New York Shitty Weekend Starter: People In My Neighborhood

June 26, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

After whiling this balmy afternoon by enjoying my first and very much-anticipated taste of summer I am going to kick off the weekend with some more people from the neighborhood. Enjoy!








Manhattan Avenue


Franklin Street


Norman Avenue



Driggs Avenue


Lee Avenue

Miss Heather

More People In Our Neighborhood

June 24, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

After taking a relaxing and invigorating day off from the Interwebs (Hey, even I need to take a break from the computer every now and then!) I will open and close today’s offerings with some more great photographs from Tony Luib. Enjoy!

crazy mouthLUIB

Crazy mouth drunk guy who vomited in front of me

deal going downLUIB

Deal going down

lady hopefully not looking for smokesLUIB

Lady hopefully not looking for smokes

lady in pink smokingLUIB

Lady in pink smoking

lady in green

Lady in green

lil willy closeup

Lil Willy close-up

madison ave meets manhattan aveLUIB

Madison Ave meets Manhattan Ave


Puerto Rico

standing sleeping man with cane

Standing sleeping man with cane

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Wish Fulfillment

June 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: Advanced Life Forms, Greenpoint Magic 

glindagoodwitchOn June 20, 2009 I wrote in this post:

…Anyone out there know how I can take the audio when this man screams “Fuck this shit!” and make it the ring tone for my cell? I ask because the more I think about it, the more I really want to make this happen.

I asked for it. The next day I checked my email, clicked my mouse twice and got it! E. C. Groom writes:

…Please feel free to pass along to whomever or however you want – heck, it’s yours! Glad I could assist. Feel free to request any future tidbits you’d like to get sound files for…it’s relatively ez… I’ve already set “Mr. FTS” as my basic ring tone…

Those of you who want to take a little bit of Greenpoint wherever you and your cell phone happen to find yourselves can do so by clicking here.

Ex-girlfriends, ex-boyfriends, in-laws, outlaws, drunk dialing friends, bill collectors— the possibilities with this ring tone (and mischief in general) are endless.

There’s no place like home!

Miss Heather

Image Credit: Glinda Good Witch of The North (as played by the delightful Billie Burke) from The Wizard of Oz comes courtesy of

New York Shitty Video Du Jour: Howl

June 20, 2009 ·
Filed under: Advanced Life Forms, Greenpoint Magic 

There are many times I have considered erecting web cam so as to document the occasionally disturbing and often entertaining and ever-evolving “street theater” that takes place on Manhattan Avenue in the wee hours of the morning. I mention this because last night I pulled an “all nighter” preparing a friend’s costume for the Mermaid Parade. At times it got pretty tedious, if not a downright boring. Fortunately at around 3:30 a.m. (when I was growing very weary) I received a little unexpected and much appreciated pick-me-up in the way of a late night soliloquy.

Which brings me to the following video; I am not too sure what the fly in this man’s proverbial ointment was and truth be told I do not think he knew either. But I have to concede that he has quite an economy with words. Especially a certain four letter one which happens to start with “F”— in all its manifold incarnations, usages, and conjugations.

He marched up and Manhattan Avenue shouting his screed for some time. No one seemed to take notice, much less care. That is until the very end of our feature when a woman rather vocally objects to his “language”— while using a little of her own!

Their exchange had a Johnny and June Carter Cash meets north Brooklyn quality I found quite compelling, so be sure to listen for it at the end. Enjoy!

Anyone out there know how I can take the audio when this man screams “Fuck that shit!” and make it the ring tone for my cell? I ask because the more I think about it, the more I really want to make this happen.

Miss Heather

Presenting The WTF Building

June 19, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I suspect I speak for many in north Greenpoint when I say that I am happy this week’s film shoot on Manhattan Avenue is over. It was kind of novel at first but after a day or two of being redirected to side streets by lackeys bearing walkie talkies it became a more than a little annoying. However, I did reap something positive— or at the very least interesting— out of the experience. Like finding the following at 188 Freeman Street.


I have seen a lot of strange shit construction-wise in Greenpoint over the years but this one takes the cake. Follows is a shot taken after the folks at S & M Construction (I am not kidding— that is who is responsible for this) have called it a day.


I have to hand these folks credit for making this site “airtight”. Hell, it’s a jolly big blue fortress replete with concertina wire. But it does raise the question as whether their goal is to keep people out or to keep people in?

Very peculiar indeed.

Miss Heather

Reader Contribution Du Jour: People In Our Neighborhood

June 18, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Lest I have it clear already tips and submissions are more than welcome here at New York Shitty. Although I may not have the time to post everything I am sent (I like my time away from the keyboard just like everyone else, probably more so) they are greatly appreciated. Today I am pleased as punch to share with you some photographs taken by a fellow Greenpoint named Tony Luib. He writes:

these are photos i took on my phone. they are certainly a different style than your more professional shots and not sure they are blog-worthy. they are interesting, though. if you would like to use them, please feel free. i’ve been hesitant to send you any photos because it’s really my phone that is on me when the time comes to shoot someone or something.  the iPhone distorts also but i still like the ease of its use…. i just decided today to actually send them to you to see for yourself. call me crazy.

