New York Shitty Day Ender: Has Anyone Seen Vlad?

August 9, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Rounding out today’s offerings I present to you this flier which I found on Manhattan Avenue at Norman Avenue. If you have seen Vlad (who is described as “grey and sweet”) or know of his whereabouts please contact his people at the above-listed telephone number. Thanks!

Miss Heather


I found these fliers up and down Bogart Street while going for a walk today. If you have seen Elliott (who, I would like to note, is absofuckinglutely adorable) or know of his whereabouts please contract his “people” at the above-listed telephone numbers. Thanks!

Miss Heather

Has Anyone Seen Shakti?

August 1, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

I found this flier while running errands today on Manhattan near Noble Street. If you have seen Shakti or know of his whereabouts please contact his person, Michele, at the above-listed telephone number. Thanks!

Miss Heather

LAST GASP: “Lucky” Is Lost!

Okay. I have fallen behind in my reporting on the state of our local shop cats. I’ve been busy. What’s more, the Mister has been experiencing some, um, gastronomical distress of the rainbow smile variety of late. Hillary Clinton once said it takes a village to raise a child. If what I have observed the last few days is any indication I’d say it takes a pride to watch the Mister vomit. For reasons only known to them our felines find this act— in which they all indulge with blase abandon— fascinating. Maybe it’s love? All I know is I had to clean up a pool of spilled pink hair dye and have a kitten with one pink toe as a result. The party never stops at Chez Shitty. But I digress.

I first became aware of Lucky (whose place of work and play is the P.A. Deli Grill Grocery at 145 Franklin Street, as seen above) via my buddy Rowan.

She writes:

the most bad-ass bodega kitten in Greenpoint takes a much-needed breather after giving attitude to 3 dogs, one jogger and engaging in endless pouncing.

If you have seen Lucky or know of his whereabouts please contact his peeps at P & A Deli. STAT. Thanks!

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: Rowan save the D & A Deli shot. That was taken by yours truly.

Lost in North Brooklyn: Miles & Liono

If you have seen either of these handsome dudes or know of their whereabouts please contact their rightful owners at the above-listed telephone numbers. Thanks!

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Monsterman’s Loose!

June 9, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11205, Clinton Hill, Crazy Cat Lady 

This item (which hails from Hall Street and DeKalb Avenue) comes from a man we’ll call Clinton. He writes:

I thought this was funny and would send it your way. Don’t know if this qualifies for your blog, It was found outside of the Pratt Campus in Fort Greene/Clinton Hill. The name monster man is classic as well as the picture!

If any of my friends/readers in Fort Greene/Clinton Hill have seen Monsterman or know of his whereabouts please contact his keepers at the above-listed telephone number. Thanks!

Miss Heather

Lost In North Brooklyn: Oscar, Sparkles & Rambo

Oscar: flier found on Graham Avenue at Richardson Street, 11222

Sparkles: flier found on Morgan Avenue & Maspeth Avenue, 11211

Rambo: flier found on Montrose Avenue at Graham Avenue, 11206

If you have seen any of these wayward cuties or know of their whereabouts please contact their respective “people” at the above-listed telephone numbers.


Miss Heather

Has Anyone Seen Skipper?

I found this flier today while knocking around Manhattan Avenue. If you have seen Skipper or know of her whereabouts please contact her people at the above-listed telephone number.


Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Has Anyone Seen Sunny?

This flier comes courtesy of my buddy Diana, who writes:

Hi Heather,

I spotted this on Calyer near Guernsey and thought you might want to post it, he looks like a sweet cat and his owners seem heartbroken.

If you have seen Sunny or know of his whereabouts please contact his “people” at the above-listed telephone number. He is clearly missed!

Miss Heather

Has Anyone Seen Keesa?

April 30, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

I found this flier today on Green Street at Manhattan  Avenue after whiling away a most lively* afternoon at the junk shop. If you have seen Keesa or know of her whereabouts please contact her people at the above-listed telephone numbers. Thanks!

Miss Heather

*READ: getting yelled at by crazed, churlish and cheap Polish women. Sadly, I missed the day’s main event: a one armed gent trying to steal a VHS tape recorder.  Believe it or not this is not the first time this dude has darkened the junk shop’s doorstep. He has also been caught stealing sneakers. My boss chased him down on Manhattan Avenue. He was carrying them by their shoestrings using his teeth.

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    tires gone! someone in for a bad morning! haven't seen this since I lived in downtown Detroitchristmas tree oddly placedDissociationMalevolent and asking for donations20241031_095113Hudson Yards  EDGELooking east-Northern view.
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