From The Community Board 1 Combined & Public Hearing: Newtown Creek CAG

This item was brought forth by our board’s Environmental Chair (and all-around nice lady), Ryan Kuonen. What is the Newtown Creek “CAG”, you ask? Very simple: as it name indicates it is a panel consisting of members of the greater Newtown Creek community whose purpose is to oversee the clean-up of this waterway and provide a forum to discuss any pertinent environmental concerns.

Perhaps this may not strike some of you as being terribly exciting, but I assure you it is very much needed. And Newtown Creek CAG needs you! Simply put, they want as diverse a panel as possible and to this end are seeking new members. You can learn more about “CAG” and how you can get involved by persuing their “about” page.

Otherwise (and to close on a related note): follows is footage of our Community Board Chair’s opening remarks from said convocation which, among other things, condemns the city’s consideration of a site in Greenpoint (Lombardy Street at Varick Avenue to be specific) for the placement of a “Green Energy Facility” (READ: an incinerator).

NOTE: What Mr. Olechowski fails to mention initially— but does mention in his “letter”— is a second proposed site is just across the creek south of the Kosciuszko Bridge. While not in Greenpoint per se, its impact will undoubtedly be felt here. Something to consider, folks!

UPDATE, 6:20 p.m.: A commenter has raised a very salient question. This being: Exactly how does one become a CAGer? In this respect this web site appears to be vague. However, I have been advised that any/all interested parties should show up at their next meeting. This has yet to be announced. Thus, joining Newtown Creek CAG’s mailing list is the way to go. This you can be done by going to their web page, entering your email address in the field highlighted below and hitting “follow”.

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Reflection

June 21, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From Sargent William Dougherty Playground.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Lombardy Street

August 16, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Taken August 14, 2010.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Videos Du Jour: Open House

Yesterday afternoon my buddy from the Newtown Pentacle and I sojourned to St. Cecilia’s Auditorium for the Kosciuszko Bridge Project Open House. While hardly standing room only, the peeps behind the presentation were pleasantly surprised by the turn-out. I suspect word about the blue chip refreshments (which included coffee, tea, cream, milk, zero fat milk, water and soda; cookies and crackers with an assortment of cheese) might have had something to do with this. But who’s to say for certain?

In any case, I filmed the proceedings for your entertainment and edification. Mostly the latter. This material might strike many of you as being boring (for the most part, it is) but if you reside in this southern Greenpoint or western Queens you should view this footage. How this projects proceeds (or not) will effect our community for a long time to come.

INTRO: (self-explanatory)

PART I: The process/research leading up to this project & how the bridge will be constructed

PART II: Property acquisition & park space (including a kayak launch on Newtown Creek!)

PART III: A run-down of the four bridge types under consideration

PART IV: End of Presentation, the Q & A session begins

PART V: A Lombardy Street resident asks some very compelling questions

PART VI: An Apollo Street resident speaks and the meeting concludes

I suppose some of you are probably wondering which design I voted for. Here you go.

The rationale for my decision was (more or less) as follows:

1. I found it visually compelling and felt it juxtapose nicely with the Manhattan skyline.
2. This design leaves more open space under the bridge. Given how oppressive this area is currently I believe this to be a big plus.

3. It embraces/showcases the Shit Tits rather nicely!

Priorities, people!

Miss Heather

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