Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: NO

December 20, 2008 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit Signage, Greenpoint Magic 

From India Street.

Miss Heather

Winter Wonderland!

December 20, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

If there’s one time Greenpoint really shines it is when it is has a nice dusting of snow. For this reason I am going to share with you some photographs I took of yesterday’s snowstorm. Enjoy!

Be sure to check out the neat pix Rowan5 took of Bushwick inlet as well. They can be found in the New York Shitty photo pool. They’re worth the point and click!

Miss Heather

‘Tis The Season: The King

December 9, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

From India Street.

Miss Heather

Meet Yes Gallery

December 5, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

While this newest addition to the Garden Spot of The Universe isn’t entirely new, I have been meaning to give it a mention on New York Shitty. Today, dear readers, is that day.

Here are the deets: Yes Gallery is located in the basement of 147 India Street between Manhattan Avenue and beautiful McGuinness Boulevard. They opened late October with a group which, quite frankly, I’m pretty disappointed I missed. It looked fantastic. Anyhoo, I was lucky enough to see their second show, have a quick chat with their proprietress and meet her French Bulldog Cobra (who, if you’re wondering, is a SHE).

Here’s a sneak peek at the interior of this establishment.

While difficult to capture on camera, it is a lovely space. What’s more, the show they currently have up is pretty spiffy to boot! I for one really like this painting of a primeval couch. Those of you who have the time really should give this show a look-see. It closes on December 15, 2008.

Yes Gallery
147 India Street (basement)
Brooklyn, New York 11222
(347) 599-2322

In other news (of particular interest folks staying in New York City this holiday season and last minute shoppers alike) I have been told their next show will feature 100 8″x10″ photographs by 100 different artists for sale at the (very) reasonable price) of $99.00 a pop. The opening is scheduled for December 21, 2008. I will publish more details here as I learn them.

Miss Heather

Retail Space For Rent On Franklin Street!

December 1, 2008 ·
Filed under: Abjectecture, Greenpoint Magic, Vomit 

WOW. 500 -3,400 square feet sounds pretty phat. As does 1,400 – 5,200 square feet of “professional space”. But there’s one hitch…

it hasn’t been built yet.

Here’s a photograph of floor one of Karl Fischer’s 200 Franklin Street Frankenfinger . It was taken November 27, 2008. Do you honestly think these clowns are going to have this floor (much less a second floor of “professional space” and the heap of crap above it) completed by February 2009? Really?

But I suppose hope GREED springs eternal.

Miss Heather

Tis The Season: Kicking It Off!

December 1, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Queens 

It’s already beginning to look a lot like Christmas in and around the Garden Spot of the Universe. To this end I have decided to kick off my (hopefully) daily revue of Yuletide goodness from Greenpoint and beyond in grand style. In addition to featuring Christmas decor which graces homes I have decided to throw in some choice decorations from retail establishments. My reasons for doing so will become all too apparent later in this post. Enjoy!

This, my favorite Greenpoint feline from Kent Street, senses holiday spirit in the air!

Ever since this pharmacy (on Manhattan Avenue) featured a replica of the Empire State Building made of Fleet enema boxes back in 2002 I am always eager to see what they whip up.

While a bit of a disappointment (I mean, how could one honestly expect to top an edifice made of implements used to irrigate certain orifice?) this juxtaposition does have a certain charm.

However, if you want to get your sensuous Santa on make your way to the 7 train without delay and head over to Jackson Heights.

Why not get things started with a few naughty MAD LIBS underneath the mistletoe? As you can see it is a best seller at this Duane Reade (located at 73-01 37th Avenue). Need stocking stuffers? No worries. Roosevelt Avenue has ’em!

Who wouldn’t be delighted to receive this lovely work of art on Christmas Day (or at the office party)? I know I would! Of course such occasions demand proper apparel.

I don’t think I would want this chap coming down my chimney. What in god’s name has he stuffed in his pants? A bear claw?


What does this naughty little Santa’s helper hang on her bush, you ask?

Cock rings, anal beads and Spanish fly! DUH.

So you’ve got your Mad Libs, stripper sculpture (and/or other life style accessories), you and yours are dressed up and the Christmas tree is festooned with anal beads of many colors. You’re pimped up and ready to ho down. Now what?

The wine, of course. Yes, this bottle says exactly what you think it does.

Quite a bit(ch), as a matter of fact.

This libation can be found right here in Greenpoint at none other than Dandy Wine.

Home of Greenpoint’s foremost bitch: Miss Bonita.

Dandy Wine
153 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Video Du Jour: Leftovers

November 30, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

This weekend George Diaz (of Latino Laughter renown) was kind enough to share a anecdote from his childhood with me. Those of you who have the pleasure of making George’s acquaintance probably know his tales are rarely of the Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm variety. The story I heard this Friday was no exception: it was about how a cockroach managed to crawl into his ear as a child and he had to go to a doctor to get it removed. The doctor not only extracted this critter with a pair of tweezers but also went to the trouble of stomping on it so George and his mother could see all the blood it had consumed.

As you can probably imagine the previous was not something I wanted to hear about while eating a taco. Noting my disgust George apologized. Nonetheless, for the past 48 hours I have been unable purge the previous imagery from my mind. It is now and (probably) forever seared into my memory. What’s more, it’s pretty damned gross. Probably more disgusting (although not by much) as this little bit of footage from Manhattan Avenue today. Enjoy! Bon apetit!

It would appear that we humans are not the only ones deluged with holiday leftovers.

Is it just me or is it sort of disturbing that this pigeon is (more or less) eating one of its own kind?

Miss Heather

Happy Thanksgiving From Greenpoint!

November 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Here are some bits of Greenpoint goodness for this Thanksgiving Day. Enjoy!

Meserole Avenue.

Newel Street.

Norman Avenue.

Monitor Street.

McGuinness Boulevard.

India Street.

Franklin Street.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Miss Heather

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