dog Habitat at (718) 710-0707. Be advised that although this comely lady (an Australian Shepherd) is very friendly, she is also rather nervous. If you see her do not follow her. Simply give Dog Habitat a ring. Thanks!

Miss Heather

Lost In Williamsburg: Bandit

June 29, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, Culture War, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

If you have seen Bandit or know of his whereabouts please contact his owners at the above-listed telephone number. Thanks!

Miss Heather

THIS WEEK: Fundraiser for the McCarren Dog Run

macdogrunThis Saturday, November 21, NYCPet will be hosting an all-day event to benefit McCarren Park’s very own dog run. “Shopping For Dogs” is pretty self-explanatory: 10% of every purchase made on this day will be donated to the McCarren Dog Run to help fund their much-needed drainage project (at last word they still need about $5,000 more bucks to make this happen). In addition, there will be a drawing for prizes from such local businesses as:

  • Northside Veterinary Clinic
  • Holistic Select Products
  • Brooklyn General Barber
  • And much more!

Refreshments are also promised. If you patronize the McCarren Dog Run run— even occasionally— please swing by NYCPet this Saturday. You can also make a donation online via PayPal. It’s your dog run, Williamspointers!

Shopping for Dogs
November 21, 2009; 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
241 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Be sure to buy a can for BARC while you’re there!

Miss Heather

SUNDAY: A Fundraiser For A Very Worthy Cause


Dog people, dog lovers and McCarren Park dog run patrons take note: this Sunday, September 27, 2009 the folks of the McCarren Dog Run Association will hosting a benefit, “Drinking For Dogs”, at PS9 starting at 6:30 p.m. The purpose of this event is very simple: to raise funds for a much-needed “dig out” and improvements to the dog run’s drainage system. The McCarren Dog Run is without argument the most trafficked dog run in north Brooklyn. Ironically enough, it is also the one most in need of repair.

This is our dog run folks. We can upgrade it before the numerous condos, nondos and luxury apartments around it reach completion (thus adding many, many more users) or we can wait and watch it further deteriorate. The choice is ours. For this reason I advise any and all dog owners— especially those who use the McCarren Dog Run— they “regulars” or otherwise— to attend this event. Or at the very least make a donation. The latter can be done by clicking here.

Drinking For Dogs
September 27, 2009 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Cost: $10.00 per ticket which can be purchased by clicking here.
PS9 Pet Supply
169 North 9 Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Those who are interested in learning more about “Drinking For Dogs” can do so by pointing and clicking their way to the McCarren Dog Run’s Facebook announcement or by checking out their web site.


Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Shrooms

When I arrive home after an afternoon of knocking around the Bronx to find the following in my inbox (courtesy of A Perfect Bag), well, I simply must pass it along.


So this is what happens when I leave our fair burgh for a few paltry hours: ritualistic vegetable abuse! As some of you might recall something very similar to this happened a couple of years ago on Bedford Avenue. It would appear our perpetrator has since progressed from tomatoes to mushrooms. What’s next— chard? Potatoes? Rutabagas? Only time will tell. In any case no one cannot pin this one on me— I have an alibi!

Miss Heather

Photo/Discovery Credit: A Perfect Bag

New York Shitty Day Starter: Dogate


Lest I have not made it clear already OSA North Brooklyn has a suspicious provenance, has been less than forthcoming about their mission (to put it politely) and how they are spending the money our elected officials (READ: our tax dollars) have donated to them.

I cannot for the life of me understand why a “community advocacy” group affiliated with the Parks Department can raise money by having concerts and make a nice penny selling concession rights shilling alcoholic beverages at McCarren and East River State Park…


when the patrons of McGolrick Park are admonished to abstain: in English and Polish.


I suppose the “open container law” applies to some citizens more than others. Or as long as folks are swilling booze sanctioned by/profiting the city (or OSA)? Remember, the President of Brooklyn Brewery is one of their founding members) I suppose it’s A-OK? Can you say hypocrisy? This whole set-up reeks of graft.

OSA outlays money to hang advertisements on private property, facing public property (in this case East State River Park)…


and cries “poverty” when it comes a new fence at the McCarren Park Dog Run. McGolrick gets a new fence and McCarren gets Sternberg’s leftovers. I could not understand why this came to pass— McCarren needs help. BIG TIME. Then I remembered that I am (for all intents and purposes) an honest person. I put on my “tweeder” thinking cap and re-read this exchange.

The following missive put it all together:


This has nothing to do the the betterment of the community. It is patronage mutual backslapping, plain and simple. McGolrick gets $13,000 and McCarren gets a paltry $500. The latter phat wad of cash was to be divided between “the two leaders” volunteers who are going to weld together the remains of Sternberg’s fence at McCarren; they get $200 each, and $100 for “little bro helper”. “Little bro helper”, for those of you who are not in the know, is Ms. Thayer’s little brother whose sole qualifications are:

  1. Being Ms. Thayer’s little brother.
  2. Taking a welding class.

If a Parks employee/OSA Executive has sent an email indicating her own brother should be compensated $100 for doing no work whatsoever how many more of her friends are on the dole? Just a question.

On that note, I strongly encourage you, dear readers, to revisit the post mentioned at the beginning of this post. I have made some very interesting corrections/amendments— including what appears to be the “Pete Best” of the original OSAnb group. Contrary to what Mr. Short wrote, Adam Perlmutter was not one of the original founders of OSAnb. But this document seems to attest otherwise. Hmm…

Miss Heather

UPDATE, 7/30/09: Be sure to read the comments. Suffice it to say it keeps getting more and more interesting!

UPDATE, 8/3/09: The Greenpoint Gazette has this take about the fencing situation. Choice quote:

…Currently, the fencing surrounding the McCarren Park dog run is a combination of chain-link fence, temporary wire barriers and historical black iron fencing the iron fencing makes up nearly three quarters of the hodge-podge partition. Recently the Park’s Department decided to standardize the fences in Sternberg Park as well, and in doing so uprooted a portion of black iron fencing, which will in turn be installed in McCarren, to match the already existing iron fencing stock.

Actually Diana Reyna gave $40,000 to Sternberg to buy a new fence. It IS an election year after all.

The Martin Luther King Day Snow Storm Experience

January 19, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


As promised here is a revue of the many wonderful things I saw during today’s snowy sojourn in north Brooklyn. Enjoy!

You can see more photographic goodness from my walk today by clicking here.

Miss Heather

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