Reader Comment of the Week: Something Very Neat Indeed!

October 9, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

TroyREVToday I could not for the life of me get motivated. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I was depressed. It was more like a case of the autumn doldrums to which I tend to be prone. There’s something about the days getting shorter and the weather getting cooler that makes me want to stay in bed in the morning.

Fortunately I got a little something in the way of a pick-me-up that I wanted to share. It made me smile and I am certain it will do the same for you. Which brings me to the thumbnail gracing this post: as some of you might recall yesterday I posted a lost dog flier for a pup named Troy. Well, I am pleased to announce that he is not only home safe and sound but I had a part in making this happen! kaveh writes:

Hey Heather,
Troy has been returned to his home! I was walking home last night and noticed my upstairs neighbor, who doesn’t own a dog, was walking one. Fast forward 10 minutes later, I’m checking your blog (as I have been doing daily for years) and see this posting about Troy. I thought he looked familiar and told my wife about it. This morning my wife saw our neighbor and sure enough, he was found a couple of days ago. We referred back to your blog, they called the owner and we hear that Troy was brought home today. So thank you for posting this and for making this wonderful blog.

You know, some days operating New York Shitty feels like an exercise in masochism. I receive no compensation whatsoever for the amount of time I put in researching and writing posts and let’s face facts: “bloggers” do not exactly get a lot of respect (and to be perfectly frank a number of them do not deserve it). The previous having been written, I have a confession to make: knowing that I have helped a Troy find his way to his rightful owner makes all the trials, tribulations, frustrations and late nights totally worth it. Thank you so much kaveh, for sharing the good news with us!

Miss Heather

Has Anyone Seen Troy?


This— the latest addition to the slew of lost pet fliers I have found this week— hails from Union Avenue and Bayard Street. Troy’s person, Jessica, writes:

Just moved to Greenpoint from Virginia and my dog Troy got out last night Oct. 7 without his collar. He is a 2 yr old German Shepherd who is very friendly and gentle but extremely timid. Troy is about 55 lbs and has white on his paws, chest, and tip of his tail. He shys away from unfamiliar faces which makes locating him tricky. Please call me if you see him so I can assist in the rescue and get him home.

If you have seen Troy or know of his whereabouts you know what to do… Thanks!

Miss Heather

Last Gasp: Has Anyone Seen Samson?

September 25, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


I knew I was forgetting something when I wrapped up today’s posts. Naturally, I remembered immediately after I hit the “publish button”. If anyone has seen Samson or knows of his whereabouts please contact his family at the above telephone numbers. NOTE: the prefixes for the previous (which I absent-mindedly cropped) are as follows: 646, 646 and 718.


Miss Heather

North Brooklyn Lost & Found

Manhattan Avenue, 11222


Driggs Avenue, 11211


North 7 Street


The two previous photographs represent only a fraction of fliers I found in Williamsburg today regarding the disappearance of little Lou-Lou. Although I do not want to come off as blaming the victim the sad reality is dog theft (for reward money/resale) is a serious problem in north Brooklyn: always keep a watchful on eye on your canine companions. And please, please, please, collar and microchip your pets. It’s the responsible thing to do.

This having been written, if you know anything about Diamond Street’s found ferret or Lou-Lou please contact the folks at the above-listed phone numbers.


Miss Heather

Anyone Seen Dakota?

January 15, 2009 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint Magic 


The details on this flier are scant but its timing and location is very interesting. Will this family receive a voice mail demanding reward money for their beloved pet’s return? I certainly hope not— but in light of recent events I am not terribly optimistic.

Miss Heather

Have You Seen Dubi?

January 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: Asshole, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint Magic 


I just received the following (and very disquieting) email from my friends over at District Dog regarding the above depicted pet. Please give it a read as the circumstances under which this dog disappeared are more than a little dubious. Rob writes:

Hi Everyone,

I am sure you have seen the signs for the MISSING BLACK AND TAN CHOW/ SHEPARD MIX in the neighborhood.  It was last seen with a girl about 5’10” and blonde hair, she was wearing a brown coat.  The dogs name is Dubi,  he is a well taken care of dog, we can attest to this.

If anyone has any information, please contact us immediately.

We just returned from our trip and are heartbroken to hear that he is missing.

We have been told that the girl that took him from Christina’s Corner Store believed the owner abandoned him.  This is not the case.  The dog was in the park with the owner running around with his leash hanging and took off.  Someone must have tied him up at the corner store.  We can understand the initial interpretation, but circumstances cannot be assumed.

Hiram, Dubi’s owner has been to the police and shelters with no luck yet. He received a message from the person who took the dog, saying she was not going to give the dog back. This is illegal.  She has not even spoken directly to him yet and did not leave a number to call back.  We have been told that she lives withing a few blocks of the store.

WE CAN BE REACHED 24/7 AT 718.290.7434
OR BY EMAIL rob (at) districtdog (dot) com


If you have seen Dubi please contact Rob via email or the above telephone number immediately. Let’s get this handsome chap back to his rightful owner. Thanks!

Miss Heather

UPDATE, 1/14/09: I spoke to Rob Maher this afternoon. Apparently the woman who left the voice message stating she was not returning this gentleman’s dog also berated him for not offering a reward. Naturally if I get my hands on this delightful missive you can look forward to hearing it on New York Shitty. In the meantime I will have to be satisfied with adding the coveted “asshole” tag to this post.

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