New York Shitty Video Du Jour: Metropolitan Avenue

November 6, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn, Wow 

Today yours truly, after a sleepless night, awoke to the realization she has a cold. Or maybe a sinus infection? Not that it really matters: both suck. BAD. Nonetheless, I drug my sorry self out to vote and upon:

  1. facing the option of listening to the Mister work from home (because there is neither G train service nor Ferry service) and
  2. realizing the bracing air was actually making my throbbing proboscis feel better, not worse I decided to take a walk.

And walk, I did. It was in Williamsburg I bore witness to something I felt worth documenting: a completely UNironic display of Southern rock:

Naturally, I had to being this to the attention of the Mister:

I just filmed a guy driving a truck, with all windows open, cranking Lynyrd Skynryd.

The Mister: In New York City?
Me: Yes. On Metropolitan Avenue in Williamsburg, no less. Granted, it was “Sweet Home Alabama”. If it had been Freebird I would have flashed my (excised) at him. For obvious reasons.

Truck drivin’ man, this post is dedicated to you!

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