Tony does himself a tremendous disservice: a number of his photographs are terrific! He does a great job at capturing the ephemeral quality of day to day life in the Garden Spot of the Universe. But enough talk. See for yourself.









I told you this was some good stuff now didn’t I? In closing anyone interested in submitting photographs of Greenpoint or beyond please do so, I would love to see them. But please keep them at 600 x 800 pixels so my inbox doesn’t get constipated.


Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Focused

June 17, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 



From Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

Spotted In Greenpoint: Miss Gowanus

June 16, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


This morning before my hair appointment I decided to swing by The Bounty film shoot on Manhattan Avenue and see what’s shaking. Everyone was clad in their finest 4th of July fettle— except me, of course. Decked out in my Mao hat and sporting a dour expression that could be interpreted as “I hate capitalist oppressors.” (but in actuality means “I have forgone my usual morning cup of coffee”) I stuck out like a sore thumb. That is until I saw this.

Beauty QueensNYS

Miss GowanusNYS

The thought of a beauty queen (or in this case queens— three of them to be exact) representing the only body of water I know of that has the clap— standing only a used condom’s toss from another equally revolting waterway— put me in fits of uncontrollable laughter. Then I thought the better of it: why not? Hell, why we’re at it why not have a Miss Newtown Creek contest? It could be fun! Any takers?

You can look forward to more images from today’s film shoot (including a little live footage) later so stay tuned!

Miss Heather

An Ugly Incident At Greenpoint’s New Park

June 15, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


Some of you no doubt recall how long it took this park (which is located at the end of Manhattan Avenue) to happen: just shy of two years. After an inexcusable series of delays it is open now, much to the pleasure of Greenpointers new, old, or simply passing through.


Like these EMT workers taking a much needed break on a Sunday afternoon.



Unfortunately where are others who not only are treating this sorely needed bit of open space as their own beer garden, but when confronted they became belligerent.


Laura writes:

Mike & I have been going to the new park at Manhattan Ave, practically every day. It’s beautiful. Sunday evening, we were there with some family members. There was a group of young Slavic guys & gals drinking beer and tossing the beer bottles onto the lawn and in the high grass. My son sensed that I was upset and went over to pick up any visible bottles. He said to the group, “There’s a garbage over there, you know.” One of the guys responded with a few sarcastic comments and the group continued to drink and litter there. I was looking at the group, hoping they would feel uncomfortable and leave, but that didn’t happen. I proceeded to call the police. Then the same sarcastic guy hollered over “Are you calling the F%#@@ Police on us, you bitch?”. I replied, “Yes”.

With that, the same guy started to approach us with threatening motions. He was clearly trying to start a physical confrontation with my family. ( My granddaughter was there. ) My son, of course stood up ready to defend us.  I didn’t want a fight to break out so I stood between the guy & my son & continued to call 911.  The guy started to make threatening motions toward my son. He threatened to hit my son & Mike ( cane & all! ). I pulled out my camera. And he moved away. Mike took the phone to complete the call. The others began to scatter. I started to take photos of their vehicle & license plates. One of the guys tried to block the photo. With that, they scurried out of the park ( still holding the beer bottles)…


while I continued to take pictures. One of the guys and one of the girls, came walking back.


The girl was cursing and coming toward me until she realized that I had two daughter in laws with me. They left. There’s a witness… She gave me her name & phone number…

As previously stated Laura called the police— and guess what? After taking an hour to show up they didn’t seem to care!

The police got there over an hour later. The PO ( Ferguson ) said that we couldn’t make out a report. He did however give me the precinct phone number (after some push from me) so I could call in the license plate number when I enlarged the photo. I enlarged it and did leave that message… I don’t believe that I couldn’t fill out a police report just because the offenders left. I feel that I was denied a police report. Technically, there’s nothing on record at the 94th about this incident. And that’s how the precinct likes it. I called 911, so it’s in their system… I’m really tired of not getting help from the 94th Precinct. These youths know my family’s faces. And they are evidently a nasty group. The last thing we need is a nasty group of drinkers at that park. The lack of police interest makes me feel like we’re in the position to defend ourselves…

Welcome to life in the 94th Precinct.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Gearing Up For “The Bounty”

June 14, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Happy B DayNYS

Tomorrow they will commence filming The Bounty, an “action/comedy” featuring Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler right here in Greenpoint. Provided the weather holds. When I told one of the men charged with overseeing the last minute preparations that the weather is going to be iffy, he said:

We’ll work with it.

You gotta love an attitude like that. Here’s a slide show of how things were shaping up when I walked by today. Enjoy!

To close on a more local note Champion Coffee, arguably one of the best purveyors of java in north Greenpoint, will be closed until June 19th.


Coffee lovers needing a Monday (Tuesday and Wednesday) morning commute caffeine fix should plan accordingly. My recommendation: Cafecito Bogota. Not only are the co-proprietors of this business incredibly nice chaps, but the cholados are amazing!

Miss Heather

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