Spotted On 31st Street: Binti


This is eerily reminiscent of a flyer I spied on Manhattan Avenue not terribly long ago. As to whether this is a new trend (burglarizing apartments and puppies) is anyone’s guess— either way it is not cool. If anyone has seen Binti or knows of her whereabouts please contact her people at the above-listed telephone number. Thanks!

Spotted In East Williamsburg: A Very Special Lost Dog Flier

I have seen a great many lost/stolen pet fliers during my peregrinations in our fair city. This undoubtedly due in some part to the fact some have taken to making a cottage industry of stealing dogs for resale, the collection of reward money or worse. Each and every one of these fliers is heart-wrenching in its own way. This one (spied today on Thames Street) is no exception. However, it sports a significant difference from its peers. Specifically: what it offers in the way of an incentive for Rocky’s safe return.

  • $500.oo

  • $1,000 worth of “ink”.

Although I have taken the liberty of blurring out the phone numbers of this “people” (for fear posting them would subject them to further heartbreak via telephonic ridicule) those of you who live on or near Kickerbocker Avenue and Flushing Avenue please keep an eye out for this little guy. His family clearly misses him.



Missing At/Near McCarren Park…

a female husky with blue eyes.

Whenever I see fliers like these it breaks my heart. If anyone reading this post has seen this lass or knows of her whereabouts, please contact her family at the above-listed telephone number. She is very missed!

Lost In Williamsburg: Roger

May 17, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

You know the drill: if you have seen Roger or know of his whereabouts, please contact his person at the above-listed telephone number. He is clearly missed!

P.S.: This flyer was spied at North 7 Street and Driggs Avenue

Lost On Manhattan Avenue: Charlie

January 15, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

I spied this flier (at the intersection of Meserole Avenue, methinks) while running errands this afternoon. If you have seen Charlie or know of his whereabouts please contact his person, Mike, at the above-listed telephone number. Thanks!

Missing In/Around Woodpoint Road: Zoe

I’m not 100% what happened here but I suspect this pup was purloined. If any of you, dear readers, have seen Zoe or know of her whereabouts please contact her rightful owners at the above-listed telephone number. She is clearly missed.


Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Missing

July 6, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item comes courtesy of a lady named Allison. She writes:

This flyer was on my apartment door near the corner of McGuinness and Kent St. Saw the owners walking around squeaking a ball. Hope we can help bring her home! I emailed dog habitat rescue also, and will follow up with any info. Thanks for your help!

If anyone reading this has seen Mala or knows of her whereabouts please contact her owners at the above-listed telephone number. She is clearly missed!

UPDATE, 6:24 p.m.: Mala has found her way home!

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Ana Banana

A Mr. (or Ms.) Santonas (who forwarded me the above flier) writes:

I am a huge fan of your blog.  My friend is heart broken about her missing dog.  Can you possibly post this on your blog?  Thank you so much!

If anyone reading this has seen Ms. Banana or knows of her whereabouts please call the above-listed telephone number. In closing, yours truly would be very grateful to any and all who can help spread the word about Ana’s disappearance. Anyone familiar with the area where this lass was last seen will undoubtedly agree with me when I write that it is an incredibly unsafe place for a canine cutie to be at large. Thanks!

Miss Heather


Lost On McKibben Street: Cookie Grenade

Taken April 25, 2011.

Miss Heather

Lost at North 7 Street & Bedford Avenue: Yorkie

March 14, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

I spied this flier today at the corner of Driggs Avenue and North 7 Street. If anyone has seen this pup or knows of his/her whereabouts please contact his “person” at the above-listed telephone number. Thanks!

Miss Heather

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