Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Jerzy Popieluszko Square

October 21, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Today there were many things afoot in the Garden Spot. One of them (as seen above) was a procession and memorial service honoring the abduction and murder of this public space’s namesake: Jerzy Popieluszko. Those of you who are curious (as I was the first time I saw this) can learn about this fellow’s life (and death) by clicking here. Check it out.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Jerzy Popieluszko Square

Taken July 16, 2012.

Greenburg Photo Du Jour: Jerzy Popieluszko Square

Taken June 3, 2012.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Gone!

Not only is the grammatically incorrect, rather hideous and indisputably illegal sign at Jerzy Popieluszko Square gone, but our Parks Department has dispensed with the old garbage cans in lieu of stronger bright green ones!


Now if we could get rid of the “No Smoking” signs someone has seen fit to affix to the trees with thumb tacks we’ll be all aces!

Observation: trees— not unlike the humans who love them— tend to fare better when they do not have sharp objects inserted into them.

Breaking At Jerzy Popieluszko Square: Vulgarian Ban To Be Lifted!

You read me correctly, Garden Spotters. Not only have I received confirmation that the above-depicted sign (about which I wrote here) is in fact not only illegal but it is coming down! Our Parks Supervisor, Stephanie Thayer, writes today at 3:42 p.m. (in response to this inquiry):

This was not put up by the Parks Department nor approved by Parks.  I will ask our Maintenance Worker to take it down. Given holiday schedules, that will likely take place during next week. Thanks.

I suspect I speak on the behalf of my fellow vulgarians (and folks who hate seriously ugly illegal signage) when I write the following:


Now At Jerzy Popieluszko Square: No Vulgarians Allowed

During my peregrinations today I happened upon this rather noticeable* and clearly not Parks Department issue bit of signage at Jerzy Popieluszko Square. Having some working knowledge of Polish (Okay: I know “nie” means “no”. As for “walgaryzuj”, well, I have a very strong suspicion as to what that means!) I inferred this sign is prohibiting something. But what? To this end I inquired of a Polish friend of mine what gives. Without further ado, here it is:

Respect this place
Be civil
Do not litter
Do not drink (NOTE: no specific beverage is indicated)
Do not be vulgar

My interpreter went on to add that the Polish pressed into service is rather unusual. E.g.; this copy was probably drafted in English and translated into Polish (as opposed to using conventional, conversational Polish as spoken in Poland). In any case, mind your manners fellow Garden Spotters… (WARNING/CAVEAT: the following clip contains “language” so do not listen to it at work unless you want a visit from the H.R. Department.)

or else!

In the interest of fair and balanced reporting (and for my friends in Great Britain) you can (READ: should) watch Archie’s retort by clicking here.

*READ: hideous

Greenburg Photo du Jour: Jerzy Popieluszko Square

This afternoon as I was passing through J. Po. Square (as I call it), I finally had the pleasure of meeting the woman responsible for keeping the area around Mr. Popieluszko’s statue spic and span. Her name is Regina and today she and her husband were sweeping and bagging up leaves with a great sense of purpose; tomorrow morning at 10:30 a.m. there will be an event to celebrate the life (and tragic death) of the namesake of this park! Those of you who happen to be in the area— or are simply curious— should swing by and check it out!

New York Shitty Day Ender: Sweet Dreams

Manhattan Avenue: September 1, 2011

Jerzy Popieluszko Square: September 1, 2011

From the University of Texas’s web site:

The Ending Community Homelessness Coalition (ECHO) has released a report entitled “Solutions for Homeless Chronic Alcoholics in Austin”. According to the report, 35-40% of the U.S. homeless population struggles with alcoholism as compared to just 5% of the housed population. The report estimated that out of the 3,451 homeless people in Austin, 1,208 homeless people had some form of alcohol problem and 875 suffered from chronic substance abuse.

At times, the addiction to alcohol is so great that when faced with the choice between sobering up for a shelter or staying on the streets, many alcoholics stay on the streets. Some are so addicted that they are willing to drink harmful substances like mouthwash to supplement their bodies’ need for alcohol. The report also states that 150 homeless people died due to alcohol-related deaths on the streets of Austin last year. Individuals with the most severe forms of alcoholism are the most in danger of dying on the streets and are the most frequent users of resources (i.e. hospitals, police, court systems). Severe alcoholics have a need to drink all day, which causes them to be unable to properly seek food, shelter, or aid.

One of the more surprising findings in the report was that shelters that allow alcohol (aka wet shelters) saved both money and lives. Wet shelters are a part of the “harm reduction” strategy, which aims to meet substance abusers “where they are at” as opposed to immediately imposing sobriety. Although the long-term goal of the strategy is to stop substance abuse, the immediate goal is to improve overall wellness. The ECHO study looked at other cities that have used “harm reduction” methods. One of the programs is based in Ottawa, and the results from a study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal indicate clear benefits for the individuals involved in the program:

  • the average daily consumption of alcoholic drinks dropped from 46 to 8;
  • most participants indicated they had improved qualities of sleep, personal hygiene, nutrition and health;
  • employees reported that 88% of participants complied with their prescription medication requirements;
  • problems with the police decreased by 51%; and,
  • trips to the emergency department decreased by 36%.

Seattle also implemented a “harm reduction” strategy by creating a program where seventy-five rooms were offered to “individuals placing the greatest financial strain on city resources” as part of their “harm reduction strategy.” The program has been successful in not only reducing alcohol consumption, but has also saved $1.8 million in emergency room visits alone.

To read more about the study’s findings, you can read the ECHO report here or the article in the Austin-American Statesman here.

If this can be implemented in the Lone Star State, why not here?

New York Shitty Day Starter: Shoe

Taken August 5, 2011.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Basking

July 30, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From Jerzy Popieluszko Square.

Miss Heather

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