From The New York Shitty Inbox: The Sweater Lofts Get DOB’d
Anonymous writes (in an email entitled “DOB is SO STUPID”):
I guess they didn’t notice the front door(s).* This is sort of funny given the tenants of this building clearly have.
As Kurt Vonnegut would say:
So it goes…
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Ender: High Times At the Greenpoint Hotel
You can always leave it to the good ol’ Greenpoint Hotel to liven up an otherwise dull— if cloyingly muggy— Sunday afternoon in the Garden Spot of the Universe.
The above photographs were taken today at 5:50 p.m. After asking a few bystanders what happened (none knew) I finally spoke to a gentleman standing in front of the San Diego Laundromat (which is located on the corner of Clay Street and Manhattan Avenue in the armpit of this flophouse megaplex). Here’s what he had to say:
…It’s the guys next door. (pointing to the Greenpoint Hotel) This happens about five times a month. Always a false alarm. That’s why we don’t worry about it. Maybe one day when they come it will be for real?
I told him I hope that never happens— but who knows?
Not that this incident appears to have negatively impacted interest in the “warm*, cozy, cheap” rooms this establishment is offering. Why outlay money for cable to watch “Cops” or “Rescue Me” when you can live it?
For only $500.00 a month.
Miss Heather
*Per someone who is currently living there these “cozy” rooms are stiflingly warm— and stuffy. It IS August after all.
Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: If Anyone From The Department Of Buildings Is Reading This
If you want access to 239 Banker Street (AKA: The Sweater Lofts) today is your big day!
As of 4:40 this afternoon, Sunday, July 26, they were working.
As you can see the freight elevator is open!
What’s more, they were even thoughtful enough to post plans in said elevator for the edification of passersby. (Click on the above jpeg to see the “floor plans” for this “hotel” in their replete glory).
Hope this has been helpful,
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Ender: Lofts For Rent
As you can see that Stop Work Order, thousands of dollars in (unpaid) fines and the little matter of this building being zoned as a hotel are doing a smash-up job of deterring Greenpoint’s good friend, Max Stark, from shilling his illegal apartments. How much more “in your face” can it possibly get than this? This is a disgrace.
Miss Heather
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