American Playground Update: Call Me Cassandra

December 16, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Plagiarism 

Most of you remember this post. I wrote it December 13th about the American Playground being open despite conditions the Department of Buildings deemed to be imminently perilous to human life. Well, I always know when I am on a good “scoop” when a reporter comes calling. CASE IN POINT: an email I received yesterday.

Will call tomorrow. American Playground. What’s the building that’s causing its closure?…

Methinks I made that pretty clear in my post. Nonetheless, I will do so again:

Here is the “Partial Vacate Order”:

And here is the complaint regarding the adjacent property:

If falling debris is the problem, why isn’t the American Playground being cordoned off properly by the Parks Department? Perhaps our Parks person (and Open Space Advocate), Stephanie Thayer, would care to step up to the plate? This is inexcusable.

Miss Heather

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